The Vixen cards

DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. thevixenmod:Sunny: Draw a card.
EmberBasicAttack0Deal 3 (5) damage. thevixenmod:Sunny: Apply 4 (5) thevixenmod:Burn.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage. thevixenmod:Sunny: Apply 2 (3) thevixenmod:Burn.
Sunny DayBasicSkill0Gain 1 (2) thevixenmod:Sunny_Day. thevixenmod:Sunny and debuffed: Reduce (Gain [E] and reduce) the number on all numbered debuffs on you by 1.
Calm MindCommonSkill1Draw 3 cards. (Retain your thevixenmod:rightmost attack, skill or power.)thevixenmod:Sunny_Exhaust: Gain 3 (5) Strength and Dexterity this turn.
ConfusionCommonAttack1Target enemy deals 6 (7) damage to itself. Retain your thevixenmod:rightmost attack, skill or power.(thevixenmod:Sunny: Repeat this effect once.)
Counter Attack Dash CancelCommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block. thevixenmod:Sunny: Gain 3 (5) Strength this turn.
ExtrasensoryCommonAttack2Target enemy deals 8 damage to itself 2 (3) times. thevixenmod:Sunny_Exhaust: 3 (4) times instead.
FacadeCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Repeat this for every unique thevixenmod:debuff on you. (0)(thevixenmod:Sunny: Unaffected by Weak.)
Fire FangCommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage 2 times. thevixenmod:Sunny_Exhaust: Apply 4 (6) thevixenmod:Burn.
Flame BurstCommonAttack1Deal 6 (10) damage. If the enemy isn't burned, apply 3 (4) thevixenmod:Burn. Otherwise, gain 1 thevixenmod:Sunny_Day.
Flame ChargeCommonAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage. thevixenmod:Sunny: Gain 3 (5) Dexterity this turn.
FlamethrowerCommonAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage(Apply !M! thevixenmod:Burn). thevixenmod:Sunny: Retain your thevixenmod:rightmost attack, skill or power.
Flare BlitzCommonAttack0Deal 9 (13) damage. Gain 2 Vulnerable. thevixenmod:Sunny: Increase damage dealt by 5.
Heat WaveCommonAttack1Deal 7 (11) damage to all enemies. thevixenmod:Sunny: Apply 2 (3) thevixenmod:Burn.
Lava PlumeCommonAttack1Deal 3 damage 3 (4) times to a random enemy. thevixenmod:Sunny: Apply 2 thevixenmod:Burn to each target hit.
OverheatCommonAttack2Deal 24 (32) damage. Gain 3 Weak. thevixenmod:Sunny: Increase damage done by 8 and Weak gained by 1.
ProtectCommonSkill1Gain 11 (15) Block. Gain 1 thevixenmod:Protectspam. Protect becomes 33 (25) % less effective for each stack of thevixenmod:Protectspam.
PsybeamCommonAttack1Target enemy deals 7 (9) damage to itself. thevixenmod:Sunny: Gain Block equal to half (not half)the damage dealt.
Shadow BallCommonAttack2Deal 12 damage. thevixenmod:Sunny or (NL) Weak enemy: (enemy (stacks):) Gain [E] and draw 1 card.
SwaggerCommonAttack0Target enemy deals 7 (10) damage to itself. Until the start of your turn, it gains 3 (5) Strength and takes damage equal to half its damage dealt.
Tail WhipCommonSkill1 (0)Apply 1 Vulnerable. thevixenmod:Sunny_Exhaust: Apply 4 thevixenmod:Burn. Gain [E]
AgilityUncommonSkill1Retain your 2 thevixenmod:rightmost attack, skill or power cards. thevixenmod:Sunny: (not thevixenmod:Sunny:)Gain 8 Block.
AmnesiaUncommonSkill2Gain 14 (19) Block. thevixenmod:Sunny_Exhaust: Increase Block gained by 30 % and gain 7 (10) Block next turn.
AnalyticUncommonPower1Whenever you play 2 (3) or less cards in a turn, gain 1 thevixenmod:Sunny_Day.
BarrierUncommonSkillXGain 5 (6) Block X times this turn and next turn. Gain 3 (2) Frail.
BlazeUncommonPower1Gain 1 (2) Strength. If you are at or below 50% Health, whenever you apply thevixenmod:Burn, apply 1 (2) more thevixenmod:Burn.
