Name | Image | Rarity | Type | Cost | Description |
Ace in Store | | Basic | Power | 1 (0) | Grave. vup_shion_mod:Activate vup_shion_mod:Auto Funnel. Choose 1 Power to add into your hand. it cost 0 in this turn. |
Action and Reaction | | Basic | Attack | 2 (1) | vup_shion_mod:Activate all vup_shion_mod:Funnels and trigger their active damage. If the enemy intends to attack, you gain 10 vup_shion_mod:Shield, otherwise deal 10 damage to the enemy. |
Calibrated Deployment | | Basic | Skill | 0 | Retain. vup_shion_mod:Return. This card can NOT be Upgraded. vup_shion_mod:Activate current vup_shion_mod:Funnel and trigger its active damage. Change Minami's vup_shion_mod:Funnel in current use. |
Deploy Funnel | | Basic | Skill | 2 | Innate. Retain. vup_shion_mod:Return. Deploy a vup_shion_mod:Funnel of Minami with 1 (3) sychronization. It spends [E] at the start of your turn. |
Funnel Upgrade | | Basic | Skill | 2 (1) | Innate. Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Choose 1 of 4 Funnel Upgrade Tasks. Funnels can be improved maximum ONCE per combat. Purge. |
Gravity Field | | Basic | Skill | 1 | vup_shion_mod:Activate Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel to an enemy (for !M! times). Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Matrix Charge. |
Snipe | | Basic | Attack | 1 | Trigger the active damage of Pursuing vup_shion_mod:Funnel to an enemy (for !M! times). Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Matrix Charge. |
Strafe | | Basic | Attack | 1 (0) | vup_shion_mod:Fire vup_shion_mod:Funnel. Deal 9 damage to ALL enemies. Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Matrix Charge . |
Tactical Link | | Basic | Skill | 1 | vup_shion_mod:Activate your vup_shion_mod:Funnel to an enemy. Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Shuffle 1 Quick Attack (and 1 Quick Defense) to your draw pile. |
Crucifixion | | Special | Attack | 2 | Deal damage equal to 7+ vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink 1 (2) times. Gain 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Can be Upgraded any number of times. |
Dissecting Upgrade | | Special | Skill | | vup_shion_mod:Task: Play 5 vup_shion_mod:Funnel cards. Reward: Improve synchronization with Dissecting Funnel by 1. |
Funnel Matrix | | Special | Skill | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Activate all vup_shion_mod:Funnels to an enemy. Exhaust. |
Funnel Pursuit | | Special | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 30 damage and Exhaust. |
Gravity Upgrade | | Special | Skill | | vup_shion_mod:Task: Play 5 vup_shion_mod:Funnel cards. Reward: Improve synchronization with Gravity Funnel by 1. |
Matrix Upgrade | | Special | Skill | | vup_shion_mod:Task: Play 5 vup_shion_mod:Funnel cards during this combat. Reward: Matrix Funnel is upgraded by 1. |
Pursuing Upgrade | | Special | Skill | | vup_shion_mod:Task: Play 5 vup_shion_mod:Funnel cards. Reward: Improve synchronization with Pursuing Funnel by 1. |
Quick Attack | | Special | Attack | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot. Deal 1 damage. Activate 2 (3) random vup_shion_mod:Funnels . Exhaust. |
Quick Defense | | Special | Skill | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot. Gain 2 (3) Block. vup_shion_mod:Activate Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel 2 (3) times. Exhaust. |
Quick Skim | | Special | Skill | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot. Scry 5 (7). Draw 4 (5) card. vup_shion_mod:Activate Dissecting vup_shion_mod:Funnel 2 (4) times. Exhaust. |
Analysis Preload | | Common | Skill | 1 | Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Shuffle 1 Quick Skim (*Skim+) into your draw pile. |
AoE Targeting | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Retain. vup_shion_mod:Return. Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. The next vup_shion_mod:auto funnel attack from full vup_shion_mod:Matrix Charge hits ALL enemies. |
Close | | Common | Attack | 0 | Deal 8 (12) damage to ALL enemies. Gain 4 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Exhaustive 2. |
Cushion | | Common | Skill | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot. Gain 2 (3) Block. vup_shion_mod:Activate Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel. Shuffle 1 Quick Defense into your discard pile. Exhaustive 3. |
Divine Redemption | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Gain 9 (12) Block. Exhaust 2 random Status or Curse cards. |
Feint | | Common | Attack | 2 | Shuffle 1 (2) Quick Attack into your draw pile. Gain 12 (18) Block. |
Gravity Impact | | Common | Attack | 1 | Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Deal 7 (10) damage. Fire Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel to an enemy 3 (4) times. |
Gravity Recharge | | Common | Skill | 3 | Retain. Every time you trigger vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot, reduce the cost by 1. vup_shion_mod:Activate Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel 3 (4) times. |
Hoarse Charging | | Common | Skill | 0 | Lose 2 (1) vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Gain 3 Strength and Dexterity. Gain [E]. |
Initiative Strike | | Common | Attack | 0 | Deal 14 (18) damage. Costs 1 additional [E] for each time it is played during this combat. Exhaustive 2. |
Lament | | Common | Attack | 1 (0) | Deal 5 fixed damage to ALL ENTITIES. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. Gain 3 Regen. |
Lock On | | Common | Skill | 1 | Retain. (vup_shion_mod:Return.) Target takes 2 (6) additional damage from Attacks this turn. Whenever the target takes damage, gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. |
Minute Hand | | Common | Attack | 0 | Deal 7 (10) damage. Shuffle 1 Quick Attack into your discard pile. Exhaustive 3. |
Power Shield | | Common | Skill | 0 | Gain 2 (4) vup_shion_mod:Shield. vup_shion_mod:Activate Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel. If the last card played this combat was a vup_shion_mod:Funnel card, return to your hand. |
Ready Posture | | Common | Skill | 1 | Retain your hand. Gain [E] [E] ([E]) next turn. |
Revelation | | Common | Skill | 1 | Lose 3 (2) vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Put a card from your draw pile into your hand. |
Sacred Lunge | | Common | Attack | 2 | Retain. Gain 3 (4) vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink, gain additional 1 for each time it is played during this combat. Whenever it is Retained, reduce the cost by 1. Deal damage equal to 3 + vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. |
Salvo | | Common | Skill | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Activate all the four vup_shion_mod:Funnels to an enemy. Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:matrix charge. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Second Hand | | Common | Attack | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot. Deal 2 damage to random enemies 2 (3) times. Shuffle this card into your draw pile. Exhaustive 3. |
Sequence | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. The 2 times when vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot cards are created, trigger them at once. |
Silencing Allegory | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 (13) damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak. ALL enemies lose 5 Strength this turn. Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. |
Speed Slash | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 2 damage 5 (6) times. Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. |
Zeal | | Common | Skill | 1 | Retain. Gain 4 (6) vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Gain 1 (2) strength |
Zero Gravity | | Common | Skill | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Activate Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel for each enemy presents. Apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies. Exhaustive 2. |
Ambush | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Trigger vup_shion_mod:Pursued on ALL enemies 1 (2) times. |
Anesthetics | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Lose 7 HP. Gain 1 Intangible. Exhaustive 1 (2). |
Azure Blade | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 (0) | (Retain.)Deal 6 (8) damage. Deal damage 2 times of vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink to ALL enemies. Lose 3 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. |
Battlefield Heritage | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Put 2 (3) Attacks from your discard pile into your hand. Reduce the cost of them by 1 this turn. |
Bombard | | Uncommon | Attack | X | vup_shion_mod:activate vup_shion_mod:Funnel. Deal damage equal to vup_shion_mod:Total Sychro X+1 (X+2) times.(Gain [E].) |
Boot Up | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Shuffle 1 copy of your hand into your draw pile. End your turn. |
Cross | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Gain Block 2 (3) times of vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. |
Defense Command | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Retain. Gain Block equal to 2 times of your vup_shion_mod:Total Sychro. Set vup_shion_mod:Total Sychro to 0 this turn. (not Set vup_shion_mod:Total Sychro to 0 this turn.) |
Defensive Preload | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Shuffle 2 Quick Defense (*Defense+) into your draw pile. |
Delayed Explosion | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot. Deal 20 (28) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust. Grave. |
Dimension Split | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Retain. Grave. Deal damage 2 (3) times of the number of vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot trigger in this combat to all enemies. |
Endure | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Create 1 copy (2 copies) of the chosen card and shuffle it (one each) into your draw pile (and discard pile). Grant it (both) vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot and Exhaust. Exhaust. |
Energy Reserve | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot. Gain [E]. Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust Grave. |
Enhanced Support | | Uncommon | Skill | X | vup_shion_mod:Activate your vup_shion_mod:Funnel to an enemy X+1 (X+2) times. Gain X vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. |
Fissure in Time | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Whenever you trigger vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot, gain 2 (3) Block. |
Fuunel Reinforcement | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | vup_shion_mod:Activate and trigger the active damage of all your vup_shion_mod:Funnels to an enemy. Draw 2 (3) cards. |
Gravitonium | | Uncommon | Power | 2 | (Innate.)Block gained from Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel is now converted into vup_shion_mod:Shield. |
Hour Hand | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Retain. Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Gain 12 (18) Block. Shuffle 1 Quick Skim into your discard pile. Exhaustive 2. |
Initialize | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | For the next 2 (3) cards this turn, draw 1 card whenever you play a card. |
Lure | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Deploy a Lure with 3 (5) HP. It deals 3 (5) damage 5 times to ALL enemies upon being destroyed. Exhaust. |
Offensive Preload | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Shuffle 2 (3) Quick Attack (*Attack+) into your discard pile. Draw a card. |
Overdrive | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Retain. Trigger the ability of Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel for 7 (12) times. Lose 2 Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel upgrade in this combat. |
Overload Time | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Gain [E] [E] [E]. Lose [E] [E] (not [E])next turn. |
Phalanx Unfold | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Whenever you play a card this turn, gain 4 vup_shion_mod:Shield and 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. |
Plunder | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal damage equal to (4+) vup_shion_mod:Total Sychro. If Fatal, gain 20 (25) gold. |
