TheFlagbearer cards

ChaserSpecialAttack1Ethereal. Deal 7 (9) damage. Exhaust.
FocusSpecialSkill1Ethereal. theflagbearer:Suspend - Gain (NL) [E] [E] ([E]). Exhaust.
Maintain LightSpecialSkill1Ethereal. theflagbearer:Suspend - Deal 23 (26) damage to a random enemy. Exhaust.
PulseSpecialSkill0Ethereal. theflagbearer:Pulse (, theflagbearer:Pulse). Exhaust.
Time CurseSpecialStatusUnplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, gain theflagbearer:Time_Sickness 1.
CommandBasicAttack0(Retain.)Deal 3 (5) damage. theflagbearer:Plant or theflagbearer:Recall.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
RetraceBasicSkill1Put a card from your discard pile into your hand and Retain it.(theflagbearer:Suspend - Gain [E].)
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
AegisCommonSkill2theflagbearer:Banner_Magic. Gain 16 (20) Block.
BarrierCommonSkill1Gain 4 (5) Block. Gain 4 (5) Block.
BladeworkCommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. Add a theflagbearer:Chaser (theflagbearer:Chaser+) to your hand.
ChannelCommonSkill1theflagbearer:Banner_Magic. Gain 8 (11) Block. theflagbearer:Suspend - Gain [E].
Echoing PulseCommonSkill0theflagbearer:Pulse 2 (3) times.
Flag ThrowCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. theflagbearer:Plant.
Flag VaultCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. theflagbearer:Plant.
HasteCommonSkill0Gain 2 (4) temporary Strength and Dexterity. theflagbearer:Time_Sickness 1.
Light BeamCommonAttack1theflagbearer:Banner_Magic. Deal 13 (16) damage.
Momentum SwipeCommonAttack0Deal 4 (6) damage. theflagbearer:Buyback this card whenever the flag is theflagbearer:Planted or theflagbearer:Recalled.
PlantCommonSkill1 (0)Retain. theflagbearer:Plant. Exhaust.
RecallCommonSkill1 (0)Retain. theflagbearer:Recall. Exhaust.
Recall CrescentCommonAttack1theflagbearer:Recall. Deal 6 (8) damage. If the flag is theflagbearer:Recalled, deal 6 (8) damage.
Recall ProtectCommonSkill1theflagbearer:Recall. Gain 6 (9) Block.
RewriteCommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. Scry 1 (2). Draw 1 card.
SidearmCommonAttack1Deal 8 (9) damage. Draw 1 (2) card(s).
Temporal SpikeCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Twin SlashCommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage twice.
Aerie Of LightsUncommonAttack1Deal 4 damage 3 (4) times.
Aura: AccelUncommonPower1theflagbearer:Aura. When the flag is theflagbearer:Planted, draw 1 card and gain 1 (2) theflagbearer:Aura:_Might.
Aura: EssenceUncommonPower1theflagbearer:Aura. At the end of your turn, theflagbearer:Pulse (!M! times). theflagbearer:Plant or theflagbearer:Pulse.
Aura: ShatterUncommonPower2 (1)theflagbearer:Aura. When the flag is theflagbearer:Planted, and at the start of your turn, apply Vulnerable to ALL enemies.
Aura: SlowUncommonPower1 (0)theflagbearer:Aura. When the flag is theflagbearer:Planted, and at the start of your turn, apply Weak to ALL enemies.
Banner DanceUncommonSkill1theflagbearer:Plant. Add 2 (3) theflagbearer:Pulses to your hand.
Banner IgnitionUncommonPower1(Innate.)Whenever you play a Power card, draw 1 card.
Bolstering WaveUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (11) Block. theflagbearer:Pulse.
Borrow TimeUncommonSkill0Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Add a theflagbearer:Time_Curse into your discard pile.
CantripUncommonSkill0Scry 2 (4). Draw 1 card. Exhaust.
Consuming LightUncommonAttack3Deal 23 (26) damage. Add a theflagbearer:Maintain_Light (theflagbearer:Maintain_Light+) to your hand.
Converge TimeUncommonAttackXDeal 7 damage X (X+1) times.
Crystallize FlowUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (11) Block. Add a theflagbearer:Focus to your hand.
DivinationUncommonSkill1Draw 1 card. theflagbearer:Suspend - Draw 2 (3) additional cards.
Flag QuakeUncommonAttack1theflagbearer:Pulse. Deal 5 (8) damage to ALL enemies. theflagbearer:Plant.
Formless RapierUncommonAttack0theflagbearer:Paradox. Deal 4 (6) damage. If the flag is theflagbearer:Planted gain [E]. If the flag is theflagbearer:Held draw 1 card.
FortressUncommonSkill0theflagbearer:Banner_Magic. Gain 3 additional Block from cards for 2 (3) turns.
FuturesightUncommonSkill0Scry 3 (6). theflagbearer:Suspend - Draw 1 additional card. Exhaust.
Hopeful PleaUncommonSkill1theflagbearer:Suspend - Gain 13 (16) Block.