Confuse RayUncommonAttack1Target enemy deals 4 damage to itself 2 (3) times. thevixenmod:Sunny: Enemy takes damage equal to half its damage dealt next turn.
CurseUncommonSkill2Gain 2 (3) Vulnerable. Apply 1 Poison (to all enemies) for each thevixenmod:debuffstack on you.
DazzlingUncommonPower1Whenever a card's thevixenmod:Sunny effect is triggered, gain 2 Block.(Gain !MISC! thevixenmod:Sunny_Day.)
DefiantUncommonPower1Gain (!B! Block. Gain) up to 1 thevixenmod:Sunny_Day per turn, one for each Debuff you are inflicted with.
DisableUncommonSkill2Enemy loses (All enemies lose) 10 Strength this turn. thevixenmod:Sunny_Exhaust: Choose a (!M!) card(s) from your Exhaust pile and add it to your Hand.
Double TeamUncommonSkill0Gain 4 (7) Block. Unaffected by Frail (Frail's effect is reverted for this card). thevixenmod:Sunny (if possible): Gain 1 extra Block for each unique thevixenmod:debuff on you (0).
DroughtUncommonPower1Whenever you gain thevixenmod:Sunny_Day, deal 3 (4) damage to a random enemy.
FeintUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (11) Block. thevixenmod:Sunny and Vulnerable: Remove up to 1 (2) Vulnerable from yourself and apply as much Weak to all enemies.
Fire BlastUncommonAttack1Deal 12 (17) damage to target enemy and 6 (11) to all other enemies. Exhaust.(thevixenmod:Sunny: Shuffle an unupgraded Fire Blast into your Discard Pile.)
Fire PledgeUncommonSkill1Double an enemy's Burn, then gain Block equal to it. thevixenmod:Sunny: Triple it instead. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Fire PunchUncommonAttack2Deal 10 (13) damage. Apply 1 (2) thevixenmod:Burn. Can be upgraded any number of times. thevixenmod:Sunny: Upgrade this card this combat.
Fire SpinUncommonAttackXDeal 3 (5) damage X*2 times. thevixenmod:Sunny: Increase X by 1.
Flame BodyUncommonPower1Whenever you are attacked, apply 2 (3) thevixenmod:Burn to the attacker next turn.
Flame WheelUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (5) damage (!M! times). Gain 1 Block for each thevixenmod:Burn on the (not the)target (!M! times). thevixenmod:Sunny: (not) Repeat this effect once (more).
HypnosisUncommonSkill1Target enemy loses 4 (6) Strength this turn. thevixenmod:Sunny: Gain [E]
IncinerateUncommonSkill1 (0)Exhaust a card in your hand. Gain 2 thevixenmod:Sunny_Day and 2 (4) Strength this turn.
Light ScreenUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. thevixenmod:Sunny: Increase Block gained by this card by 3 (4) this combat.
Magic CoatUncommonSkill3Gain 15 (20) Block. Costs up to 2 (3) [E] less for each unique thevixenmod:debuff on you ( 0 ). ( 5 extra Block for each thevixenmod:debuff above the limit)
Mind ReaderUncommonSkill2If the enemy intends to attack, gain 15 (19) Block¹. If not, deal 15 (19) damage². thevixenmod:Sunny: Inflict 2 (3) Weak¹ or Vulnerable² respectively.
Nasty PlotUncommonSkill1Draw 2 cards. thevixenmod:Sunny: (not thevixenmod:Sunny:)Gain (1 thevixenmod:Sunny_Day. thevixenmod:Sunny: gain) [E] (.)
Perish SongUncommonSkill1 (0)Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable to yourself and an enemy. Apply 0 thevixenmod:Burn, 1 for each thevixenmod:debuffstack on you.
PsychicUncommonAttack2All enemies deal 14 (19) damage to themselves. thevixenmod:Sunny: (not thevixenmod:Sunny:)Gain Block equal to their combined thevixenmod:Burn and Strength.
PsyshockUncommonAttackXTarget enemy deals 7 damage to itself X (X+1) times. Gain X (X+1) thevixenmod:Sunny_Day. Exhaust.
RefreshUncommonSkill0Draw a card (and gain !M! temporary HP) for each unique thevixenmod:debuff on you. (0) Then reduce the number on all debuffs on you by 1.