Prayer | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Draw 2 (3) cards. Reduce the cost of random 1 card drawn this way to 0 this turn. Exhaust. |
Read | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | (Retain.)Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Choose 5 exhausted vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot cards to put them into your hand. Exhaust. |
Reboot | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Discard your hand, then draw that many cards. |
Reverse Time | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Draw 1 cards. Gain [E] ([E]) next turn. |
Sapphire Rose | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | (Retain.)Lose 5 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Gain 20 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Exhaust. |
Tactical Layout | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | (Innate.)Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Grant vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot and Exhaust effect on up to 2 cards in your draw pile. (NL) vup_shion_mod:Activate your vup_shion_mod:Funnel to a random enemy 2 times. |
Time Warp | | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | Lose 3 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Deal 6 damage to random enemies 4 (6) times. Apply 2 Weak and vup_shion_mod:Bleeding. |
Accelerate | | Rare | Power | 1 | (Innate.)Whenever you trigger vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot, draw 1 card. |
Anastasia Core | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Whenever you play a vup_shion_mod:Funnel card this turn, gain [E] and draw 1 card. Exhaust. |
Anastasia Program | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Your next 1 cards is played twice. |
Bellicosity | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | Gain Strength equal to 2 times of vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Lose all vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. |
Black Pointer | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Gain 4 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Lose 5 HP. Draw 3 cards. Cards drawn this way cost 0 this turn. Exhaust. |
Eislu Ren Form | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | This power does not increase in effect when played more than once. Whenever you trigger vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot 5 times,gain [E]. |
Enough! | | Rare | Attack | 1 (0) | Retain. Grave. Exhaust your hand. Play 3 copies of random Attacks. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Gravity Repression | | Rare | Power | 3 (2) | Whenever you vup_shion_mod:Activate Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel, vup_shion_mod:Activate Pursuing vup_shion_mod:Funnel as well. This power does not increase in effect even if played more than once. |
Holy Coffin | | Rare | Power | 2 | Whenever you gain or lose vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink, gain 3 (5) Block. |
Hyperdimensional Matrix | | Rare | Power | 1 | Retain. Lose all vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. For every 5 (4) of that lost, current Funnel are upgraded by 1 in this combat. |
Hypervelocity | | Rare | Skill | 3 | Gain 4 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Draw 2 (4) cards, then reduce the cost of all cards in your hand to 0 this turn. Lose [E] [E] next turn. Exhaust. |
Kuroisu Form | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | Every 3 cards you play, gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. This power does not increase in effect even if played more than once. |
Liberation | | Rare | Power | 3 (2) | Whenever you trigger vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot, gain 2 (3) vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. |
Liyezhu Form | | Rare | Power | 3 | Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink, gain again at the start of each of your turn. At the end of your turn, deal damage equal to 1 (10) + vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink to ALL enemies. This power does not increase in effect when played more than once. |
Minami Form | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.)Whenever you vup_shion_mod:Activate your vup_shion_mod:Funnels by cards, increase the effect by 50%. This power does not increase in effect when played more than once. |
Order: Amplifying | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Double the effect of vup_shion_mod:auto funnel. Incompatible with other Orders. This power does not increase in effect when played more than once. |
Order: AoE Analysis | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Dissecting vup_shion_mod:Funnel now affects ALL enemies. Incompatible with other Orders. This power does not increase in effect even if played more than once. |
Order: Chain Pursuit | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Whenever you vup_shion_mod:Activate Pursuing vup_shion_mod:Funnel, draw 1 card and gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Incompatible with other Orders. This power does not increase in effect even if played more than once. |
Order: Gravity Vortex | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Whenever you vup_shion_mod:Activate Gravity vup_shion_mod:Funnel, Gain 6 time of enemies number of block. Incompatible with other Orders. This power does not increase in effect even if played more than once. |
Pause | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Prevent an enemy from acting this turn. Shuffle (Put) all vup_shion_mod:Quick Boot cards from your discard pile into (on the top of) your draw pile. Exhaust. |
Penetrate | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Lose 3 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Trigger vup_shion_mod:Orbital Strike. |
Resuscitate | | Rare | Skill | 2 (1) | Retain. Heal HP 3 times of vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Lose all vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Exhaust. |
SHOW Hand! | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Shoot a massive blast with vup_shion_mod:Funnel. Deal damage 3 (5) times as much as vup_shion_mod:Total Sychro to ALL enemies. Set vup_shion_mod:Total Sychro to 0 this turn. |
Teamwork | | Rare | Skill | 3 (2) | Gain 4 vup_shion_mod:Hyperlink. Choose 3 cards from Kuroisu, Anastasia, Minami and Liyezhu cards to add into your hand. They cost 0 this turn and Exhaust upon being played. Exhaustive -1. |
Tracking Analysis | | Rare | Power | 3 (2) | Whenever you vup_shion_mod:Activate Pursuing vup_shion_mod:Funnel, vup_shion_mod:Activate Dissecting vup_shion_mod:Funnel as well. This power does not increase in effect even if played more than once. |
Glans Magica | | Basic | Attack | 0 | Retain. Deal 13 (19) damage. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Hilt Bash | | Basic | Attack | 1 | Deal 4 damage (twice). Gain 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. |
Sheathe | | Basic | Skill | 1 | Gain Block equal to vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Lose 3 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. Put an Attack from your draw pile into your hand. It costs 1 less this turn and deals additional damage equal to vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii (twice). |
Slide | | Basic | Skill | 1 | Gain 2 (3) Block twice (thrice). Gain 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Gain 1 temporary Dexterity. |
Warp | | Basic | Skill | 0 | Gain 7 (11) Block. Gain 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii . Put an Attack from discard pile into your hand. |
Anima Virtutis | | Special | Power | 2 | Whenever you trigger vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor, you no longer lose energy but gain 3 (5) vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii instead. Upgrade a random card in your deck. |
Exile | | Special | Attack | 0 | Ethereal. Set an enemy's HP to 0. Exhaust. |
Bombarda Magica | | Common | Attack | 0 | Retain. Deal 5 (7) damage. If left unplayed in your hand at the end of turn, add a copy of this card into your hand. Exhaust. |
Break Formation | | Common | Attack | 1 | Can only be played if the enemy intends to attack. Deal damage equal to 1+ (9+) enemy intent damage. Apply Weak 1 (2) time(s). (not.)NL Whenever you gain vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii, put this card from discard pile into your hand. |
Cirrocumulus Sway | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal damage equal to 8+ (12+) Dexterity. Draw 1 (2) cards. Lose 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor and vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. |
Corona Solis | | Common | Attack | 2 | Deal 20 (25) damage. Exhaust 1 random (not random)card. Deal damage equal to vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii next turn. Gain 8 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. |
Cut Ankle | | Common | Attack | 1 (0) | Deal 8 (11) damage. Apply 1 Vulnerable 3 times. Draw 1 card. Exhaust. |
Cut Wrist | | Common | Attack | 1 (0) | Deal 12 damage. It lose 1 Strength 3 times. Draw 1 card. Exhaust. |
Defensive Stance | | Common | Skill | 1 | (Retain.)Gain 22 Block. Lose 3 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. Lose 3 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. |
Firmitas Vitae | | Common | Skill | 0 | Gain 5 (8) vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Blur. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Melt Downer | | Common | Attack | 1 | Lose 10 HP. Deal damage equal to 4 (6) times of vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii to ALL enemies. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Moonbath | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Gain 2 Block. Gain [E] [E]. (Gain 5 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii.)Lose 5 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness and vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Onrushing Tip | | Common | Attack | 0 | Gain 8 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Deal damage equal to 3 (5) + vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. (Damage received this turn is decreased by 30%.)Exhaust. |
Phantom Slash | | Common | Attack | 1 | Retain. Deal 3 (5) damage. While in hand, whenever you play an Attack, play 1 copy of this card. |
Reflect | | Common | Skill | 2 (1) | Retain. Gain Block equal to 8 + vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Whenever attacked this turn, deal 7 damage back. |
Sever Petal | | Common | Attack | 1 | Gain 8 (10) vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Deal damage equal to 4 (6) + vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. Draw 1 card. |
Sharpen | | Common | Skill | 0 | Gain 6 (12) vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Draw a random Attack. Exhaust. |
Skip | | Common | Skill | 0 | (Scry !VUPShionSecondM!.)Draw 3 cards. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Stride Slash | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 10 (8) damage (twice). Gain 3 (5) vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Draw a card. |
Superloader | | Common | Power | 0 | (Innate.)For the next 3 times you gain vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor, draw 1 card. Gain ([E] [E]. Gain) 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Accelerator | | Uncommon | Power | 0 | Whenever you gain vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor, gain 2 temporary Dexterity. Gain (2 Dexterity. Gain) 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Afflictio Belli | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Ethereal. Deal 15 (19) damage and apply 1 Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Exhaust a card. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor 2 (not 2). |
Alleviator | | Uncommon | Power | 0 | (Innate.) For every first time you trigger vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor each turn, gain [E]. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Block This! | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Retain. Gain 14 (18) Block. Exhaust. |
Ebb and Flow | | Uncommon | Power | 2 (1) | At the start of your turn, draw 2 additional cards. |
