TheConstrictor cards

DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Muddy WaterBasicSkill0Apply 4 (6) theconstrictor:Constricting to ALL. Gain 4 (6) Block.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Dusty ShivSpecialAttack0Apply 2 (3) theconstrictor:Constricting. Deal 2 (3) damage. Exhaust.
Eldrich BlastSpecialAttack1Deal 22 (30) Damage to all enemies. Exhaust.
Bath TimeCommonSkill1 (0)Innate. Reduce your theconstrictor:Constricting by 4 (6). Exhaust.
Blocky BlockCommonSkill1Gain 9 (12) Block.
Break FreeCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Reduce 4 (6) theconstrictor:Constricting.
ClearHeadCommonAttack0Deal 2 (4) damage. Exhaust a random (not random)card in your hand.
Cold ShowerCommonSkill0Reduce your theconstrictor:Constricting by 2 (4). Exhaust a random (not random)card in your hand.
Constricting StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 12 (14) damage. Apply 2 (4) theconstrictor:Constricting. Gain 2 theconstrictor:Constricting.
Cool OffCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Gain [E] next turn.
Dam SlamCommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage. Gain 1 (2) theconstrictor:RisingWater. Exhaust.
EnvyCommonSkill0Innate. Draw 2 (3) cards. Gain 2 theconstrictor:Constricting. Exhaust.
Faded SealCommonSkill(*Retain.)Unplayable. On Exhaust Gain 10 (13) Block.
Fishy ShieldCommonSkill1Gain 2 (4) Block. Add 1 (2) Dusty Shiv To Your Hand.
Ink BlastCommonSkill1Apply 1 Weak. Apply 1 Vulnerable. Draw 1 (2) Card(s).
Into ItCommonSkill1Gain 3 Block. If your theconstrictor:Constricting is positive gain 12 (15) block instead.
MiscalculatedCommonSkill0Gain 1 (2) [E]. Gain 2 theconstrictor:Constricting.
Pacific Sailfish StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 9 (11) damage. Draw 1 (2) Card(s).
SharkSlapCommonAttack1Deal 3 (6) damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
Anchor TimeUncommonSkill3 (2)Gain 4 theconstrictor:Constricting. Reduce the cost of all cards in your hand to 0 this turn.
Blood BagUncommonSkill0Lose 4 HP. Gain 20 (25) Gold. Exhaust.
Blurry WaterUncommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. Gain 1 theconstrictor:Blur.
Buffered SlamUncommonAttack3Deal 15 (18) damage. Prevent the next time you would lose HP this combat. Exhaust.
ChessUncommonSkill0Next turn draw 1 (2) extra card(s) and gain 1 extra [E].
Deadly GripUncommonSkill1Apply 3 (4) theconstrictor:Constricting. Whenever you play a card this turn, the enemy loses 3 (4) HP.
Dolfin DanceUncommonPower1Gain 1 Dexterity. Gain 1 (2) theconstrictor:Blur.
Evil EyeUncommonSkill1Enemy loses 2 (3) Strength. Exhaust.
FloodUncommonPower2Innate. Gain 3 (4) theconstrictor:RisingWater.
FlowUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. If your theconstrictor:Constricting is positive Gain [E] and draw a card.
Froggy ModeUncommonPower2Gain 1 (2) Strength. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity.
GlassesUncommonPower1Gain 2 (3) Dexterity.
HeadacheUncommonSkillUnplayable. (Retain.)If this card is Exhausted add A Last Gasp to your hand.
Hide In HelmetUncommonPower1At the end of your turn gain 3 (4) Block.
Infinite DustUncommonPower1At the start of your turn add a Dusty Shiv into your hand.(Add a Dusty Shiv into your hand.)
Lil HitUncommonAttack0Draw 1 (2). Gain 3 (5) Block. Deal 3 (5) damage. Exhaust.
Load OffUncommonPower2At the end of your turn reduce your theconstrictor:Constricting by 6 (8).
MemoryUncommonSkill1Put 2 (3) cards from your discard pile into your hand. Exhaust.
MineUncommonSkill1(Innate.)Put a card from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust.
Not Into ItUncommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block. Reduce 4 (6) theconstrictor:Constricting.
RestUncommonSkill1Put 2 (3) cards from your discard pile into your hand and Retain them. End your turn.
Role ReversalUncommonSkill2Gain 11 (14) Block. Gain 2 (3) theconstrictor:RisingWater. Exhaust.
RustyKnifeUncommonAttack1Deal 8 damage. If Fatal, permanently increase this card's damage by 1 (2). Exhaust.
SadisticUncommonPower1Whenever you apply a debuff to an enemy, they take 4 (6) damage.
Secret CacheUncommonSkill1Add 2 (3) Dusty Shiv To Your Hand.
Shed SkinUncommonSkill1Draw 3 (4) Cards. Exhaust 1 card.
Shield SlammerUncommonAttack1 (0)Deal damage equal to your Block.
Shiny FishUncommonSkill1Draw 1 card. Upgrade a (ALL) card(s) in your hand for the rest of combat.
Slack TideUncommonSkill2Gain 8 (11) Block. The next Attack you play costs 0.
Sludge WaveUncommonAttack1Deal 4 (7) damage and apply 1 Weak to ALL enemies.
Smack Em'UncommonAttack1Deal 3 (4) damage 3 times.
Smelly FishUncommonPower1At the start of your turn apply 2 (3) theconstrictor:Constricting to all enemies.
SmotherUncommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) Weak. Apply 2 (3) theconstrictor:Constricting.
StareUncommonSkill1If the enemy has 24 (30) or less HP, set their HP to 0.
StealAMidUncommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) Damage. Heal 4 (6). Exhaust.
Strangled StrikeUncommonAttack1(*Retain.)Deal 6 damage. The theconstrictor:AbsoluteValue of your theconstrictor:Constricting affects this card. Exhaust.
Swept AwayUncommonAttack1Deal 11 (14) damage to ALL enemies.
Swordfish SlamUncommonAttackXDeal 9 (11) damage X times.
Talk To The TentacleUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage. Whenever you attack this enemy gain 2 (3) Block. Exhaust.
Tasty KelpUncommonPower1Gain 3 (4) Regen.
Treasure ChestUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Gain 7 (10) Gold. Exhaust.
Angel Fish FormRarePower3(Innate.)The first card you play each turn is played twice.
Big Lil HitRareSkill4 (3)Add 5 Lil Hit to your hand. Exhaust.
Chum In The WaterRareSkill2Apply 6 (9) theconstrictor:Constricting. When The enemy dies, deal damage equal to its max HP to ALL enemies.
Eldrich FormRarePower3(Innate.)At the start of your turn add an Eldrich Blast to your hand.
Eldritch AngerRareSkill1Apply 15 (20) theconstrictor:Constricting to ALL. Gain 30 (40) Block.
EvolutionRarePower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, draw one additional card.
Fair FightRareAttack2Gain 4 (6) theconstrictor:RisingWater. Deal damage = to theconstrictor:RisingWater.
FreedomRareSkill1 (0)Retain. Reduce your theconstrictor:Constricting by 20. Exhaust.
Froggy FormRarePower3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) At the end of your turn gain 1 Strength and 1 Dexterity.
Golden WaveRareAttackXDeal 8 (10) damage to all X Times. Gain 8 (10) Block X Times. Exhaust.
HungerRareSkillXGain 9 (11) Block X Times. Exhaust up to 1 (2) Card(s).
Krill ShieldRareSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Gain 3 (5) Thorns. Exhaust.
Last GaspRareSkill0(Innate.)Draw 2 Cards. Gain [E]. Exhaust.
Master FateRarePower1(Innate.)Whenever a card is created during combat, Upgrade it.
PainlessRarePower1Whenever a card is Exhausted, gain 3 (4) Block.
Return StrikeRareAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Put a card from your discard pile into your hand. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Shining LightRareSkill0Apply 2 (3) Weak. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable. Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
Sticky PennyRareSkill0(*Retain.)Gain 10 gold. If your theconstrictor:Constricting is positive draw 3 cards. Exhaust.
ThirstRareSkill1 (0)Obtain a Duplication Potion. Exhaust.
Tidal WaveRareAttack2Deal 18 (24) damage to ALL enemies.

