thorton cards

NibbleSpecialAttack1Deal 6 (7) damage. Gain 2 (3) Temporary_HP.
Credit CardBasicSkill0Gain 5 (10) Gold. Can be Upgraded any number of times. Exhaust.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 4 (7) Block.
HeckleBasicAttack0Deal 1 (2) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage.
Anger MomentCommonAttack1Deal 8 damage. If the enemy doesn't intend to attack, apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Book BashCommonAttackXDeal 6 (8) damage X times.
Business CardCommonSkill0Whenever you play 10 thethorton:Business_Cards, obtain a Relic. (Draw 1 card.)Exhaust.
Cash BashCommonAttack1Gain 5 (10) Gold. Deal 10 (12) damage. Exhaust.
Cash BufferCommonSkill1Gain 5 (10) Gold. Gain 7 (9) Block. Exhaust.
DistanceCommonSkill1Gain 2 (4) Block. Apply 1 Weak to ALL enemies.
Down PaymentCommonSkill1 (0)Upgrade the top card of your draw pile. It costs 0 until played and gains Retain.
Elbow NudgeCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Draw 1 additional card next turn.
Fearful RunCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. thethorton:Run.
Hit AheadCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Next turn, gain [E] .
Long Term PayoffCommonSkill1At the start of each of your turns, deal 2 (3) damage to ALL enemies.
Pocket ChangeCommonAttack0Gain 1 (2) Gold. Gain 1 (2) Block. Deal 1 (2) damage. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Exhaust.
Quintuple BopCommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage twice.
Running KickCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. thethorton:Run.
Shout and RunCommonSkill1 (0)Apply 2 Weak. thethorton:Run.
Stumbling SlapCommonAttack0Deal 5 (7) damage. If you have Weak, gain 5 (7) Block.
Take AccountsCommonAttack1Deal 6 damage. Draw 2 (3) cards.
Wailing RunCommonSkill1ALL enemies lose 2 (3) Strength this turn. thethorton:Run.
Whirling BriefcaseCommonAttack1Gain 2 (3) Gold for each enemy. Deal 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Battle TrashUncommonSkill0Draw 2 (3) cards. You cannot draw additional cards this turn.
Boardroom BlastUncommonAttack2Deal 14 (18) damage to ALL enemies.
Business BashUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. Add a (upgraded) thethorton:Business_Card into your hand. Exhaust.
Business BoomUncommonAttack3Deal 25 (32) damage. Shuffle a (an upgraded) thethorton:Business_Card into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Business BurstUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain 5 Gold. Shuffle 2 thethorton:Business_Cards into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Call InUncommonSkill1Gain 11 Block. Gain 2 (1) Frail.
Chart ProjectUncommonSkill1(Draw 1 card.)If the enemy intends to attack, gain 6 Block. Otherwise, gain [E] and draw 1 card next turn.
Coffee BlastUncommonSkill1(Innate.)Add 2 random cards from any color into your hand. They have Retain. Exhaust.
Coin ClashUncommonAttack2Gain 10 (15) Gold. Deal 20 (24) damage. Exhaust.
Coin ShieldUncommonSkill2Gain 10 (15) Gold. Gain 14 (18) Block. Exhaust.
CrashUncommonAttack2Deal 8 (10) damage. Gain 8 (10) Block. thethorton:Run.
Desperate RunUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. thethorton:Run.
Dock PayUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. Enemy loses 1 (2) Strength this turn.
Feel No BrainUncommonPower1(Innate.)Whenever a card is Exhausted, gain 2 Block.
Focus StrengthUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain 1 Strength. End your turn.
Gem GunUncommonAttack2Deal 5 damage 3 (4) times. If all (at least) 3 Gems match, gain 50 Gold. Exhaust.
Hedge FundUncommonAttack1Deal 12 (15) damage. Next turn, draw 1 less card.
HindsightUncommonSkill1Next turn, gain 3 (5) Block. Put a card from your discard pile into your hand.
InvestmentUncommonSkill2 (1)Ethereal. Whenever you play 4 thethorton:Investments, obtain a Relic. Exhaust.
Last Ditch EffortUncommonAttack2Deal 12 (15) damage. If your HP is below 50%, deal 12 (15) damage. If your HP is below 25%, deal 12 (15) damage.
Long Day's WorkUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Draw 1 card. Exhaust 1 card at random (not at random).
Lunch BreakUncommonSkill1Heal 3 (4) HP. Shuffle (Add) a thethorton:Business_Card into your draw pile (hand). Exhaust.