Elysium Spei | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Gain 4 (6) Plated Armor. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. Exhaust. |
Flawless Parry | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 damage. (Deal damage equal to vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii.)Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Parry. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. Draw 1 card. |
Focus | | Uncommon | Power | 0 | At the start of your turn, gain 4 (6) vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. |
Gens Bombardae | | Uncommon | Skill | X | Add X+2 Bombarda Magica (*Magica+) into your hand. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. Exhaust. |
Gravitater | | Uncommon | Power | 0 | Whenever you gain vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor, gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain (!VUPShionSecondM! vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain) 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Magic Projection | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Add 2 (upgraded) Attacks that exhaust into your hand. They cost 0. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. Exhaust. |
Mental Cutlass | | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | (Retain.)Deal damage equal to 1+ vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii for 4 times. Lose all vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii and vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. Gain 1 (not Gain 1)vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. |
Moonstrider | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Gain Block equal to 1+ 1 + vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii whenever attacked this turn. Draw a random Attack. |
Mother Rosario | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal damage equal to 4+ (3+) Dexterity for 4 (8) times to random enemies. Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Oculus Occidit | | Uncommon | Power | 0 | At the start of your turn, apply 1 Vulnerable to a random enemy (all enemies). Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Offensive Move | | Uncommon | Power | 1 (0) | At the start of your turn, gain 1 Strength. |
Pre-Execution | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Gain 2 Block. Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Gain [E]. Gain vup_shion_mod:Pre Execution (and vup_shion_mod:Intention).(Gain [E].) |
Recharger | | Uncommon | Power | 0 | Whenever you gain vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor, gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Gain (!VUPShionSecondM! Strength. Gain) 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Recoiler | | Uncommon | Power | 0 | Whenever you gain vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor, deal 3 damage to ALL enemies. (Apply !VUPShionSecondM! Weak and Vulnerable to ALL enemies.)Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Replenish | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Heal 9 HP. Exhaust. |
Rip Space | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 12 (18) damage. Apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Rupture. Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Sever Current | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Draw 5 cards. Gain 5 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Exhaust. |
Shion's Assist | | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | Deal 12 (18) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust. |
Solacium Aurae | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | (Retain.)Remove ALL Debuffs. Gain 5 Regen. Exhaust. |
Spina Rosae | | Uncommon | Skill | X | Ethereal. Gain 4X (5X) Block. Apply 6X (9X) vup_shion_mod:Constricted and 2 Weak to ALL enemies. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Suppressing Blade | | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | Deal damage equal to 1 (2) times of vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Convert every 1 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness into 4 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. |
Vertex Gladii | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 (3) | Deal damage equal to 3 (4) + vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii for twice (thrice). Gain 10 (not 10)Block (equal to 9 + vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii). Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. Draw a card. |
Weather Eye | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Whenever you play an Attack, gain 1 (2) temporary Dexterity. |
Aethere Scindo | | Rare | Attack | 1 (0) | Deal damage equal to the damage dealt last time for 3 times. Gain 5 (4) vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. |
Antisequencer | | Rare | Power | 0 | At the start of your turn, gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor, play the top 2 (3) cards in your draw pile. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Artificium Mundi | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Reduce (Draw !M! cards. Then reduce) all cards in your hand to 0 cost this turn. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor whenever you play any of them. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Bloom | | Rare | Power | 1 | Lose 3 (2) Max HP. At the start of your turn, gain 3 (4) [E] . |
Gladii Infiniti | | Rare | Attack | 6 (5) | Retain, Exhaust. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Intensa. Whenever Retained, reduce its cost by 1. Deal damage equal to 3+ (5+) vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii for 8 times. Gain 5 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Gain 4 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. Stun the enemy for 1 turn. |
In the Blink | | Rare | Attack | 1 | Can be Upgraded several times. Deal damage equal to 6 (8) + vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. |
Lapis Cordis | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Innate. Gain (!B! Block. Gain) 2 (3) vup_shion_mod:Buffer. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. Exhaust. |
Lux Helii | | Rare | Attack | 2 | At the start of next turn, deal 40 (50) damage to ALL enemies. Gain 3 (2) vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Mors Universi | | Rare | Power | 0 | Retain. Grave. At the start of your turn, gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. You can no longer play any Skill. Eliminate ALL enemies in 4 (3) turns. |
Nihil Immensum | | Rare | Power | 0 | Whenever you gain vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor 15 (10) times, gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Nihil. Gain 5 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Petals Fall | | Rare | Power | 3 | Whenever you lose vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii, lost block equals to 2 (3) times of vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. deal damages equals to 2 (3) times of vup_shion_mod:Cor Gladii. |
Poise | | Rare | Power | 3 (2) | Whenever you play an Attack, draw 1 card. Whenever you gain vup_shion_mod:Stiffness, gain 1 less. Gain 2 (3) vup_shion_mod:Ease. |
Sub Luna | | Rare | Skill | 2 | (Retain.)Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Nihil. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Sub Luna. Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Stiffness. Gain [E] [E] next turn. End your turn. Exhaust. |
Vampire Form | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | Whenever you deal unblocked damage with Attacks, heal 2 HP. |
Viatrix Absens | | Rare | Power | 0 | Whenever you gain vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor, gain 1 (2) Plated Armor. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Magiam Obruor. |
Codex Aquae | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Next turn, gain 4 [E] (and draw Draw !VUPShionSecondM! cards). (Draw 1 card.)Exhaust. |
Codex Aquae | | Common | Skill | 1 | Next turn, gain 4 [E]. (Draw 1 card.)Exhaust. (vup_shion_mod:Recursive.) |
Codex Ligni | | Common | Skill | 0 (1) | Retain your hand for 2 (5) turns. Exhaust. (Ethereal.) |
Codex Ligni | | Common | Skill | 0 | Retain your hand for 2 turns. Exhaust. (vup_shion_mod:Recursive.) |
Codex Caeli | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Your next Attack deals 2 times of damage. Exhaust. (vup_shion_mod:Recursive.) |
Codex Caeli | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Your next Attack deals 2 (4) times of damage. Exhaust (Ethereal). |
Codex Caliginis | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Next turn, your Attacks deal double damage. (Next turn, draw !M! Attacks.)Exhaust. |
Codex Caliginis | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Next turn, your Attacks deal double damage. Exhaust. (vup_shion_mod:Recursive.) |
Codex Hominis | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Your next Power is played 2 (3) times. Exhaust. (Ethereal.) |
Codex Hominis | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Your next Power is played 2 times. Exhaust. |
Codex Ignis | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Your next 1 (2) cards cost 0 and Exhaust upon being played. Exhaust. |
Codex Ignis | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (2) | Your next 1 (4) cards cost 0 and Exhaust upon being played. Exhaust. (Ethereal.) |
Codex Terrae | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Your next Skill is played 2 (4) times. Exhaust. (Ethereal.) |
Codex Terrae | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Your next Skill is played 2 times. Exhaust. (vup_shion_mod:Recursive.) |
Codex Venti | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Gain 3 (At the start of your turn, gain !VUPShionSecondM!) Dexterity. |
Codex Venti | | Uncommon | Power | 1 (0) | Gain 3 Dexterity. |
Codex Auri | | Rare | Skill | 0 | Upgrade (Choose) 2 cards in (from) your (draw pile and discard pile as well as your) hand (to upgrade) for the rest of the combat. Exhaust. |
Codex Auri | | Rare | Skill | 0 | Upgrade 2 (all) cards in your hand for the rest of the combat. Exhaust. (Ethereal.) |
Codex Chai | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Draw 3 (4) cards. Exhaust 1 card. Discard 1 card. |
Codex Chai | | Rare | Skill | 1 (2) | Draw 3 (not 3)cards (until your hand is full). Exhaust 1 (any number of) card(s). Discard 1 card (Exhaust). (Ethereal.) |
Codex Lucis | | Rare | Skill | 2 (1) | Stun ALL enemies for 1 turn. Exhaust. Ethereal. |
Codex Lucis | | Rare | Skill | 2 | Stun ALL enemies for 1 turn. Exhaust. Ethereal. |
Codex Tonitrus | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Gain 3 [E]. (Draw !VUPShionSecondM! cards.)Exhaust. |
Codex Tonitrus | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Gain 3 [E]. (Ethereal.)Exhaust. (vup_shion_mod:Recursive.) |
Barrier | | Basic | Skill | 1 | Gain 4 vup_shion_mod:Shield.(Draw a card.) |
Holy Light | | Basic | Attack | 1 | Deal 2 (3) damage. Heal 2 (3) HP. |
Judgement of Sins | | Basic | Power | 1 | Innate. Retain. Enter vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance. Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Psychic (and !VUPShionSecondM! Regen). Lose 3 (Take 25 damage and gain 5 Max) HP at the start of your turn (not at the start of your turn). |
Sentence | | Basic | Attack | 1 (0) | Retain. Can not played when vup_shion_mod:Praying Stance. Deal 7 (11) damage. Apply 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Sinful. |
Tranquil Prayer | | Basic | Skill | 1 | (Retain.) vup_shion_mod:Prayer 2 (3) : ALL enemies gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Sinful. vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance: vup_shion_mod:Unfold: Edge of Squall (*Squall+). Exhaust. |
Beingless Moment | | Special | Skill | 0 | (Retain.)Gain 1 Vulnerable. Whenever you deal damage by attack, heal equal to that many. |
Burnished Razor | | Special | Attack | 2 | Deal damage equal to 25% of max HP. (Heal HP equal to half of that.)vup_shion_mod:Punitive. vup_shion_mod:Psychic: Damage increases to 33% of max HP. |
Calamity | | Special | Power | 1 (0) | Innate, vup_shion_mod:Soul Wearing. Gain 3 Strength. At the start of your turn, gain [E] , apply 2 vup_shion_mod:Sinful to ALL ENTITIES and vup_shion_mod:Punitive 3. |