InspirationUncommonSkill0theflagbearer:Banner_Magic. Deal 3 additional attack damage for 2 (3) turns.
Invoke LightningUncommonAttack2Deal 9 (11) damage. theflagbearer:Suspend - Deal 9 (11) damage to a random enemy.
Light BlastUncommonAttack2theflagbearer:Banner_Magic. Deal 14 (18) to ALL enemies.
Lightning SpearUncommonAttack2Deal 11 (13) damage to ALL enemies. If there is only one enemy, deal 6 (7) additional damage.
MiracleUncommonSkill1 (0)theflagbearer:Suspend - Play the top card of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Mystical AuraUncommonSkill1Gain 3 (4) Block. Gain 3 (4) Block for each unique theflagbearer:Aura.
Parallel UniverseUncommonSkill2 (1)theflagbearer:Paradox. Activate all theflagbearer:Suspend effects immediately. Draw 1 card. Gain [E].
PhalanxUncommonPower1Whenever you theflagbearer:Pulse, gain 1 (2) Block. Whenever you theflagbearer:Recall, gain 2 (4) Block.
PreparationUncommonSkill1theflagbearer:Plant and apply 1 (2) Vulnerable or theflagbearer:Recall and apply 1 (2) Weak.
Recall DetonateUncommonAttack1theflagbearer:Recall. Deal 4 (5) damage. If the flag is theflagbearer:Recalled, deal 4 (5) damage for each unique theflagbearer:Aura.
Recall FocusUncommonSkill1theflagbearer:Recall. If the flag is theflagbearer:Recalled, Draw 1 card (and Gain [E]).
Recall SwirlUncommonSkill2theflagbearer:Recall. Gain 8 (11) Block. If the flag is theflagbearer:Recalled, apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies.
ReflectUncommonSkill1(Retain.)Gain 5 Block. Gain 1 Artifact. Exhaust.
Reinforce BannerUncommonSkill1Must be theflagbearer:Planted. Gain 7 (10) Block. Gain 1 (2) theflagbearer:Aura:_Might.
RewindUncommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, add the top card of your discard pile to your hand.
Rip TimeUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage. Put a card from your discard pile into your hand. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Sacred GroundUncommonPower1theflagbearer:Pulse deals 1 (2) additional damage.
Seraphim FeathersUncommonAttack2Deal 4 damage to a random enemy 5 (6) times.
Stop TimeUncommonSkill2Apply (Remove) 1 (Artifact and apply 1) theflagbearer:Stun ALL enemies. End your turn. theflagbearer:Time_Sickness 2. Exhaust.
Aegis BashRareAttack2Deal 7 (11) damage. Unblocked damage removes all Artifact. If the enemy had no Artifact, instead apply 1 theflagbearer:Stun. Exhaust.
Aura: DrainRarePower2theflagbearer:Aura. When the flag is theflagbearer:Planted, and at the start of your turn, apply 3 (4) theflagbearer:Drain to ALL enemies.
BlessingRarePower3theflagbearer:Banner_Magic. Gain 4 (6) Strength. Gain 4 (6) Dexterity.
Dimension WalkerRarePower2 (1)Whenever a card with theflagbearer:Suspend is played: Skill - Gain 3 (4) Block. Attack - Deal 2 (3) damage to a random enemy.
Drain TimeRareAttack1The target loses 6 (8) HP. Heal that much HP. Exhaust.
EXU-CALIBAARareAttack3theflagbearer:Banner_Magic. The target loses 28 (38) HP.
Grasp FateRareSkill0Draw 4 (5) cards. theflagbearer:Time_Sickness 2 (1). Exhaust.
GrimoireRareSkill1 (0)Choose a card in your discard pile. Play the chosen card and exhaust it. Exhaust.
Holy EssenceRarePower1Whenever you are attacked, ALL enemies lose 3 (5) HP.
Life MagicRarePower2theflagbearer:Suspend - Heal 10 (15) HP.
Mystical PennantRarePower2 (1)Whenever you theflagbearer:Pulse, theflagbearer:Pulse an additional time. (This effect does not stack)
Omit SecondRareSkill1 (0)Apply 1 theflagbearer:Stun. Exhaust.
Pillars of LightRareAttack2Deal 5 damage 8 (10) times minus 1 for each card in your hand.
Reveal LeylineRareSkill1theflagbearer:Suspend - Gain (NL) [E] [E] ([E]). Add 1 theflagbearer:Focus (theflagbearer:Focus+) to your hand.
SanctuaryRareSkill2Cannot have attacked. Gain 22 (30) Block. ALL enemies gain 11 (15) Block.
Seraphim FormRarePower3At the start of your turn, you gain theflagbearer:Flight 1 (2) (Max 1 (2)).
ShelterRarePower2 (1)While the flag is theflagbearer:Planted, Block is not removed at the start of your next turn.
Tear RealityRareSkill1Put a card from your Exhaust pile into your hand (and Retain it). Exhaust.
Time WalkRareSkill2Take an extra turn after this one. theflagbearer:Time_Sickness 1. (not theflagbearer:Time_Sickness 1.) End your turn. Exhaust.
UndoRareSkill1theflagbearer:Paradox. theflagbearer:Buyback the top (!M!) card(s) of your discard pile, it costs (they cost) 0 this turn.

