Name | Image | Rarity | Type | Cost | Description |
Double Hit | ![](cards/DTMod-DoubleHit.png) | Basic | Attack | 2 | Dragon deals 8 (11) damage twice. |
Strike | ![](cards/DTMod-Strike.png) | Basic | Attack | 1 | Deal 6 (9) damage. |
Switching Tactic | ![](cards/DTMod-SwitchingTactic.png) | Basic | Skill | 0 | (Retain.)Reverse ragontaer:Aggro. This turn, ALL enemies lose Strength equal to ragontaer:Aggro difference. |
Target Defense | ![](cards/DTMod-TargetDefense.png) | Basic | Skill | 1 | The ragontaer:Front gains 5 (8) Block. |
Hard Skin | ![](cards/DTMod-HardSkin.png) | Special | Skill | 1 | Retain. Dragon gains 12 (16) Block. Exhaust. |
Bizarre Tactic | ![](cards/DTMod-BizarreTactic.png) | Common | Skill | 1 | You gain 10 (14) Block. Whenever Dragon is attacked this turn, deal 5 (8) damage back. |
Blazing Strike | ![](cards/DTMod-BlazingStrike.png) | Common | Attack | 1 | Dragon deals 15 (20) damage. Add a Burn into your hand. |
Break Attack | ![](cards/DTMod-BreakAttack.png) | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 6 (8) damage. Apply 3 (5) Vulnerable. Exhaust. |
Build Up | ![](cards/DTMod-BuildUp.png) | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 8 (10) damage. Next Attack card deals 4 (6) additional damage. |
Burning Energy | ![](cards/DTMod-BurningEnergy.png) | Common | Skill | 0 | Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Add a Burn into your discard pile. |
Cleansing Strike | ![](cards/DTMod-CleansingStrike.png) | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 (12) damage. Exhaust 1 (2) random Status or Curse card(s) from anywhere. |
Combo Attack | ![](cards/DTMod-ComboAttack.png) | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 5 (7) damage. Dragon deals 5 (7) damage. Gain 1 ragontaer:Bonding. |
Cover | ![](cards/DTMod-Cover.png) | Common | Skill | 1 | The ragontaer:Rear gains 9 (13) Block. Draw 2 cards. |
Feint | ![](cards/DTMod-Feint.png) | Common | Attack | 0 | Randomly chosen: You deal 7 (10) damage or Dragon deals 7 (10) damage. |
Flame Slash | ![](cards/DTMod-FlameSlash.png) | Common | Attack | 1 | Dragon deals 8 (12) damage to ALL enemies. |
Heat Wave | ![](cards/DTMod-HeatWave.png) | Common | Attack | 1 | Dragon deals 4 damage and apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies. |
Hide | ![](cards/DTMod-Hide.png) | Common | Skill | 2 | The ragontaer:Front gains 12 (16) Block. Next turn, gain [E]. |
Magic Field | ![](cards/DTMod-MagicField.png) | Common | Skill | 1 | ALL creatures gain 9 (12) Block. |
Master Plan | ![](cards/DTMod-MasterPlan.png) | Common | Skill | 1 | The ragontaer:Front gains 7 (9) Block. The ragontaer:Rear gains 9 (12) Block next turn. |
Punisher | ![](cards/DTMod-Punisher.png) | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 8 (10) damage. If the enemy has Weak, deal 8 (10) damage again. |
Quick Fly | ![](cards/DTMod-QuickFly.png) | Common | Attack | 1 | Innate. Dragon deals 9 (12) damage. Draw a card. |
Threaten | ![](cards/DTMod-Threaten.png) | Common | Skill | 0 | Innate. Dragon gains 4 (6) Block and apply 1 (2) Weak. |
Training | ![](cards/DTMod-Training.png) | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | You and Dragon gain 1 Strength each. Gain 1 ragontaer:Bonding. |
Weaken | ![](cards/DTMod-Weaken.png) | Common | Skill | 0 | Apply 3 (5) Weak. Exhaust. |
Adaptation | ![](cards/DTMod-Adaptation.png) | Uncommon | Power | 0 | (Innate.)Whenever you shuffle your draw pile, put ALL Innate cards into your hand. |
Astonish | ![](cards/DTMod-Astonish.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | The ragontaer:Rear deals damage equal to 2 (3) times the ragontaer:Aggro difference. |
Balanced Strike | ![](cards/DTMod-BalancedStrike.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | Innate. Gain 8 (11) Block. Deal 8 (11) damage. Exhaust. |
Blue Scale | ![](cards/DTMod-BlueScale.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Dragon gains 13 Block. Add a Hard Skin (*Skin+) into your hand. |