Chaste Reflection | | Special | Skill | 1 | (Retain.)At the start of the next turn, (gain [E] and) deal damage equal to that received this turn to ALL enemies. Heal HP when your next Attack deal damage equal to that many. |
Cor Crucis | | Special | Skill | 0 | Can not be Upgraded. Lose 10 HP. Draw 2 cards. Shuffle Cor Crucis into your discard pile. |
Edge of Squall | | Special | Attack | 1 | Deal 3 (8) damage to ALL enemies. Add 1 Ripsoul Shrilling into your hand. vup_shion_mod:Psychic 1: Add 1 more. |
Emanation of Ire | | Special | Attack | 1 | Lose 2 Sanity. Deal 7 (14) damage. Apply 99 Vulnerable. vup_shion_mod:Psychic 1: Deal 7 (14) damage. Exhaust. |
Exitium Maeroris | | Special | Skill | 1 (0) | Retain. Exhaust Miracle , Miseriam Voco and all cards it can create. Lose HP equal to 100-5x(number of cards exhausted). Draw cards until your hand is full. Gain 5 (8) [E] and Strength. Exhaust. |
Flay the Evil | | Special | Attack | 2 (1) | Deal 5 damage. Finish any non-Boss enemy with at least 10 (15) vup_shion_mod:Sinful. (Draw 1 card.)vup_shion_mod:Punitive 3 (2). |
Flickering Tip | | Special | Attack | 1 | (Retain.)Deal 14 (19) damage. On kill non-boss,Gain 3 Sanity and 3 max HP. |
Heaven's Decree | | Special | Attack | 1 (0) | Deal 1 damage. Apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Divine Will. Exhuast. |
Identify | | Special | Skill | 0 | Apply (!M! vup_shion_mod:Sinful. Apply) 3 Weak and Vulnerable. Exhaust. |
Limpid Heart | | Special | Skill | 1 | Heal 3 (7) HP. Apply 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Sinful to ALL enemies. Remove a random Debuff. vup_shion_mod:Psychic: Restore 1 Sanity. |
Raving Excoriation | | Special | Skill | 1 (0) | Apply 2 (3) Weak and Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Apply 2 (3) vup_shion_mod:Sinful to ALL ENTITIES. |
Ripsoul Shrilling | | Special | Attack | 0 | Retain. Can not be Upgraded. Deal 2 damage. Apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Sinful. The enemy loses 1 Strength. Exhaust. |
Via Afflictionis | | Special | Skill | 0 | Can not be Upgraded. Lose 10 HP. Gain 1 Strength. Draw 1 cards. Shuffle Via Afflictionis into your discard pile. |
Voluntas Doloris | | Special | Skill | 0 | Can not be Upgraded. Lose 10 HP. Gain [E] . Draw 1 cards. Shuffle Voluntas Doloris into your discard pile. |
Blind Devotion | | Common | Skill | 2 (1) | (Retain.) vup_shion_mod:Prayer 2 : Gain 6 Thorn. vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance: vup_shion_mod:Unfold: Limpid Heart (*Heart+). Exhaust. |
Conduct | | Common | Skill | 0 | Heal 4 HP. Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Sinful. Gain 2 (3) vup_shion_mod:Exempted. Apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Sinful Mark. |
Cruel Sword | | Common | Attack | 1 | Lose 1 Sanity. Lose 5 HP. Deal 6 (9) damage. Exhaust ALL Status and Curse in your hand. For each card you exhausted,deal damage once more and apply 2 Weak and vup_shion_mod:Sinful. |
March | | Common | Skill | 0 | Draw 1 (2) cards. Upon drawing any: Attack: Deal 10 damage to a random enemy. Skill: Heal 10 HP. Power: Draw 1 card. Exhaust. |
Pious Phrase | | Common | Skill | 1 | (Retain.) vup_shion_mod:Prayer 5 : Add 1 Miracle (*Miracle+) into your hand. vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance: vup_shion_mod:Unfold: Raving Excoriation (*Excoriation+). Exhaust. |
Precasting | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Innate. Your next 3 (4) vup_shion_mod:Prayer takes effect all at once immediately. Exhaust. |
Realizing Canticle | | Common | Skill | 0 | (Retain.) Gain 1 Artificial. (NL) vup_shion_mod:Prayer 1 (2) : gain 1 Artificial. vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance: vup_shion_mod:Unfold: Beingless Moment (*Moment+). Exhaust. |
Sacred Chop | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal damage equal to your vup_shion_mod:Psychic. Gain 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Psychic. Remove a random Debuff. Add a Miracle to your hand.(Draw a card.) |
Savage Series | | Common | Attack | 2 (1) | Deal 3 (4) damage 2 times. Gain 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Psychic. Draw a card. If the last card played this combat was an Attack, gain [E] [E]. |
Soothing Scripture | | Common | Skill | 2 | (Retain.) vup_shion_mod:Prayer 3 (4) :Gain 1 Sanity,Heal 5 HP. vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance: vup_shion_mod:Unfold: Emanation of Ire (*Ire+). Exhaust. |
Asceticism | | Uncommon | Power | 2 | Gain 2 Sanity. Everytime you lose HP, heal 2 HP.(Every 2 times you lose HP, draw a card.) |
Avaricious Motto | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 (0) | (Retain.) vup_shion_mod:Prayer 4 :Draw a card and gain [E]. vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance: vup_shion_mod:Unfold: Burnished Razor (*Razor+). Exhaust. |
Broken Sanctuary | | Uncommon | Power | 2 | (Innate.)ALL vup_shion_mod:Prayer cards cost 0. Whenever you play a vup_shion_mod:Prayer card, draw 1 cards. |
Club | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Punitive. Apply 1 (2) Weak. Gain 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Psychic.(Draw 1 card.) |
Consult | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Draw 2 cards. Upon drawing any vup_shion_mod:Prayer card, add 1 Identify (*Identify+) into your hand. |
Cruciform Penance | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Retain. Deal damage equal to twice of your vup_shion_mod:Psychic. Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Psychic. Exhaust ALL your Miracle. Heal 6 (9) HP,deal an additional damage and vup_shion_mod:Punitive (2) for each card you Exhausted. |
Enchant | | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | Deal 6 (10) damage. Gain 1 (2) temporary Strength. vup_shion_mod:Psychic: Add 1 copy of this card into your hand. Exhaust. |
Ensanguined Figure | | Uncommon | Power | 1 (0) | Lose 2 Sanity. Lose 5 HP. Whenever attacked, apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Sinful to ALL ENTITIES (enemies). |
Hallowed Case | | Uncommon | Power | 2 (0) | (Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Psychic.)At the end of your turn, add a Miracle into your discard pile and gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Psychic. Whenever you Exhaust Miracle,draw a card and gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Psychic. |
Haul Soul | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Put 2 (3) cards from your discard pile into your hand. vup_shion_mod:Psychic: Gain [E] (Draw 2 cards). |
Inordinate Admonition | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | (Retain.)vup_shion_mod:Prayer 2 : Deal 6 (10) damage to ALL enemies, heal HP equal to unblocked damage dealt. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Sinful. vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance: vup_shion_mod:Unfold: Chaste Reflection (*Reflection+). Exhaust. |
LiReboot | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Discard your hand, then draw that many cards. Gain [E]. |
Principled Thievery | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | (Retain.)vup_shion_mod:Prayer 3 : Gain gold 3 (4) times the number of enemies. vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance: vup_shion_mod:Unfold: Heaven's Decree (*Decree+). Exhaust. |
Prophecy of Salvation | | Uncommon | Power | 1 (0) | Gain 2 Sanity. Whenever you play vup_shion_mod:Prayer card, heal 3 (5) HP. Healing is 80% more effective in this combat. |
Reap the Sinful | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Apply your vup_shion_mod:Sinful ALL enemies. A Deal 3 (6) damage to ALL enemies. (vup_shion_mod:Punitive.)vup_shion_mod:Psychic 1: apply 2 (3) vup_shion_mod:Sinful to ALL ENTITIES. |
Shion Doll | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Deploy a Lure with 3 (5) HP. It deals 3 (5) damage 5 times to ALL enemies upon being destroyed. Exhaust. |
Sole Anthem | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | (Retain.)vup_shion_mod:Prayer 4 : gain 2 (3) Strength. vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance: vup_shion_mod:Unfold : Flay the Evil (*Evil+). Exhaust. |
Spirit Impact | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 3 (5) damage. For every vup_shion_mod:Psychic you have, it deals 3 (5) more damage. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Psychic. |
Tainted Eyes | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | (Innate.) Lose 2 Sanity. Lose 5 HP. Siphon 1 (2) Strength, Dexterity and 10 HP. Put a Skill from discard pile into your hand. Exhaust. |
Verdict upon Heart | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | (Retain.) vup_shion_mod:Punitive 5 (6). Gain vup_shion_mod:Psychic and heal HP equal to vup_shion_mod:Sinful ALL ENTITIES have. Exhaust. |
Woe into Casket | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Exhaust all Curses and Status cards. vup_shion_mod:Psychic X(X<=7): Gain X [E] . Draw X cards. Grave. Exhaust. |
Annihilating Choir | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Deal 10 damage to ALL ENTITIES. vup_shion_mod:Psychic X: Deal 10X (15X) damage to ALL enemies, heal 10X HP (gain X vup_shion_mod:Psychic). |
Arbitratus | | Rare | Power | 3 (2) | Whenever you deal unblocked damage (trigger vup_shion_mod:Punitive), apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Sinful (to ALL ENTITIES, heal !VUPShionSecondM! HP). |
Celestial Incarnation | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | (Retain.)Enter vup_shion_mod:Wordpower Stance. |
Crimson Deluge | | Rare | Power | 3 (2) | Lose 2 Sanity. Lose 5 HP. Any HP healed beyond your Max HP is converted into vup_shion_mod:Shield half that much. Whenever you play an Attack, heal 2 (3) HP. |
Etch into Heart | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Retain. Grave. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Promise. Clear all debuff. For each cleared, lose 10 HP and gain 10 vup_shion_mod:Psychic. Exhaust. |
Evil on Me | | Rare | Skill | 2 (1) | Can (Retain.Can) play if vup_shion_mod:Sinful ALL ENTITIES have are more than 3. ALL ENTITIES lose their vup_shion_mod:Sinful. Gain max HP equal to 3% of current. Exhaust. |
Extremis | | Rare | Attack | 2 (0) | Retain. Grave. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Promise. Lose half of Max HP. Deal damage equal your max HP. vup_shion_mod:Punitive 6 ,Exhaust. |
Higher Avatar | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | (Retain.)Exhaust 3 Miracle in your hand. Otherwise lose 3 max HP. Choose (no more than) 1 card from your deck to Upgrade. Exhaust. |
Miseriam Voco | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Add random 2 cards from (not random 2 cards from)*Cor Crucis, Voluntas Doloris and Via Afflictionis into your hand. Add Exitium Maeroris into your hand. |
Prophecy of Demise | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | Lose 2 Sanity. Whenever you play vup_shion_mod:Prayer card, deal 3 (5) damage to a random enemy. At start of your turn,you can exhaust a card to apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Sinful to ALL enemies. |
Sanguinary Precept | | Rare | Skill | 1 | (Reatin.)vup_shion_mod:Prayer 4 :Lose 1 Sanity, ALL enemies lose HP equal to 10% of its max HP. vup_shion_mod:Judging Stance: vup_shion_mod:Unfold: Flickering Tip (*Tip+). Exhaust. |
Shining Lie | | Rare | Skill | 3 (2) | Retain. Gain 5 (7) max HP. Heal 12 HP. Exhaust. |
Transcend Soul | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Gain 2 Sanity. At the end of your turn, heal HP 1 times of your vup_shion_mod:Psychic.(Whenever you lose HP,deal that much to ALL enemies.) |
Assault | | Basic | Attack | 1 | Deal 2 damage 2 (3) times. |
Catapult Vines | | Basic | Skill | 0 | Apply 3 vup_shion_mod:Constricted (to ALL enemies). vup_shion_mod:Collaborative. |
Channelsong | | Basic | Power | 2 (1) | (Innate. Remove ALL your Debuffs.)Summon vup_shion_mod:Lesser Elf. Decrease the cost by 1 if Interwoven Lives or Sychrochannel has been played. |
Station | | Basic | Skill | 1 (0) | Damage received this turn is decreased by 10%. (Gain !VUPShionSecondM! vup_shion_mod:Shield.)vup_shion_mod:Impact Absorption 1. vup_shion_mod:Cover. |
