The Servant 0.9.4 cards

DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
ExchangeBasicSkill0Discard 2 cards. Obtain 2 Knives.(Retain.)
Kidney ShotBasicAttack1Throw 2 (3) Knives. Each deals 4 damage and applies 1 Weak.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
AlleviateCommonSkill2Discard up to 3 cards. Gain 5 (7) Block for each discarded card.
Bottled TimeCommonSkill0(Innate.)Draw 2 cards. Exhaust.
DefyCommonSkill1Gain 8 (10) Block. You are not affected by Weak, Vulnerable or Frail for 1 turn.(Retain.)
Double EdgeCommonAttack1Deal 15 (21) damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable. Backlash.
Fast ForwardCommonSkill1Gain 9 (12) Block. If there are no Attack cards in your hand, draw 2 cards.
PotentialCommonAttack0Deal 5 (7) damage. Shift: Increase this card's damage by 5 (7) this combat and put this card into your hand.
RearmCommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Obtain 5 Knives.
ReplaceCommonSkill1 (0)Discard a card from your draw pile. Place a card from your discard pile on top of your draw pile.
RevampCommonSkill1Put 1 card from your discard pile into your hand and upgrade it. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
RewindCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Put the card at the bottom of your discard pile into your hand.
RicochetCommonAttack1Throw 1 Knife. Each deals 9 damage and bounces between enemies 2 (3) times.
Shattered RealityCommonAttack0Deal 5 (8) damage. Shift: Deal DOUBLE damage to ALL enemies.
SpinCommonAttack1Deal 13 (18) damage and apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies. Backlash.
StarlightCommonAttack1Throw 2 (3) Knives. Each deals 5 damage to a random enemy and draws 1 card.
Time WarpCommonAttack0Deal 6 (9) damage. Discard 1 (2) card(s). Shift: Draw 1 card.
UnruledCommonAttack1Deal 9 (11) damage. For each stack of Weak, Vulnerable and Frail on you, deal 2 (3) additional damage.
AdvanceUncommonSkill0(Innate.)Put 2 Cost 0 cards from your draw pile into your hand.
BarrierUncommonSkill2Gain 7 (10) Block. Gain 7 (10) Protection.
Best PracticeUncommonPower1 (0)At the start of your turn, you may upgrade 1 card in your hand for the rest of combat.
CollapseUncommonAttack2 (1)Deal damage equal to your current Protection to ALL enemies.
CometUncommonAttack0Deal 3 damage. Draw 2 (3) cards. Draw 1 less card for each card you have played this turn.
ContractionUncommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Protection. Convert all Block to Protection.
Dancing SilverUncommonSkill2Convert 4 (6) Knives to Satellites. Gain 2 Block for each Satellite you have.
DeadlineUncommonSkill1Vision: Apply 2 (3) Blight and Vulnerable. Exhaust.
DesolationUncommonAttack1Deal 12 (16) damage. Double the enemy's Blight. Exhaust.
Dual DimensionUncommonSkill2 (1)Double your Protection. Exhaust. Shift: Gain 6 Protection.
Fan of KnivesUncommonAttackXThrow 1 Knife at each enemy X times. Each deals 7 (10) damage.
ForesightUncommonPower1At the start of your turn, look at the top 2 (3) cards of your draw pile. You may discard any of them.
Gear UpUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Protection. Obtain 3 Knives.
GougeUncommonAttackXDeal 6 damage and apply 1 Blight X (X+1) times. Exhaust.
HightailUncommonSkillXGain 8 (11) Protection X time(s). Backlash.
Instant ArmorUncommonSkill0Innate. Gain 6 (9) Protection. Convert 3 Knives to Satellites. Exhaust.
LuminosityUncommonPower1Gain 1 Strength. Gain 1 (2) Elegance.
ManipulateUncommonSkillXAdds X+1 (X+2) random Temporal cards to your draw pile.
MisdirectUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. Apply 1 Blight and Weak.
Moon PhaseUncommonPower0At the end of your turn, gain 1 (2) Block for each stack of Weak, Vulnerable and Frail on you.
MoondialUncommonSkill2Add 2 (3) random Temporal cards to your hand and your draw pile. Exhaust.
MoonlightUncommonAttack1Throw 2 (3) Knives. Each deals 5 damage and applies 1 Vulnerable.
OrbitUncommonAttack2Convert 3 (4) Knives to Satellites. Deal 3 damage to ALL enemies for each Satellite you have.
ReadUncommonSkill2Vision: Gain 15 (20) Protection and apply 2 (3) Weak.
Reality MarbleUncommonPower1Innate. At the end of your turn, Retain up to 1 (2) card. The cards you retain lose Ethereal for this combat.
ResetUncommonSkill0Clear ALL Weak, Vulnerable and Frail. Each stack gives you 1 (2) Protection. Exhaust.
Returning BladeUncommonAttack1Vision: Deal 6 (8) damage to ALL enemies and put this card into your hand. Can be upgraded any number of times.
SabotageUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Enemy loses Strength equals to damage for 1 turn. Exhaust.
Shifting GearsUncommonSkill1Draw 3 (4) cards. Shift: Gain 1 Elegance.
ShuttleUncommonSkill1 (0)Activate card and relic effects that will activate at the start of your next turn. Exhaust.
Silver BladesUncommonPower1Knives deal 2 (3) additional damage. At the start of your turn, obtain 2 (3) Knives.
SnipeUncommonAttack1Vision: Throw 1 Knife. Each deals 15 (20) damage and applies 1 Vulnerable.
Special FormulaUncommonSkill0Gain [B] . Heal 5 (8) HP. Backlash. Exhaust.
Star ChefUncommonPower2At the start of your turn, you may exhaust 1 card and gain [B]. Ethereal. (not Ethereal.)
Surpressing FireUncommonPower1Whenever you throw or convert a Knife, gain 2 (3) Block.
Time TheftUncommonSkill1Vision: Gain [B] [B] ([B]). Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
Waste NotUncommonPower1 (0)At the end of your turn, spend all [B] . Draw 1 more card next turn for each [B] spent.
DenyRareSkill1Look at your draw pile. You may discard up to 3 cards. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
DilationRareSkill0Gain 3 (4) Protection. This card's Protection is increased by 1 this combat.
DuplicationRareSkill2Duplicate 1 (2) card(s). The duplicates cost 0 this turn. Backlash. Exhaust.
EmbodimentRarePower2At the end your turn, add a random (Upgraded) Temporal card to your draw pile.
Flawless FormRarePower3Gain 12 (16) Protection. You are not affected by Weak, Vulnerable or Frail.(Retain.)
Flowering NightRarePower2 (1)Whenever you play a card, draw a card. You may only draw 6 cards each turn this way.
Forge in TimeRareSkill2Exhaust your hand. Gain 5 (7) Protection and 2 Knives for each exhausted card. Exhaust.
InitiatorRareAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage. Add Follow Up (Up+) to your hand.
Killing DollRareAttack2Throw ALL Knives. Each deals 2 (3) damage to a random enemy. Exhaust.
Light FlowRareAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage 3 times. Backlash.
Murderous AuraRarePower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, apply 1 Blight to ALL enemies.
Pendulum of EternityRareAttack5 (4)Deal 33 damage. Apply 3 Vulnerable. Apply 3 Weak. Shift: Costs 1 less [B] .
Silver MatrixRarePower1Convert 2 (3) Knives to Satellites. Gain 1 Matrix for each Satellite you have.
SolidifyRareSkill0Choose 1 Temporal card (twice) and place it on top of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Soul SculptureRareAttack2Deal 3 (4) damage 6 times. Enemy loses 3 (4) Strength. Exhaust.
SunlightRareAttack2Throw 1 Knife. Each deals 16 (21) damage and applies 1 (2) Blight to ALL enemies.
The WorldRareSkill1 (0)Draw 3 cards. The next card you play this turn costs 0. Exhaust.
True SightRarePower2Vision effects will always be triggered.(Retain.)