SpiteUncommonAttack1Deal 0 damage (twice) and target loses 0 Strength this turn. 1 for each thevixenmod:debuffstack on you.
TelepathyUncommonPower1Enemies deal 1 (3) more damage to themselves. Gain 1 Dexterity.
Trick RoomUncommonSkill1For 2 (3) turns, Vulnerable's effect on you is thevixenmod:inverted. (Gain 1 Vulnerable.)Exhaust.
Trump CardUncommonAttack2Deal 16 (21) damage. Unaffected by (not Unaffected by)Weak (is inverted for this card). If you have a thevixenmod:debuff on you, the damage dealt is applied to all other enemies.
Will-O-WispUncommonSkill0Apply 5 (8) Burn. thevixenmod:Sunny (if possible): Apply it to all enemies. Exhaust.
WishUncommonSkill1At the start of your next turn, heal for half the hp you lose this turn and gain temporary_HP equal to half the Block you gained. (Heal !M! HP.)Exhaust.
Blast BurnRareAttack1Deal 4 damage 4 times. (Deal 4 damage to all enemies thevixenmod:(Sunny: twice).)Put a Void on top of your Drawpile.
Burn UpRareSkill1Consume all your thevixenmod:Sunny_Day. Draw a card and gain [E] for each stack (0) (, then gain !M! thevixenmod:Sunny_Day). Exhaust.
Clear SkyRareSkill0(Gain !M!) thevixenmod:Sunny_Day (. thevixenmod:Sunny_Day) is not consumed this turn. Exhaust.
CopycatRareSkill (1)Is a copy of the last card played. (It costs 1.) Exhaust. thevixenmod:Sunny: Shuffle a copy of it into your discard pile.
EndureRareSkill2Gain 14 (18) Block. thevixenmod:Sunny: (not thevixenmod:Sunny:)You cannot die this turn, exhaust this card if you would.
Future SightRareSkill3 (2)Play a card from your draw pile. thevixenmod:Sunny_Exhaust: Play (Shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile, then play) up to X cards from your draw pile (it).
GutsRarePower2At the end of your turn, gain 1 Block for each thevixenmod:debuffstack on you. Gain 2 (5) thevixenmod:Do-Nothing-Debuff.
InfernoRareAttack1 (0)Deal damage to all enemies equal to the target's thevixenmod:Burn. It does not lose its burn at the end of this turn. thevixenmod:Not_Sunny: Exhaust.
MagicianRareSkill2Until end of turn, whenever YOU deal damage, draw a card, gain [E] and temporarily lose 2 (1) Strength and Dexterity. Exhaust.
MoodyRarePower3NCByYW5k thevixenmod:b20gZ29vZCBlZmZ (NiByYW5k b20gZ29vZCBlZmZ) lY3RzIG thevixenmod:FuZC Ay IGJhZCBvbmVz (FuZC Az thevixenmod:IGJhZCBvbmVz)
Mystical FireRareAttack1Deal 7 (5) damage (twice). Apply 2 (3) thevixenmod:Burn. thevixenmod:Not_Sunny: Shuffle (Put) this card into (on top of) your drawpile. thevixenmod:Gain 1 thevixenmod:Sunny_Day.
Psych UpRareSkill1Gain (Steal target enemy's) Strength and Block equal to the Strength and Block (until end) of target enemy this (not target enemy this)turn. thevixenmod:Sunny: Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
Psycho ShiftRareSkill1Absorb (Copy) all Vulnerable and Weak from one enemy. Heal 1 HP for each thevixenmod:debuffstack on you. Exhaust.
SafeguardRareSkill3 (2)Gain 20 Block. Gain 2 thevixenmod:Sunny_Day and 1 Artifact. Exhaust.
Solar BeamRareAttack2Consume (Gain !M! thevixenmod:Sunny_Day, then consume) all your thevixenmod:Sunny_Day. Deal 12 damage to all enemies for each stack consumed (0).
SubstituteRarePower1Take 0 damage. Cannot kill you. Gain 0 thevixenmod:Substitute. thevixenmod:Sunny: Gain 1 Artifact.
Synergy BurstRarePower2Gain 1 (2) Strength. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity. Shuffle a (an upgraded) Psycracker into your discard pile.
Wonder RoomRareSkill2 (1)All current temporary Strength and Dexterity changes become permanent. Exhaust.