Wind Arrow | | Basic | Attack | 0 | (50+ ((70+) Dexterity)% chance to deal damage equal to 12+ Dexterity. When it does, it has another 50% (60%) chance to decrease the enemy's Strength by 2. vup_shion_mod:Collaborative. |
Circlet of Thorns | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. (not Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge.) Gain 3 Thorn. Apply 1 Weak to ALL enemies for 3 times. Apply 3 vup_shion_mod:Constricted to ALL enemies. |
Culture of the Grown | | Common | Skill | 0 | Exhaust up to 1 card in your discard pile.(Gain !M! vup_shion_mod:Recycle.) |
Detach the Grafted | | Common | Attack | 1 (0) | Deal 2 damage and apply 1 Weak, Vulnerable or vup_shion_mod:Bleeding for 4 times to random enemies. The enemy loses 1 Strength. vup_shion_mod:Collaborative. |
Magia Transformation | | Common | Skill | X | Gain 3X+1 (4X+3) vup_shion_mod:Recycle. |
Magic Punch! | | Common | Attack | 0 | (Retain.)Deal 9 (12) damage. (Strength /10)% chance to Stun the enemy. vup_shion_mod:Collaborative. If the enemy does not intend to attack, draw 1 (2) card(s) and gain [E]. |
March of Shields | | Common | Attack | 1 (0) | Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Deal 4 damage 3 times. vup_shion_mod:Collaborative. Gain -1 vup_shion_mod:Shield 3 times. (Gain 5 temporary Dexterity.)vup_shion_mod:Cover. vup_shion_mod:Impact Absorption 2. |
Rain of Bolts | | Common | Attack | 1 (0) | Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Deal 3 damage to ALL enemies for 3 times.(Double this damage if there is only one enemy.) |
Remnant Seals | | Common | Skill | 0 | 50% (70%) chance to gain 21 vup_shion_mod:Shield. When you do, you have another 50% (70%) chance to gain 9 vup_shion_mod:Recycle. Always trigger if last card you played in this combat is Power. |
Retaliating Cannon | | Common | Attack | 2 (1) | Retain. (Grave.) Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Deal damage equal to that absorbed with vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge to ALL enemies. Reset this damage. |
Rotor Cutter | | Common | Attack | 3 (2) | Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Deal 2 (3) damage 12 times. Apply 1 Vulnerable 12 times. |
Shield Bash | | Common | Attack | 0 | Can only be played if the last card played this combat was an Attack. Deal 4 (6) damage twice. vup_shion_mod:Collaborative. Draw 1 (2) cards.(Gain !VUPShionSecondM! vup_shion_mod:Recycle.) |
Shield Projection | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Retain. vup_shion_mod:Return. Transfer your vup_shion_mod:Shield to Elf. Gain 7 vup_shion_mod:Shield. Lose vup_shion_mod:Cover. |
Warm Up | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Gain 4 vup_shion_mod:Recycle (Lose !VUPShionSecondM! vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge). Your next Attack deals 100% damage. Draw 1 (2) card(s). |
Windfall | | Common | Attack | 1 (0) | Deal 21 damage. vup_shion_mod:Collaborative. (Gain [E].)25% chance to Stun the enemy. Exhaust. |
Directed Sniping | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 (0) | Finish an enemy with less than 33 HP. Deal 20 damage. (Draw 2 cards.)Exhaust. |
Dragonlance | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 (0) | Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. (Exhaust up to 1 card.)The target receives 2 more damage from Attacks. Deal 3 damage 5 times. |
Elevate | | Uncommon | Power | 3 (2) | Remove ALL your Debuffs. The Elf gains 30 Max HP (and 1 Buffer). Upgrade it into vup_shion_mod:High Elf. Decrease the cost by 1 if Interwoven Lives or Sychrochannel has been played. |
Engulfed in Green | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Draw 1 card. Card drawn this way costs 0 until played. ( Dexterity /5)% chance to gain 1 Intangible. vup_shion_mod:Collaborative. Exhaustive 10 . |
Gaea's Breath | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 (1) | Grave. Heal 7 HP for both you and the Elf. (*Elf gain !VUPShionSecondM! max HP.)Remove ALL your Debuff. |
Gaea's Revelation | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Put 1 card from draw pile into your hand. Scry 1- 15 (18) cards. Gain vup_shion_mod:Recycle equal to you Scry. |
Heart Of Nature | | Uncommon | Power | 2 (1) | At the start of your turn, gain [E].(Remove ALL Debuffs.) |
Helix Razor | | Uncommon | Power | 1 (0) | Retain. Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. (not Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge.)NL Transform Winged Construct into vup_shion_mod:Helix Razor. |
Hyperaction | | Uncommon | Skill | 3 (2) | Gain Dexterity /5 vup_shion_mod:Recycle. Gain [E] [E] [E] [E]. Gain 5 temporary Dexterity. |
Interwoven Lives | | Uncommon | Power | 2 (0) | Gain vup_shion_mod:Spiritual Corridor. Elf gain 12 max HP. Remove ALL your Debuffs. |
Iron Wall | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Lose 3 (1) vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Gain vup_shion_mod:Rampart. Gain 7 vup_shion_mod:Shield. vup_shion_mod:Cover. |
Law of Attraction | | Uncommon | Power | 1 (0) | Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Gravity Amplifier. Gain 5 temporary (not temporary)Dexterity. Gain 1 Flight. |
Moonfly | | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Deal Dexterity damage to ALL enemies for 2 times. Gain Dexterity /5 [E].(Draw a card.) |
Mould the Terrain | | Uncommon | Skill | X | Gain 6 X vup_shion_mod:Shield. (Deal !D! X damage to ALL enemies that intend to attack.)vup_shion_mod:Cover. |
Myriad Slicer | | Uncommon | Power | 1 (0) | Retain. Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. (not Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge.)NL Transform Winged Construct into vup_shion_mod:Myriad Slicer. |
Pandora | | Uncommon | Attack | X | Lose 4 (2) vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Apply X+2 (X+3) vup_shion_mod:Pursued to ALL enemies for 8 times. |
Reverberating Time | | Uncommon | Attack | 4 (2) | (Innate.) Retain. Deal 1-3 damage 3 times. Whenever Retained, reduce the cost by 1 and increase the hit by 1. |
Royal Watch | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | For every 7 damage received from enemy Attacks this turn, gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Recycle. vup_shion_mod:Impact Absorption 3. vup_shion_mod:Cover. |
Scale the Time | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Discard (up to) 5 cards. (Gain temporary Dexterity equal to 3 times of cards you discard.)Draw cards until you have 5 cards in your hand. Gain temporary Dexterity equal to 3 times of cards you draw. |
Sea of Bramble | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Apply 2 (3) vup_shion_mod:Constricted to ALL enemies for 2 (3) times. Gain 1 (2) Artifact. |
Squeeze | | Uncommon | Power | 1 (0) | Full vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Gain 5 temporary (not temporary)Dexterity. Gain 3 (2) vup_shion_mod:Overburdened. Exhaust. |
Sword of Damocles | | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | (Retain.) Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Deal 18 damage. Whenever Retained, gain 1 Strength. Exhaust. |
Sychrochannel | | Uncommon | Power | 2 (0) | (Innate.)Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Synchrochannel. |
Take Root | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Lose 0 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Double your vup_shion_mod:Impact Absorption. You can't play Attack in this turn. (not You can't play Attack in this turn.) vup_shion_mod:Cover. |
Tornado | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 (1) | At the start of the next 3 (4) turns, deal damage equal to Dexterity to ALL enemies and apply 1 Weak. |
Trample | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 (0) | Lose 1 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Deal damage equal to vup_shion_mod:Shield + Block you have. Gain vup_shion_mod:Shield equal to 1/3 (1/2) damage you dealt. |
Vegetate | | Uncommon | Power | 2 (0) | Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Vegetated. |
Ashes to Ashes | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | (Retain.)Remove all Curses. Exhaust all Curses and Status cards. Remove all debuffs. Exhaust. |
Bloodthirsty Lotus | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Retain. Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. (not Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge.) Transform Winged Construct into vup_shion_mod:Bloodthirsty Lotus. |
Bright Armor | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Retain. Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. (not Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge.) Transform Winged Construct into vup_shion_mod:Bright Armor. |
Canopysong | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Gain (7 vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain) 5 vup_shion_mod:Recycle. vup_shion_mod:Impact Absorption 3. |
Cleaver | | Rare | Attack | X | Can be Upgraded any number of times. Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Deal 7 damage to ALL enemies for 1 (2) times. |
Earth's Blessing | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Gain 2 Strength and Dexterity. Gain 10 Max HP. Gain 10 temporary (not temporary)Dexterity. |
Eternal Echo | | Rare | Power | 3 (1) | Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Echo. |
Final Spark | | Rare | Attack | 1 (0) | (Retain.) Grave. No less than 10 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge is required to play this card. Lose all vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge, deal 3 (8) damage to ALL enemies for each loss. |
Fluctuating Chronicle | | Rare | Power | 1 | Gain 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Actuated. vup_shion_mod:Cover. |
Garden of Avalon | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | Grave. Lose 7 (6) vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Gain (7 vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain) 2 Intangible. (Heal you and ally to full HP.)vup_shion_mod:Cover. |
Leap of Faith | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Gain an addtional turn after this turn. End your turn. 35% (25%) chance to take 15 attack damage, otherwise 2% (1%) chance to decrease your HP to 1. |
Promote | | Rare | Power | 6 | Retain. Remove ALL your Debuffs. Thw Elf gains 30 Max HP and 2 (4) Intangible. Upgrade it into vup_shion_mod:Elf Knight. Decrease the cost by 1 if Interwoven Lives or Sychrochannel has been played. |
Psyche | | Rare | Skill | 0 | This turn, Attacks deal 200 % more damage. Gain ([E]. Gain) 200 vup_shion_mod:Overburdened. |
Rho Aias | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Lose 4 (3) vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Gain (7 vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain) 7 Buffer. vup_shion_mod:Cover. |
Ruin Warden | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Retain. Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. (not Lose 2 vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge.) Transform Winged Construct into vup_shion_mod:Ruin Warden. |
Stonehenge | | Rare | Power | 3 (2) | Lose 4 (3) vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Gain (7 vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain) 1 vup_shion_mod:Stonehenge. |
Troy the Invincible | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | Lose 4 (3) vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Gain 6 vup_shion_mod:Shield 4 times. Gain vup_shion_mod:Troy. vup_shion_mod:Cover. |
Warm Restart | | Rare | Skill | 1 | (Gain !M! vup_shion_mod:Recycle.)Draw Dexterity /5 cards. Gain vup_shion_mod:Impact Absorption equal to cards your drawn. |
Wings of Daedalus | | Rare | Power | 3 (2) | Lose 4 (3) vup_shion_mod:Construct Recharge. Gain (7 vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain) 5 Flight. Gain vup_shion_mod:Wings of Daedalus. |
Worldtree Channel | | Rare | Power | 5 (4) | Gain (!M! vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain) 1 vup_shion_mod:Worldtree Channel. |
Decompose Aether | | Basic | Attack | 1 (0) | Deal 2 damage. Apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Electrocute. |
Dial Anticlockwise | | Basic | Skill | 1 | Gain 1 (2) Block. Gain 4 (5) Block next turn. |
Dial Clockwise | | Basic | Attack | 1 | Deal 2 damage. Deal 2 (4) damage next turn. |