TheConstrictor relics

Dusty RelicStarterTheconstrictor_colorAt the start of each combat, draw 1 additional card and heal 3 HP.Seems familiar.
Marine BiologistCommonTheconstrictor_colorAt the start of combat gain 1 theconstrictor:BlurEyes the color of the ocean. They reminds me of home.
Slimy ShieldCommonTheconstrictor_colorAt the start of each combat, reduce your theconstrictor:Constricting by 6.Proof of victory in a hard fought battle.
Smudged StoneUncommonTheconstrictor_colorWhenever you play 12 cards, Gain 1 theconstrictor:Blur.Hard to eat, not that pretty. What's the point?
RockfishRareTheconstrictor_colorAt the start of each combat, Gain 1 Strength and 1 Dexterity.The Hardest and strongest of all fish. Nom nom nom.
Lil FriendBossTheconstrictor_colorAt the start of combat add 3 theconstrictor:LilHit to your hand.Maybe I judged you too harshly. Tag along if you wish.
Polished RelicBossTheconstrictor_colorAt the start of each combat, draw 2 additional cards and heal 6 HP.Well cared for by The Collector.
StrangeRingBossTheconstrictor_colorGain 1 Energy at the start of each turn. At the start of each combat, Gain 10 theconstrictor:Constricting.Very hard to eat and tasteless. 0/10.
PollutionShopTheconstrictor_colorAt the start of each combat, apply 4 theconstrictor:Constricting to ALL enemies.Yummy Black Liquid

TheConstrictor keywords

Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest should use _ to replace spaces. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions.
AbsoluteValueAbsolute value is a numbers distance from 0.
BlurBlock is not removed at the start of your next turn.
ConstrictingConstricted characters lose HP after damage is dealt.
LilHitA 0 cost card that deals 3 damage, grants 3 block, draws one card, and Exhausts.
RisingWater At the end of your turn increase by one and deal damage to ALL enemies.

TheConstrictor creatures

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