The Vixen relics

Burning StickStarterThe_vixen_orangeIn the hands of the Vixen, at the start of your turn, gain 1thevixenmod:Sunny_Day. Displays the amount of thevixenmod:Sunny_Day you have.It's brown, but not sticky.
Oran BerryCommonThe_vixen_orangeOnce per combat, when you take unblocked attack damage while below 50% of your max HP, heal for 10% of your max HP. Has 5 uses.By tradition, these berries are harvested by brutally ripping out the trees they grow on.
SynchronizeCommonThe_vixen_orangeWhenever you are afflicted with Weak,Vulnerable or temporaryStrengthloss, also apply it to the enemy that applied it. (If you apply it to yourself, apply it to all enemies but for half the amount instead)no, U
CharcoalUncommonThe_vixen_orangeDamage caused by thevixenmod:Burn is doubled.My christmas gift.
Flame OrbUncommonThe_vixen_orangethevixenmod:Burn is now halved instead of removed at the end of turn. Double the Block gained from the power thevixenmod:Guts.You need real guts to carry something like this around.
Shell BellUncommonThe_vixen_orangeWhenever you deal damage to a thevixenmod:burned creature, gain 2Block.Reverberates when others scream in agony.
Twisted SpoonUncommonThe_vixen_orangeWhenever your cards cause enemies to deal damage to themselves, they lose 2Strength this turn.Not to be confused with a strange spoon.
Weakness PolicyUncommonThe_vixen_orangeWhenever you are afflicted with a debuff unrelated to Strength or Dexterity, gain 2 Strength this turn.If hit super effectively, please fill out form 37B and provide photographic proof of the event. NL A spire spokesperson will get back to you within 3 business days.
Serene GraceRareThe_vixen_orangeWhenever you apply thevixenmod:Burn to an enemy, reduce that enemy's Strength by half the amount of thevixenmod:Burn applied until end of turn.Pray, Iron Head, Repeat.
Umbreon's SupportSpecialThe_vixen_orangeAfter playing 20 cards, put Umbreon into your hand. It stays there until played or discarded manually.Unbreakable bonds of friendship... that will be forgotten when you start another climb.
Eternal FlameBossThe_vixen_orangeReplaces BurningStick. In the hands of the Vixen, at the start of your turn, gain 2thevixenmod:Sunny_Day and gain Strength this turn equal to the leftover thevixenmod:Sunny_Day from last turn. Displays the amount of thevixenmod:Sunny_Day you have.Just add water.
Firium ZBossThe_vixen_orangeRight-click: Once per combat, deal damage equal to all damage dealt to all enemies this turn to target enemy. It cannot die this turn.Obtained in a fierce... dance competition.
Choice SpecsShopThe_vixen_orangeAfter playing the first card each turn, you may only play cards of that cardtype until end of turn. All Damage dealt, Block gained and HP healed is increased by 50%.A rather tricky thing to use.

The Vixen keywords

SunnyRequires the power SunnyDay to trigger. Consumes 1 stack of it upon doing so.
b20gZ29vZCBlZmZOption only available if appropriate cards are in hand.
BurnBurned creatures take more damage from all attacks equal to the amount of Burn on them. When the stack of Burn passes a multiple of 4, apply 1 Weak.Burn is removed at the end of turn.
CopycatThis card exhausts. Sunny: Shuffle a copy of the repeated card into your discard pile.
Cumulative StacksThe stacks of all debuff powers on you combined, added to the amount of Curse- and Status cards in your hand.
Debuffs AddendumThis means all powers on you that are debuffs, as well as unique Curse- and Status cards in your hand.
Do-nothing-DebuffDoes nothing. What exactly did you expect? Not affected by debuff reducing/removing effects.
FuZC AddendumThis will happen regardless of the starting effects.
Mystical Fire AddendumYou gain the SunnyDay regardless of the NotSunny effect.
IGJhZCBvbmVz AddendumJust play it and see for yourself already...
Trick RoomPower only deteriotates at the end of turn if you were attacked while Vulnerable during said turn. Actual numbers are 33% less damage taken instead of 50% more, or 45% less damage with oddmushroom.
Not SunnyRequires the power SunnyDay to NOT trigger. Consumes 1 stack of it upon doing so.
ProtectspamProtect is less effective. Reduced by 1 each turn except the turn it was applied.
Rightmost AddendumIf there are not enough cards to retain,drawcardsnextturn equal to the amount of missing cards.
SubstitutePrevents damage similar to Block, but is not removed at the end of turn. The blow that removes this deals 0 damage.
Sunny Day1 stack of this power is used up to trigger a card's Sunny effect.
Sunny ExhaustRequires the power SunnyDay to trigger. Consumes 1 stack of it and Exhausts upon doing so.

The Vixen creatures

The VixenPlayer70
The VixenBoss630