Dilate Time | | Basic | Skill | 0 | Draw 1 (3) cards. Gain [E] [E] [E]. (not) Apply 2 vup_shion_mod:Inhibition to ALL enemies. Exhaust. |
Incinerate | | Basic | Attack | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Tho'om. Retain. vup_shion_mod:Return. Deal 2 (3) damage. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Fusion. |
Paradox | | Special | Attack | 0 | Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Absolute Zero. Deal damage equal to 2+10% of the targets' Max HP to ALL enemies. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Inhibition. Exhaust. |
Time Rift | | Special | Attack | 0 | Deal 5 damage. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Proposition and 1 vup_shion_mod:Cooldown. Exhaust. |
Aether Blast | | Common | Attack | 0 | Deal 6 damage and remove all Artifact. Apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Electrocute. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Coronal Ejection | | Common | Attack | 0 | This card costs 0 if you have 3 or more vup_shion_mod:Fusion. For each vup_shion_mod:Fusion you have, deal 2 (3) damage twice. vup_shion_mod:Tho'om. |
Dismaying Shout | | Common | Attack | 0 | Deal 5 damage to ALL enemies. Send ALL Minions fleeing in terror. (Draw !M! cards.)vup_shion_mod:Tho'om. |
E-M Conversion | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | vup_shion_mod:Singularity. Exhaust a card. Gain vup_shion_mod:Fusion equal to the cost of the card exhausted. |
EMP Shield | | Common | Skill | 0 | Gain vup_shion_mod:Shield equal to 2 times of the damage that the enemy would take from vup_shion_mod:Electrocute.(Th enemy loses temporary Strength equal to its vup_shion_mod:Electrocute.) |
Fire Breath | | Common | Attack | 4 (3) | vup_shion_mod:Recursive. Retain. Deal 6 damage. Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Fusion. Exhaust. vup_shion_mod:Tho'om. |
Inverse Causality | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 16 (21) damage. Apply 3 (5) vup_shion_mod:Inhibition. |
Magia Reload | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Gain [E] [E]. Draw an Attack. Exhaust. |
Meltdown | | Common | Skill | 2 | Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Fusion. For each vup_shion_mod:Absolute Zero you have, gain [E]. You can not gain any vup_shion_mod:Fusion this turn. (not You can not gain any vup_shion_mod:Fusion this turn.) |
Physical Magic! | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 6 (9) damage. The target lose 1 Strength. (Strength/10)% Chance to Stun the target. Draw 1 Attacks. |
Predetermined Harm | | Common | Attack | 1 | Apply 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Electrocute. Deal 12 damage next turn. |
Ruin | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Apply 2 vup_shion_mod:Signum Ruinae to ALL enemies. (Gain vup_shion_mod:Inhibition.)Exhaust. |
Sanctuary | | Common | Skill | 0 | Gain 7 vup_shion_mod:Shield. Exhaust all Status and Curse cards. (Draw !VUPShionSecondM! cards.)Exhaust. |
Singularity | | Common | Attack | 0 | vup_shion_mod:Singularity. Exhaust 1 cards. Deal 1 damage 2 (3) times. |
Time Fence | | Common | Skill | 1 | (Retain.)Reduce damage the target would deal for 40%~60%, this effect can individual enemy for only once. |
Triple Chant | | Common | Skill | 0 (1) | (Draw !M! cards.)Decrease the cost of random 3 cards in your hand by 1 this turn. Exhaust. |
Turbulance | | Common | Attack | 0 | Deal 2 (6) damage and apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Electrocute. For each vup_shion_mod:Inhibition you have, repeat the effect. |
Vacuum Transition | | Common | Skill | 0 | Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Absolute Zero. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity. |
Wheel of Fortune | | Common | Skill | 0 | Gain temporary Strength half the number of the cards in your discard pile. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Inhibition.(Draw a card.) |
Auxiliary Propeller | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Gain 3 Block. Draw 2 cards. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Blur. Exhaustive 2 (3). |
Blitz Chant | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Draw 1 card. The next card you play this turn costs 0. Exhaust. vup_shion_mod:Recursive. |
Butterfly Effect | | Uncommon | Power | 2 (1) | Whenever you play an Attack, deal 1~3 damage to a random enemy. Whenever you play a Skill, gain 1~3 Block.(Whenever you play a Power, play a random common non-Power card.) |
Congelation | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | For each vup_shion_mod:Absolute Zero you have, gain 2 (3) Block twice. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Absolute Zero. |
Coulombic Attraction | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | (Retain.)If the target has vup_shion_mod:Electrocute, draw 4 cards. Trigger vup_shion_mod:Electrocute. |
Dragon Scales | | Uncommon | Power | 3 (2) | Gain 4 (6) Metallicize. Gain 2 Max HP. |
Event Horizon | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | vup_shion_mod:Singularity. Exhaust up to a card in your hand. Gain 1 Block 2 (3) times. |
Finite Prophecy | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Retain. Choose (Draw) 1 card (and choose 1 card) from your draw pile to add into your hand. Exhaust up to 1 card in your draw pile. |
Frost Breath | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | (Retain.)Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Absolute Zero. Cost 0 if your have 3 or more vup_shion_mod:Fusion. |
Future Bank | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 5 (3) Block. Lose 5 (3) HP. ALL ENTITIES gain 2 (3) vup_shion_mod:Inhibition. |
Heartscute | | Uncommon | Power | 2 (1) | When you would die from taking damage, neutralize that damage and lose this effect.(Gain !M! vup_shion_mod:Shield.) |
History Loop | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Whenever you shuffle your draw pile, gain 1 (2) vup_shion_mod:Inhibition. |
Intercept Future | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Discard all cards in your draw pile. Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Inhibition. Gain [E] [E] ([E]). |
Manipulate Sequence | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Choose 1 non-Power cards in your hand and play their duplications. Exhaust. |
Moment Marker | | Uncommon | Skill | 3 | Retain. (vup_shion_mod:Recursive.) Gain Block equal to your Max HP. Whenever retained, gain 1 Artifact. Exhaust. |
Sagitta Horae | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 (0) | Apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Signum Ruinae. Deal 2 damage 3 times. |
Salvo | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 2 (5) damage to ALL enemies 4 times. Gain 4 Block 4 times. (Draw a card.) Exhaust. |
Stagnation Zone | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Draw 3 (At the start of your turn, draw !VUPShionSecondM!) cards. Apply (and apply) 1 Weak to ALL enemies 3 times (not 3 times). |
Unleash | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Ethereal. Deal 10 damage to ALL enemies. Apply 4 vup_shion_mod:Electrocute. Star Wand does not funtion for 2 turns. |
Accumulating Orb | | Rare | Attack | 0 | Retain. Deal 3 damage to ALL enemies. Whenever retained, apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Electrocute to ALL enemies and increase the damage of this card by 50 (100) % and lose [E] next turn. Exhaust. |
Anti-Magia Ward | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | Gain 6 (12) vup_shion_mod:Shield. Gain 3 (6) Artifact. Gain 1 Buffer. |
Causal Balance | | Rare | Skill | 2 (1) | Lose 10 (7) HP. Gain 2 vup_shion_mod:Proposition. Remove All Debuffs. Exhaust. vup_shion_mod:Recursive. |
Chaotic Logic | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | ALL enemies would deal damage to themselves this turn. Apply 4 vup_shion_mod:Inhibition to ALL enemies next turn. |
Collapse | | Rare | Skill | X | Gain 2 (4) Block 2X times. Gain X vup_shion_mod:Fusion. vup_shion_mod:Singularity X. |
Deja Vu | | Rare | Power | 3 (2) | This power can not be stacked. Whenever you play a card, you have 25% chance to gain Energy of its cost. |
Die Already! | | Rare | Attack | X | Deal 2 (3) damage to ALL enemies 2X times. Damage increases by 100 (200) % if there is only one enemy. vup_shion_mod:Fusion does not increase the cost of this card. vup_shion_mod:Tho'om. |
Eternity | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Signum Gratiae. Exhaust. |
Foxy's Got You! | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | At the start of your turn, add a Magia Reload (*Reload+) into your hand. |
Into Oblivion | | Rare | Skill | 2 (1) | (Retain.) Gain 1 Vulnerable. Gain vup_shion_mod:Absolute Zero. In 1 turns, whenever you play an Attack, draw a card. Exhaust. vup_shion_mod:Recursive. |
Kyne's Peace | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | At the start of your turn, ALL enemies lose 50% of their Strength. This power can not be stacked. |
Lightspeed Zone | | Rare | Power | 1 | Gain 3 (At the start of your turn, gain) [E] (and 1 Dexterity). Draw cards until your hand is full. (not Draw cards until your hand is full.) |
Ode of Immortality | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | At the end of your turn, heal 6 HP and exhaust all Status cards. This power can not be stacked. Incompatible with Ode of Obliteration. |
Ode of Obliteration | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | At the end of your turn, ALL enemies lose 7 % Max HP. This power can not be stacked. Incompatible with Ode of Immortality. |
Particle Projection | | Rare | Attack | 0 | Can be Upgraded any number of times. Deal 1 damage 2 (3) times. vup_shion_mod:Singularity. vup_shion_mod:Tho'om. |
Phase Cut | | Rare | Attack | 0 | Deal 8 (12) damage. Deal damage 10% of the enemy's Max HP next turn. Exhaust. vup_shion_mod:Recursive. |
Reverse | | Rare | Power | 1 (0) | Grave. If you die in this combat, heal to your starting HP and apply 5 vup_shion_mod:Inhibition to ALL enemies. |
Ruffle Scales | | Rare | Skill | 2 | Gain 2 (3) Block. Gain 2 (3) Metallicize. Gain vup_shion_mod:Ruffled Scales. 30 (50) % of your Max HP. Exhaust. vup_shion_mod:Recursive. |
Slacken | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Apply 1 Slack. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity. Exhaust. vup_shion_mod:Recursive. |
Solar Wind | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | Whenever you gain 1 vup_shion_mod:Fusion, apply 1 vup_shion_mod:Electrocute to ALL enemies.(Apply !VUPShionSecondM! vup_shion_mod:Electrocute to ALL enemies.) |
Suspend | | Rare | Power | 5 (4) | *Stun ALL enemies for 3 turns. Ignore Artifact. Your HP is set to 1 in 3 turns. |
Trace Back | | Rare | Attack | 1 | Apply 3 vup_shion_mod:Inhibition (Remove 2 random buffs from an enemy twice), this effect can individual enemy for only once. Apply 3 vup_shion_mod:Inhibition next turn. Exhaust. |
Unrelenting Force | | Rare | Attack | 2 (1) | Stun the enemy and deal 9 damage. 5% Chance to dispatch of the target immediately. Exhaust. vup_shion_mod:Tho'om. |
Whirlwind Sprint | | Rare | Skill | 2 | Gain 3 vup_shion_mod:Blur. (Retain your hand.)Take an extra turn after this one. End your turn. Exhaust. |
Ruin Impact | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Deal 3 damage 6 (8) times. You will not take any damage except for damage from enemy Attacks. |
Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Blue Giant | | Starter | Vup_shion_lime | At the start of your turn, lose [E] and add FunnelMatrix into your hand. | Potent ranged firepower in exchange of mobility. |
Chant Resonance | | Starter | Liyezhu_lime | Whenever you play any PrayerCard in PrayerStance, gain 1Sanity and Psychic, then add a Miracle into your draw pile.Whenever you play any PrayerCard in JudgingStance, ALL enemies take damage equal to 5% of their max HP. | Anastasia amplifier prototype that sadates the mind. "Audi decretum stellae, canta cum corde poemae." |
Concord: Array | | Starter | Vup_shion_lime | All funnel upgrades by 1.Time&SpaceSynchro.MatrixSynchro . | Leg-wearing gear that corrdinates parameters among universes to promote environmental adaptability. |