Perplexing PowerUncommonPower1(Innate.)Gain 3 of either Malleable, Artifact, Thorns or Plated Armor randomly.
Planned ObsolescenceUncommonAttack1Ethereal. Deal 8 (10) damage. Deal 4 (5) damage to this Act's boss. Exhaust.
PromotionUncommonPower1 (0)Gain 1 Strength. Gain 1 Dexterity.
ROIUncommonSkill2 (1)Ethereal. Gain 30 Gold. Exhaust.
RebalanceUncommonSkill2 (1)Gain 1 Strength. ALL enemies lose 1 Strength. Exhaustive 2.
Run RunUncommonSkill1 (0)thethorton:Run. thethorton:Run.
Running BusinessUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain 15 Gold. thethorton:Run. Exhaust.
Running FeintUncommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable. thethorton:Run.
Seeing DoubleUncommonSkill2 (1)Ethereal. Choose a card in your hand. Put 2 copies of that card on top of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Sheet ShredUncommonSkill2Gain 8 Block. At the start of each of your turns, deal 3 (5) damage to ALL enemies. Shuffle this card into your draw pile.
Snow DayUncommonSkill1Channel 1 Frost. thethorton:Run. Exhaust (Exhaustive !stslib:ex!).
Stamp SmackUncommonAttack1Ethereal. Deal 7 (9) damage. Deal 7 (9) damage to a random enemy at the start of the next combat. Exhaust.
Thick SkinUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you lose non-Temporary HP, gain 2 Temporary_HP.
Toxic GreedUncommonSkill2 (1)Apply 3 Poison to a random enemy. Repeat this process up to 5 times for every 100 Gold you have. Exhaust.
Administrative ActionsRareSkill3 (2)Type the name of a card. Put it on top of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Big BreakRarePower1(Innate.)Gain 3 Strength.
Blood DebtRareAttack1 (0)Deal 4 damage. Gain Temporary_HP equal to unblocked damage. Exhaust.
Call Of CommerceRareSkill3 (2)Ethereal. Gain 44 Gold. The next ? room you enter contains a shop. Exhaust.
Cardboard BoxRarePower1 (0)Gain 1 Intangible.
Compound InterestRareSkill2 (1)Double this card's Gold or gain 2 Gold and remove this card from your deck. Exhaust.
Coward FormRarePower2 (1)thethorton:Run. At the start of your turn, thethorton:Run.
Crashing StocksRareAttack3 (2)If you have at least 100 Gold, lose 100 Gold and deal 50 damage to ALL enemies.
DemotionRareSkill3 (2)ALL enemies cannot buff themselves or debuff you. Exhaust.
Dodge & Roll & RunRareSkill2Gain 9 (11) Block. Next turn, gain 9 (11) Block. thethorton:Run.
Escape!RareSkill333% chance to escape a non-boss combat. Receive no rewards. (not Receive no rewards.) thethorton:Run. Exhaustive 2.
Fair TradeRareSkill1 (0)Exhaust 1 card. Put a card from your exhaust pile into your hand. Exhaust.
FatigueRareSkill2 (1)Apply Weak equal to your held Gold. Exhaust.
Golden PetalRareSkill2Ethereal. Card rewards from this combat are Rare cards from any class. Fleeting (Exhaust).
Good FortuneRareSkillXAt the start of your turn, deal X times 5 damage to ALL enemies. Refund 1 (2). Exhaust.
HexaghostifyRareSkill3Grave. Enemy becomes a (ALL enemies become) Hexaghost(s). Exhaust.
Just BusinessRarePower3 (2)Gain 1 Intangible. Exhaust ALL your cards. Choose an Intent at the start of your turn.
LoanRareSkill1 (0)Upon pickup, gain 300 Gold. Exhaust.
Message From Our SponsorsRareSkill (4)Unplayable (Ethereal). Thanks for playing for so long! No longer offering mod commissions (Cost cannot be modified). I'm working on bigger projects now!(Obtain a Relic. Exhaust.)
Midnight StrikeRareAttack2 (1)Can only be played if you have played exactly 11 cards this combat. Deal 100 damage. Exhaust.
Penny TossRareAttack1 (0)Gain 11 Gold. Gain 11 Block. Deal 11 damage. Exhaust.
PortfolioRareSkill2Gain 20 (25) Gold. Shuffle 2 (upgraded) thethorton:Business_Cards and an (upgraded) thethorton:Investment into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Scaling Is WinRarePower2At the start of your turn, gain 1 Strength (and draw 1 additional card).
Sell ShortRareSkill3 (2)Ethereal. Add 1 copy of a card in your hand to your deck permanently. Exhaust.
Shifting OctopusRareAttack1Do 2 (3) things. Exhaust.
Summon ProfitsRareSkill0Add 1 random card from any color into your hand. Draw 1 card. (They cost 0 until played.)Exhaust.
Temporal BlastRareSkill1 (0)Ethereal. Play a copy of the next card you play this turn at the start of the next combat. Exhaust.
You're FiredRareAttack2Deal 20 (26) damage. Remove all of your debuffs.