TheFlagbearer relics

Mystical bannerStarterFlarous_blue_colorWhen the flag is Planted, gain 1Aura:Might.The family banner, it stands steadfast.
Mighty bannerCommonFlarous_blue_colorWhen the flag is Planted, gain 1 additional Aura:Might.Surely, this will inspire them.
Gleaming GemstoneUncommonFlarous_blue_colorPulse deal 1 additional damage.A shiny gemstone... how many of these do you have again?
InitiativeUncommonFlarous_blue_colorStart each combat with the flag Planted.Guess you high rolled, huh.
Frozen HourglassRareFlarous_blue_colorWhenever you play a card with Suspend, draw 1 additional card at the start of your next turn.Despite time moving forward, the grains of sand remain still.
Winged LocketRareFlarous_blue_colorWhen you would die, heal to 1 HP instead and become protected until next turn. (works once).I will protect them...
Ethereal bannerBossFlarous_blue_colorWhenever the flag is Planted,Pulse an additional time. Whenever the flag is Recalled gain an additional [E] .A symbol is not only an object. It's also the hope brought with it.
Family CrestBossFlarous_blue_colorIf the flag is Planted, gain [E] at the start of your turn.The wings give an air of safety.
Royal TiaraBossFlarous_blue_colorPulses deal 3 additional damage.The tea she serves is warm like her company.
Sapphire HeartShopFlarous_blue_colorStart each combat with 2Pulses in hand.Its aura resonates like a heartbeat.

TheFlagbearer potions

Inspiration ElixirCommonDeal 3 additional attack damage and gain 3 additional Block from cards for 2 turns.
Command PotionUncommonPlant or Recall.
Bottled AeonsRareTake an extra turn after this one. TimeSickness 1. End your turn.

TheFlagbearer keywords

Aura: MightWhile the flag is planted deal X additional damage and gain X additional block.
Banner MagicThis card can only be played while the flag is Held.
Maintain LightMaintainLight is a token card with Ethereal and Exhaust.
Maintain Light+MaintainLight+ is a token card with Ethereal and Exhaust.
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest should use _ to replace spaces and be entirely lowercase. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions.
Time CurseTimeCurse is a token Status.
Time SicknessDraw less cards next turn equal to the value of TimeSickness.
This is displayed in the tooltip.This is displayed in the tooltip. Note, spaces are not allowed in NAMES. Also, they should be entirely lowercase. For multi-word keywords, see the next one.
AuraAuras are only active while the flag is Planted. Effects become inactive when the flag is Recalled. If the flag is already Planted, effects will be applied.
BuybackReturn the specified card from the discard pile to your Hand.
ChaserChaser is a token card with Ethereal and Exhaust.
Chaser+Chaser+ is a token card with Ethereal and Exhaust.
DrainThe enemy deals X less damage with attacks. The max amount of Drain applied to an enemy is equal to your Aura:Drain stacks.
FatigueFatigue is gained every turn while Planted and reduces the effectiveness of Aura:Might. When Fatigue reaches 3, the flag is automatically Recalled.
FlightReceives 50% less attack damage. Cancelled if dealt unblocked attack damage a certain number of times.
FocusFocus is a token card with Ethereal and Exhaust.
Focus+Focus+ is a token card with Ethereal and Exhaust.
HeldYou are holding the flag, good job Flagbearer.
ParadoxA card with this card's name can only be played once per turn.
PlantIf the flag is Held, it becomes Planted, you gain 1Aura:Might, and trigger Pulse (Deals 3 damage to ALL enemies).
PlantedThe flag is on the battlefield.
PulseIf the flag is Planted, deal 3 damage to ALL enemies.
PulsesPulse is a token card with Ethereal and Exhaust.
RecallIf the flag is Planted, it becomes Held. When the flag is Recalled gain [E] .
RecalledThe flag becomes Recalled if a card with Recall is played while the flag is Planted.
StunTarget will not act.
SuspendThis effect is played at the beginning of your next turn.

TheFlagbearer creatures

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