Concord: Companion | | Starter | Vup_shion_lime | You can only have 9HyperdimensionalLink. Increase your max Funnel amount by 2 . Gain [E] [E] and 6HyperdimensionalLink at start of each combat. Play copies of DeployFunnel in your deck. | Why would Minami, a civilian, need combat training... |
Concord: Recharge | | Starter | Vup_shion_lime | At the start of each combat, gain [E] [E] . Time&SpaceSynchro.MatrixSynchro . | Leg-wearing gear that corrdinates parameters among universes to promote environmental adaptability. |
Concord: Snipe | | Starter | Vup_shion_lime | At each start of turn, make one enemy damage received increase 1 ,unstackable. Time&SpaceSynchro.MatrixSynchro . | Leg-wearing gear that corrdinates parameters among universes to promote environmental adaptability. |
Dimension Splitter: Aria | | Starter | Vup_shion_lime | Current charge 0/4 . You can RightClick to act OrbitalStrike . If Fatal, repeats and gain [E] . Gain 1 charge each turn. | "Your existence is futile." says the otherworldly light portends impending destruction. |
Magia Sword: Danyingke | | Starter | Wangchuan_lime | You no longer gain Stiffness. Whenever you play an Attack, gain 1 MagiamObruor. Whenever you deal damage with Attacks, deal 4Non-attack damage to a random enemy. Lose half of your CorGladii each turn. | Magia-driven armament in the form of a flying sword that demands massive magia to motivate, but it frees your hand of the hilt. |
Martyr Vessel | | Starter | Liyezhu_lime | At the start of combat,Enter PrayingStance . At the start of combat,add 2Miracle to your discard pile. | The weapon weighs heavily with things which commons can not afford to bear, but yet beaconed a trail throughout the maid's life. |
Nebula | | Starter | Wangchuan_lime | At the start of your turn, gain 3Block. Lose 3Stiffness each turn. | Universal type of support equipment from Anastasia, includes elementary thrusters and energy shields. |
Overloaded Supernova | | Starter | Vup_shion_lime | At the start of each combat, shuffle 4Dazed into draw pile. At the start of each turn ,gain 1 Frail. Right Click: SupernovaOutburst. (once per combat) | Experimental overload protector that can overload all equipments for a short period of time, somehow fabricated in a shape of swimming costume.(Incidence of risks occur due to excessive energy draining.) |
Power Core Type: ZY-1 | | Starter | Vup_shion_lime | Upon pickup,gain a Potion slot . Lose 5Dexterity and gain a MagiaMagazine at start of each combat. Gain [E] [E] at the start of your turn. | Why is Minami always carrying luggage... |
Prototype: Empty Goblet | | Starter | Wangchuan_lime | At the start of your turn, lose [E] . At the end of your turn, lose 5MagiamObruor. | Semi-permanent energy source that linked to your inner Magia circuit. It damages acting faculty in exchange of enormous output of Magia. |
Prototype: Pure Heart | | Starter | Wangchuan_lime | Lose [E] and add OnrushingTip with Ethereal to your hand at start of your turn. Whenever you play a card, gain 2CodGladii. At the end of your turn, lose 50% of CorGladii. | Specialized type of support equipment from Anastasia, powerful blade cumbered by excessive magia that surges within. |
Shield HR Type: ZY-1 | | Starter | Eisluren_lime | Maintains charge of ConstructedWingShield. Reduce damage lose at out of combat by 50%. Reduce damage lose at out of combat by 50%. Gain 5Dexterity at start of each combat. Gain 1ConstructRecharge at the start of your turn except start of combat. Whenever you change Stance ,gain 4ConstructRecharge. | In order to compensate for the fragile defense of the elves, equipped with a shape-shifting energy shield. |
Spiritual Nucleus | | Starter | Eisluren_lime | Whenever you obtain CodexLigni, upgrade it. When you use WorldtreeLeaf, gain 9Strength. When FairyinaBottle triggered,it heals you and Elf to max HP. | It is the source of Elven power, the extension of Gaea's will. |
Star Wand | | Starter | Kuroisu_lime | At the start of your turn, gain 1 AbsoluteZero. | Kuroisu's favorite wand. Tucked away in the core subspace is a brilliant star in its prime. |
Starquake | | Starter | Wangchuan_lime | Whenever you play an Attack, gain 2CorGladii. At the end of your turn, lose 33% of CorGladii. | Universal type of support equipment from Anastasia, tachi blade driven by magia. |
Support System: The Ripple | | Starter | Wangchuan_lime | At the start of combat, shuffle 2Void into your draw pile. Start each combat with 2Dexterity. At the start of your turn, gain Frail. | Individual teleporting equipment that greatly supplements mobility, somehow fabricated in a shape of swimming costume. (Incidence of risks occur due to discrepant universe parameters.) |
Time Emblem | | Starter | Kuroisu_lime | At start of each combat, gain 1SignumGratiae. When Spawn an enemy, apply 1SignumRuinae to it. | The emblem of the dragon's descent. It has an impenetrable bearing on the way time and space constitute the fabric of the world. |
Wave Slasher | | Starter | Wangchuan_lime | Whenever you play a Skill, lose 1Stiffness. The first Attack played each turn costs 0. Lose 50%CorGladii each turn. | Blade motivated by spacial currents. |
White Rose | | Starter | Wangchuan_lime | Whenever attacked, gain 2PlatedArmor. | Universal support equipment from Anastasia, analyzing module is implanted to tackle threats. |
Blank Map | | Common | | Whenever you enter a ? room, gain 18 gold. | The legend says: Embrace the unknown, for the variables are the only things we can count on. |
Clergy's Wing | | Common | | Start each combat with 3Regen. | It has never flied, for those walking on earth should not covet the sky. |
Dragon Scales | | Common | | Whenever you lose HP during combat, gain 3Block. | A torn-off scale from a...dragon? Haven't expected the planes are so much intertwined... |
Minami's Notes | | Common | | In normal combat, gain [E] at the start of your turn. | A bestiary on all kinds of the enemies in the Spire, written by someone's own hands. |
Old New Omamori | | Common | | Upon pickup, remove 2 starter Attacks. | You find the following on the back side: Now it may not be as disappointing as its kin. |
Training Propeller | | Common | | Start each combat with -3Dexterity. After any Elite or Boss fight, increase this effect by 1. | A piece of equipment from Anastasia training ground, but why is it here? |
Training Saber | | Common | | Start each combat with -3Strength. After any Elite or Boss fight, increase this effect by 1. | A piece of equipment from Anastasia training ground, but why is it here? |
Training Scabbard | | Common | | After any Elite or Boss fight, Upgrade 1 random Attack in your deck. | A piece of equipment from Anastasia training ground, but why is it here? |
Worn Funnel | | Common | | At the start of each turn, deal 4 damage to a random enemy and gain 4Block. | Should be one from Shion's collection, pretty old but unpredictably functional. |
Emergency Medical Collar | | Uncommon | | Whenever you draw 1 Status or Curse card, draw a card. | A piece of equipment from Anastasia training ground, but why is it here? |
Fishing Rod | | Uncommon | | Whenever you enter a Restsite, obtain 0-2 random potion. | Someone's fishing rod, but the hook does not seem to mean for fishing. |
Happy Pod Bot | | Uncommon | | At the start of each turn, apply 1Weak to a random enemy. | A micro supporting robot made by Anastasia, but why is it here? |
Offensive Circuit | | Uncommon | | Upon pickup, remove an Attack. At the start of each combat, play 1 copy of this Attack. | Modifying module from Anastasia, but why is it here? |
Deck Tracker | | Rare | | If you play no less than 6 cards in a single turn, draw 3 additional cards at the start of the next turn. | The pointer is trembling and twirling. |
Versatile Circuit | | Rare | | Upon pickup, remove a card. At the start of each combat, play 1 copy of this card. | Advanced modifying module from Anastasia, but why is it here? |
Abyssal Crux | | Special | Liyezhu_lime | You can no longer rest at rest sites. You can not longer gain Sanity. Whenever you lose HP, heal HP 20% as much. ALL your card no longer require Sanity. | It is not her standing in front of her, not any longer. |
Anastasia Droplet | | Special | Vup_shion_lime | Start each combat with Barricade. | Within which all the power beyond your wield is concentrated. |
Croissant | | Special | Vup_shion_lime | Upon pickup, heal 30 HP. | You just won't bother to notice the void of something on your friend's head, will you? |
Fragments of Faith | | Special | | At the end of each combat, gain 5 Max HP. Upon entering Act 3, it is converted into HaloofFaith. | The line is reversed. NL Hope you may see what is true. |
Fruit Cake | | Special | | Upon pickup,heal all of your HP. Gain 25% max HP.(25 at least) | The stall... What on earth is wrong with it? |
Infinite Sushi | | Special | Vup_shion_lime | Once per turn, gain [E] when you have none. | Eureka! It's a digital world and I don't have a virtual stomach...I can tuck into a good meal without worrying about getting fat, or the bills...Lucky! |
Inhibitor Prototype 03 | | Special | Liyezhu_lime | Whenever you lose Sanity, lose 1 less. | In the endless, stifling, dark corridor, it marks the starting point of the line. |
Optical Camouflage | | Special | Vup_shion_lime | Start each combat with 1Intangible. | Semblance outweighs existence. |
Reversed Bullet | | Special | Liyezhu_lime | Prevent the next time you would die and heal 1 HP. Kill ALL non-Boss enemies. It works only once. | This is all that she can provide her little good sister to put up the last fight back. |
Sapphire Rose Necklace | | Special | Wangchuan_lime | At the end of combat, gain 2 Max HP. | A simply embellished, discreet pendant. Every passing moment of the past in eyes of the sisters has been recorded and engraved in the soul dwelling within. |
Sniperscope | | Special | Vup_shion_lime | At the start of each combat, apply 1Vulnerable to the enemy with the least HP. Enemies with Vulnerable take 75% more damage rather than 50%. | Heard the ticking of your remaining time? Fear not, it will be quick, it will not hurt. |
Squeal | | Special | | Once per combat, you may right-click this relic to active ClearConscience. | A very talkative seal you rescued from the nets. It takes a pat on its belly to stop its constant twittering. |
Thetis Shield | | Special | Liyezhu_lime | Whenever you receive damage, gain 6Block. | This is all the protection she can offer to her naive sister to stave off those to come. |
Time Crystal | | Special | Kuroisu_lime | | Crystallization of Kuroisu's power over the years. It gives your finger a touch of silt in a shallow sea. |
Tracking Beacon | | Special | Wangchuan_lime | Coordinates have been sent out to your comrades. | |
Umbra of the Sword | | Special | Liyezhu_lime | Whenever you deal damage with Attacks, gain 1 temporary Strength. | This is all the assistance she can offer to her helpless sister to... |
Unknown Dust | | Special | Liyezhu_lime | | |
Warpath | | Special | Eisluren_lime | Whenever you gain Strength, gain 1 additional Strength. Whenever you gain Dexterity, gain 1 additional Dexterity. | Let's go all out for this end of all. |
Blue Supergiant | | Boss | Vup_shion_lime | Replace Blue Giant. At the start of your turn, add a FunnelMatrix into your hand. | Improved model of the Blue Giant that manifests an enhanced level of output. |
Confetti of the Time | | Boss | | At the start of your turn, lose [E] . Start each combat with the effect of EchoForm. | Isn't it comical to call it such a name? We try our best to gloss over the cruelty of the time. |
Hallowed Case | | Boss | Liyezhu_lime | Replace Martyr Vessel. Gain [E] at start of your turn. At the start of combat,Enter PrayingStance . At the start of combat,add 2Miracle to your discard pile. Gain 1Psychic at the end of your turn. | Blaze. Blaze. Blaze is shed in confronting greater misery. |
Kuroisu's Determination | | Boss | Vup_shion_lime | RightClick: Take an extra turn after this turn, end your turn. (works 3 times) | Future is a scattering illusion of time that is not ours to foretell. Push through with determination, and this is all we can do. |
Magia Sword: Zhushazhui | | Boss | Wangchuan_lime | Replace Magia Sword: Danyingke. You no longer gain Stiffness. Whenever you play an Attack, gain 1 MagiamObruor and play it for an additional time. Lose half of your CorGladii each turn. | Improved model of Magia Sword: Danyingke to specialize in dealing damage at the cost of more Magia consumption. |