Burning Force | ![](cards/DTMod-BurningForce.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Dragon deals 15 (20) damage. Deals 7 (10) additional damage for every Burn created this combat. |
Calculated Defense | ![](cards/DTMod-CalculatedDefense.png) | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Weakened enemies deal 2 (3) less damage to your team. |
Conduct | ![](cards/DTMod-Conduct.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | If the ragontaer:Aggro difference is 5 or higher, draw 2 (3) cards. |
Coolant | ![](cards/DTMod-Coolant.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Scry 5 (7). Exhaust any Status or Curse cards revealed. |
Cross Step | ![](cards/DTMod-CrossStep.png) | Uncommon | Power | 1 | (Innate.)Whenever your team ragontaer:Switch, gain [E]. |
Dark Breath | ![](cards/DTMod-DarkBreath.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Dragon deals 4 (5) damage twice and apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. |
Deep Focus | ![](cards/DTMod-DeepFocus.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | After 2 turns, You gain 5 (7) Strength. |
Dissolve | ![](cards/DTMod-Dissolve.png) | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Add 2 Burns into your hand. At the end of each turn, Dragon gains 6 (8) Block. |
Dragon Dance | ![](cards/DTMod-DragonDance.png) | Uncommon | Power | 2 | Dragon gains 4 (6) Strength and 2 Dexterity. |
Forked Fire | ![](cards/DTMod-ForkedFire.png) | Uncommon | Attack | X | Repeat X times: Dragon deals 7 (9) damage to two random enemies. |
Ghost Skin | ![](cards/DTMod-GhostSkin.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Dragon gains 1 Intangible. Dragon loses 3 (1) Dexterity. Exhaust. |
Haste | ![](cards/DTMod-Haste.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Play a (all) Power card(s) from your hand. Exhaust. |
Invisible Flame | ![](cards/DTMod-InvisibleFlame.png) | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Whenever the ragontaer:Front attacks, deal 3 (5) damage to ALL enemies. |
Last Stand | ![](cards/DTMod-LastStand.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | You gain 5 (10) Block. For this turn, You receive half damage from attacks. Exhaust. |
Low Kick | ![](cards/DTMod-LowKick.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 (12) damage. Draw cards equal to the amount of Weak applied to the enemy. |
Magician's Mark | ![](cards/DTMod-MagiciansMark.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 10 (13) damage. The next 4 (7) times Dragon attacks this enemy, gain 1 ragontaer:Bonding. Exhaust. |
Maximum Charge | ![](cards/DTMod-MaximumCharge.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Dragon deals 30 (40) damage. Dragon gains 2 Vulnerable. |
Observe | ![](cards/DTMod-Observe.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Innate. Gain [E] for every 6 cards in your draw pile. |
Overwhelm | ![](cards/DTMod-Overwhelm.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Apply 2 Weak. All enemies lose HP equal to 3 (4) times their Weak. |
Purifying Flame | ![](cards/DTMod-PurifyingFlame.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Dragon deals 9 (14) damage. Remove all debuffs from Dragon. Exhaust. |
Reckless Flurry | ![](cards/DTMod-RecklessFlurry.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 1 (0) | Choose the attacker. The attacker loses all Block and deals twice that much to ALL enemies. |
Running Tactic | ![](cards/DTMod-RunningTactic.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Draw 3 (4) cards. You gain 2 ragontaer:Aggro. |
Shield Drain | ![](cards/DTMod-ShieldDrain.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Steal all Block from the enemy. Deal 10 (13) damage. |
Shift | ![](cards/DTMod-Shift.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Retain. The ragontaer:Rear (Choose one: You or Dragon) gains 7 ragontaer:Aggro. Exhaust. |
Sneak Attack | ![](cards/DTMod-SneakAttack.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Can only be played if You are the ragontaer:Rear. Deal 4 (5) damage 4 times. |