thorton relics

Potion of CourageStarterThort_gray_colorStart each Elite combat with 2Strength.Drink in emergencies.
Business Card PrinterCommonThort_gray_colorAt the start of each combat, add a thethorton:Business_Card into your hand.Look at that subtle off-white color. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark.
Bank DeedUncommonWhenever you climb a floor, gain 2% interest on held Gold.Dad gave this to me.
Helm of SprintingRareThort_gray_colorAt the start of each combat, add a random card with thethorton:Run into your hand. It costs 0 this combat.Helps escape efforts.
Bottled FundsBossUpon pickup, choose a card in your deck. At the start of each combat, play and Exhaust a copy of it.Looking empty.
Lucky CloverBoss66% chance to gain [E] at the start of your turn.Why ever stop?
MonopolyBossGain 50% more Gold from all sources.I just can't help myself.
Necklace of TimeBossThort_gray_colorReplaces Potion of Courage. Start each Elite combat with 3Strength,3Dexterity and 3Focus.Your secret powers, revealed!
Broken CalculatorShopAt the start of each combat, play a random Thorton card.So what if the math's in my favor?
ResumeShopThort_gray_colorThe amount of thethorton:Business_Cards required to obtain a Relic is reduced by 3.Graduate of the University of Arizona.

thorton keywords

IngestIngestingSyncBoons activates one of your DestinyReactors based on the number and type of IngestedSyncBoons.
Boost PointsBoostPoints increment the DoubleTricks of your DestinyReactors whenever you Gather a PyroBuddy.
Business CardWhenever you play 10BusinessCards, obtain a Relic.
Full FlameLOL they do something or whatever whooo cares
GatherGathering a PyroBuddy places it into your centremost StorageCentre.
InvestmentWhenever you play 4Investments, obtain a Relic.
LockedCannot be played unless unlocked by TheKey.
Pyro BuddiesPyroBuddies can be Gathered into your StorageCentres whereupon they will GenerateSyncBoons based on their Type.
RunAfter Running a certain amount of times, escapecombat. If you're fighting a boss, deal damage based on the boss's Max HP to ALL enemies instead. Escapinggetshardereverytimeyouescape.
Sync BoonsSyncBoons activate your DestinyReactors when Ingested and supply a passive effect to your PyroBuddies.

thorton creatures

the ThortonPlayer68