Momento Mori | | Boss | | At the start of your turn, gain [E] and lose 2 HP. | It seems to be real, this realized prayer...but still too contorted to be understood. |
Power Core Type: ZY-2 | | Boss | Vup_shion_lime | ReplacePowerCoreType:ZY-1 . Lose 5Dexterity at start of each combat. Gain [E] [E] and a MagiaMagazine at the start of your turn. | Minami decides to use up all your ammunition. |
Protostar | | Boss | Wangchuan_lime | At the start of each combat, gain 2Buffer and Dexterity. Lose 3Stiffness each turn. | Improved model of Nebula with greater thruster power and extra magia barrier generators. |
Prototype: White Purity | | Boss | Wangchuan_lime | Replace Prototype: Pure Heart. Add OnrushingTip with Ethereal to your hand at start of your turn. Whenever you play a card, gain 5CodGladii. At the end of your turn, lose 33% of CorGladii. | Improved model of Prototype: Pure Heart that is installed with a modified energy inhibitor. |
Shield HR Type: ZY-2 | | Boss | Eisluren_lime | Maintains charge of ConstructedWingShield.ConstructedWingShield can stack 7 additional charge. Reduce damage lose at out of combat by 50%. Gain 5Dexterity at start of each combat. Gain 2ConstructRecharge at the start of your turn except start of combat. Whenever you change Stance ,gain 4ConstructRecharge. Whenever ConstructedWingShield lose charge,gain Recycle equal to you lost. | Based on the Shield HR Type: ZY-1,the kinetic energy recovery device has been added. Increased range. |
Shredded Blade. | | Boss | | At the start of each combat, lose [E] and play to Exhaust all starter cards equivalent to Strike. | It was an edge to cut the whirlwind into two, it is now a heap of powder to be sent away by the breeze. |
Stainless Rose | | Boss | Wangchuan_lime | Replace White Rose. Whenever you receive Attack damage, gain 4PlatedArmor. | AI module is implanted to improve analyzing performance. |
Star Breaker | | Boss | Wangchuan_lime | Whenever you play an Attack, gain 4CorGladii. At the end of your turn, lose 15% of CorGladii. | Based on the Starquake, the energy constraint is upgraded, which greatly reduces the magic energy dissipation |
Star Wand ZY01A | | Boss | Kuroisu_lime | Replace Star Wand. At the start of your turn, gain 2 Fusion. | The improved model with a better energy output module. |
Supernova | | Boss | Vup_shion_lime | Replace Overloaded Supernova. Right Click: SupernovaOutburst. (once per combat) | Zero point energy capacitor is implanted to alleviate burden of the equiper. |
Support System: Placid Aqua | | Boss | Wangchuan_lime | Replace Support System: The Ripple. Gain [E] at the start of your turn. Start each combat with 3Dexterity. | Incidence of risks is now mostly averted for the local data gathered. |
Time Emblem ZY01A | | Boss | Kuroisu_lime | Replace Time Emblem. At the start of your turn, apply 1 SignumRuinae to ALL enemies. At start of your turn, apply 1SignumGratiae to All Enemies. | Shion fails to get a clear idea of how it works, but still she manages to strengthen its effect. Let's hope this persists. |
Vacuum Goblet | | Boss | Wangchuan_lime | Replace Prototype: Empty Goblet. At the end of your turn, lose 5Magiambruor. | The structure of peripheral Magia circuit has been optimized for the body to suit. |
Wave Breaker | | Boss | Wangchuan_lime | Whenever you play a Skill, lose 2Stiffness. The first Attack played each turn costs 0. Lose 33%CorGladii each turn. | Subspace stabilizer is implanted to add stability. |
Name | Description |
vup_shion_mod:absolute zero | Whenever you play a Tho'om card, gain [E], draw a card and lose this effect by 1. This effect can not be stacked beyond 3. |
Activate | Trigger the passive ability of the selected Funnel. |
vup_shion_mod:actuated | In a few turns, you do not lose any ConstructRecharge. |
Auto Funnel | Random replica of your Non-MatrixFunnels. |
vup_shion_mod:bleeding | Bleeding creatures take additional damage equal to Bleeding from Attacks. It halves at the end of turn. |
Bloodthirsty Lotus | Stance. At the start of your turn, gain [E], 1Strength and Dexterity. |
vup_shion_mod:blur | Block does not fade at the end of turn. |
vup_shion_mod:bright armor | Stance. Lose 2ConstructRecharge each turn. When you enter this Stance,Exhaust up to 2Attacks. At the start of your turn, play 1 copy of each Attack that was then exhausted. You take 30% less damage from enemy attacks. |
vup_shion_mod:buffer | Prevents the next time you would lose HP. |
vup_shion_mod:clarity | Whenever you gain Corladii this turn, gain 25% equal Block. |
vup_shion_mod:collaborative | Enables your ally to perform an action. |
vup_shion_mod:constricted | Creatures with Constricted take damage that much at the end of turn. |
Construct Recharge | Each charge blocks 7 damage. You may lose 7ConstructRecharge at most from one single attack. |
vup_shion_mod:cooldown | Tho'om cards cost 0 and deal 50% less damage. Whenever you gain Fusion, lose this effect. |
Cor Gladii | Enhances and powers certain Attacks. |
vup_shion_mod:cover | This turn, your ally does not take any damage. |
vup_shion_mod:divine judgment | This turn, Punitive deals 100% more damage. |
vup_shion_mod:divine will | Enemies with DivineWill attack themselves this turn. |
vup_shion_mod:ease | Your turn is not ended until you gain %d more Stiffness above the threshold of 4. |
vup_shion_mod:echo | Whenever you lose Energy, gain 1Recycle. |
vup_shion_mod:electrocute | At the end of turn, receive damage 2 times of this effect and lose this effect by 1. Stacks lost do not reduce the damage would deal. |
Elf Knight | Minion. Each turn, it deals 20 damage to a random enemy and grants you 2Recycle. |
vup_shion_mod:exempted | Whenever you take damage from Punitive this turn, heal HP equal to 120% of that damage. Upon entering WordpowerStance, convert this status into DivineJudgement. |
Funnel | Funnels attack at the start of each of your turns. For each Energy spent per turn, you may also switch Funnel. |
vup_shion_mod:fusion | Tho'om cards cost 1 more and deal 80% more damage. This effect can be stacked 3 times and add 1 TimeRift into your hand when it does. Whenever you gain Cooldown, lose this effect. |
Gravity Amplifier | For every 5ConstructRecharge you gain, gain 1Strength and Dexterity. |
Helix Razor | Stance. Lose 3ConstructRecharge each turn. Deal 6 damage to ALL enemies and apply 4Bleeding. |
High Elf | Minion. Each turn, it deals 10 damage to a random enemy and grants you 2Recycle. |
Hyperlink | Whenever you end combat with 10 or more Hyperlink,upgrade a random card. |
vup_shion_mod:impact absorption | This turn, increase the amount of damage that can be blocked by each ConstructRecharge. |
vup_shion_mod:inhibition | At the end of turn, gain 1Strength and heal 5% Max HP and lose this effect. This effect is removed if received 10 or more unblocked damage this turn. |
Intensa | At the start of your next turn, regain 50%CorGladii that you have lost in this turn. 100% of CorGladii may be regained in this way at most. |
Judging Stance | Stance. When you play an Attack, trigger Punitive. Damage from Punitive reduce by 50% . |
Lesser Elf | Minion.HP:8. Each turn, it deals 5 damage to a random enemy and grants you 1Recycle. |
Magiam Obruor | Lose [E] next turn. |
Matrix Charge | Upon reaching 16, lose 16 charge and summon 8AutoFunnels to launch an attack and trigger their passive ability. |
Myriad Slicer | Stance. Lose 3ConstructRecharge each turn. Whenever you play an Attack, you may lose 1 additional ConstructRecharge and play the Attack for an additional time. |
Nihil | Any damage taken is reduced to 0 this turn. This power does not last longer even if gained more than once. |
Orbital Strike | Deal damage equal to TotalUpgrade + 10% of its max HP to ALL enemies. |
vup_shion_mod:overburdened | At the start of the turn, lose half of ConstructRecharge. |
vup_shion_mod:parry | Prevents the next time you would take damage in this turn. |
vup_shion_mod:prayer | Whenever played while in PrayingStance, trigger its effect at the start of the next several turns. |
Praying Stance | Stance. While in this Stance, deal 50% less damage. Healing is 50% more effective. At the end of your turn,heal 2 HP. |
vup_shion_mod:pre execution | This turn, you gain 25% more CorGladii. |
Promise | Until the start of your next turn, your HP will not drop below 1. Heal HP equal to 10% of your max HP when this effect wears out. |
vup_shion_mod:proposition | For every 2 Propositions you gain, add 1 Paradox into your hand. |
vup_shion_mod:psychic | Some cards cost Psychic to activate additional effects. |
Punitive | ALL ENTITIES take damage equal to their Sinful. |
vup_shion_mod:pursued | PursuingFunnel deals damage to Pursued enemies at the start of the their turn. |
Quick Boot | Will be played without any cost when drawn. Draw a card upon being played. |
Rampart | Damage taken from enemy attacks is decreased by 50%. This effect does not become more effective even if applied more than once. |
vup_shion_mod:recursive | This card is returned from exhausted pile into your hand after 3 turns. |
vup_shion_mod:recycle | For every 3Recycle you have, gain 1ConstructRecharge. |
vup_shion_mod:resonance | Whenever you play InterwovenLives or Sychrochannel, reduce the cost of this card by 1. |
Return | Return to your hand after being played. This turn, the effect is not applied to any other same cards that you play afterwards. |
Ruffled Scales | Blocks damage. Does not fade at the end of turn. Whenever broken, gain 1Proposition. |
Ruin Warden | Stance. Gain 1ConstructRecharge each turn. When you enter this Stance,Exhaust up to 1Skill. At the start of your turn, play 1 copy of each Skill that was then exhausted. |
vup_shion_mod:rupture | Upon reaching 18, add 1 Exile into your hand. |
vup_shion_mod:shield | Prevents damage. Does not fade at the end of turn. |
Signum Gratiae | The damage that the entity would take is postponed to the end of turn and is decreased by 5%. This effect can not be stacked beyond 9. |
Signum Ruinae | The damage that the entity would take is postponed to the end of turn and is increased by 10%. This effect can not be stacked beyond 9. |
vup_shion_mod:sinful | Marker that activates some particular effects. |
vup_shion_mod:sinful mark | Creatures with SinfulMark gain 1 additional Sinful whenever they gain it. |
vup_shion_mod:singularity | Whenever you exhaust any other cards, increase effects of all Singularity cards by the cost of exhausted cards. Exhausting Status and Curse cards increases effects by 1. |
Soul Wearing | If you end your turn with this card in your hand, it is Exhausted and costs you 10 Sanity. |
Spiritual Corridor | Damage dealt by the Elf increases as your Strength increases. Heal 1 HP to the Elf while its HP reaches 0. It no longer takes any damage while its HP remains 0. |
vup_shion_mod:stiffness | Upon adding up to 4, end your turn. |
Stonehenge | When you play: Attack: Gain 1Recycle.Skill: Gain 7Shield.Power: Gain [E]. |
Sub Luna | This turn, you do not lose yCorGladii. |
Synchrochannel | While the Elf's HP is above 0, you gain 4Strength at the start of your turn. |
vup_shion_mod:task | You are rewarded upon completing tasks during combat. |
vup_shion_mod:tho'om | This card is affected by certain effects. |
Total Sychro | Sum of the improvements on all your Funnels. |
Troy | Whenever you lose or gain ConstructRecharge, gain Shield equal to 5 times of that amount. |
vup_shion_mod:unfold | Add a card into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. |
vup_shion_mod:vegetated | At the start of your turn, gain Shield equal to half of Constricted that you have applied this combat. Apply 1Constricted to ALL enemies for 3 times. |
Wings of Daedalus | Whenever you gain Dexterity or temporaryDexterity , gain 2 times of that much Strength or temporaryStrength. |
Wordpower Stance | Stance. Regarded as in both JudgingStance and PrayingStance. Can not enter JudgingStance. When you play an Attack, trigger Punitive. Gain 5 max HP at the end of combat. Whenever you lose HP,gain Shield equal to half of that amount. Punitive will not damage you. |
Worldtree Channel | At the start of your turn, draw cards until your hand is full. Increase your hand size by 1. |