The Servant 0.9.4 relics

UniformStarterSilverAt the start of each combat, obtain 6Knives.It helps in keeping dirty stuff away as well as in carrying weapons.
BroomCommonSilverEvery 10 cards you manually discard, gain [B] .A must-have for every maid.
Knee BraceUncommonSilverGain 3Block for each Shift effect you trigger.Quite useful for avoiding bursitis.
Paper SwanUncommonSilverWhenever you apply Blight, you have 50% chance to apply an additional 1Blight.Perfect and Elegant.
Old ScarfRareSilverAt the start of each combat, upgrade all Vision cards in your deck for the rest of combat.It is said that this is a family heirloom.
Pocket WatchRareSilverWhenever you Exhaust a card, draw a card.Sixty years, an instant.
Roman BraceletRareSilverAt the start of each combat, put 2TemporalEssence in your draw pile.Only few people may release its true potential.
Mystery SwordBossSilverGain [B] at the start of each turn. The first Skill you play each turn has Backlash.Found in the depth. Users must sacrifice themselves to wield this sword.
Splendid AttireBossSilverReplaces Uniform. At the start of each combat, obtain 12Knives, gain 1Elegance and 3Satellites.Danger hides in beauty.
Stone MaskBossSilverEach time you kill a non-minion enemy, heal for 2 HP and gain 1 permanent Max HP.You feel a sudden impulse to reject your humanity.
PanShopSilverAt the start of each combat, apply 2Blight to ALL enemies.Why are they selling this?

The Servant 0.9.4 keywords

BacklashApply 1Weak,Vulnerable AND Frail to you.
BlightBlighted enemies will take extra damage when attacked.
EleganceElegance improves Block and Protection gained from cards.
KnifeKnives are the Servant's most dedicated weapons. Can be thrown or converted.
MatrixReduce Attack damage taken by 50%. Lose 1 Martix whenever you are attacked.
ProtectionWhenever you lose HP, lose Protection instead. Protection will not be removed at the start of your next turn.
SatelliteWhenever you use an Attack, lose 1 Satellite and attack an extra time for 4 damage. Whenever you are attacked, lose 1 Satellite and deal 4 damage to the attacker. Satellites count as Knives.
ShiftShift effects can only be triggered by manually discarding the card.
TemporalTemporal cards cost 0 and have Ethereal and Exhaust.
VisionPredict the enemy intent for the next turn. If correct, trigger the effect(s) at the start of your next turn.

The Servant 0.9.4 creatures

The ServantPlayer65