Star Rain | ![](cards/DTMod-StarRain.png) | Uncommon | Attack | X | Deal 5 (7) damage X+1 times. This attack does not increase ragontaer:Aggro. |
Tag Team | ![](cards/DTMod-TagTeam.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | The ragontaer:Front gains 6 (9) Block. Gain 1 ragontaer:Bonding. If your team ragontaer:Switched this turn, all effects are doubled. |
Taunting Strike | ![](cards/DTMod-TauntingStrike.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Choose one: Deal 10 (14) damage, or Dragon deals 10 (14) damage. The attacker ragontaer:Taunts that enemy. |
Warm-Up | ![](cards/DTMod-WarmUp.png) | Uncommon | Power | 1 | (Innate.)At the start of your turn, draw 1 additional card. |
Echo Tactic | ![](cards/DTMod-EchoTactic.png) | Rare | Skill | 1 | Copy a different card from your hand. Reduce its cost by 1 (2). Exhaust. |
Excess Footwork | ![](cards/DTMod-ExcessFootwork.png) | Rare | Power | 1 | The ragontaer:Rear gains 4 (6) Dexterity. |
Fiery Synthesis | ![](cards/DTMod-FierySynthesis.png) | Rare | Attack | 0 | Dragon deals 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies. Convert all potions to ragontaer:Blaze_Potions. |
Gear Up | ![](cards/DTMod-GearUp.png) | Rare | Skill | 1 | Add 2 Safety (*Safety+) and Hard Skin (*Skin+) into your hand. Exhaust. |
Harmonize | ![](cards/DTMod-Harmonize.png) | Rare | Power | 1 | (Innate.)Whenever both You and Dragon attack in a single turn, gain 1 ragontaer:Bonding. |
Head Start | ![](cards/DTMod-HeadStart.png) | Rare | Skill | 0 | Innate. Choose one: Gain [E] [E] ([E]), or Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust. |
Inferno | ![](cards/DTMod-Inferno.png) | Rare | Attack | 3 | Dragon deals 32 (40) damage to ALL enemies. Shuffle a Burn into your draw pile for each enemy. |
Light Shield | ![](cards/DTMod-LightShield.png) | Rare | Skill | 2 | You gain 14 (18) Block. Dragon gains 14 (18) Block. Costs 1 less [E] for each ragontaer:Bonding bonus you received this combat. |
Multitask | ![](cards/DTMod-Multitask.png) | Rare | Power | 1 | Draw 2 (3) cards whenever you do 2 of these: Create a Burn, apply Weak, or ragontaer:Switch. |
Opening Tactic | ![](cards/DTMod-OpeningTactic.png) | Rare | Attack | 1 | Innate. If the enemy has full HP, Gain 1 Dexterity. Deal 11 (15) damage. |
Outburst | ![](cards/DTMod-Outburst.png) | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Dragon enters Wrath for 2 turns. |
Prediction | ![](cards/DTMod-Prediction.png) | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Choose a card from your draw pile and put it on top. It costs 0 until played. |
Repeat Strike | ![](cards/DTMod-RepeatStrike.png) | Rare | Attack | 1 | (Innate.)Dragon deals 12 damage. At the start of each turn, return this from the discard pile to your hand. |
Resonance Form | ![](cards/DTMod-ResonanceForm.png) | Rare | Power | 3 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Effects that give only one of your team Strength, Dexterity or Block now affect both. |
Safeguard | ![](cards/DTMod-Safeguard.png) | Rare | Power | 1 | (Innate.)The ragontaer:Rear no longer loses Block at the start of your turn. |
Sealed Strike | ![](cards/DTMod-SealedStrike.png) | Rare | Attack | 1 | Deal 10 (12) damage. Can be Upgraded 5 times. On 5th upgrade, Upgrade ALL cards in your deck. |
Shadow Image | ![](cards/DTMod-ShadowImage.png) | Rare | Power | 1 | Whenever You or Dragon attacks, the attacker gains 2 (3) Block. |
Stun Trap | ![](cards/DTMod-StunTrap.png) | Rare | Skill | 2 (1) | After 2 turns, Stun the enemy and draw 3 cards. Exhaust. |
Tri Attack | ![](cards/DTMod-TriAttack.png) | Rare | Attack | 2 | Choose 3 times: You deal 6 (9) damage or Dragon deals 6 (9) damage. |
Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Pact Stone | ![](relics/PactStone.png) | Starter | Dt_orange | At the start of each combat, You and Dragon gain 5Temporary_HP each. | The evidence of your friendship. |
Basic Textbook | ![](relics/BasicTextbook.png) | Common | Dt_orange | Increase the damage of Strike and Block from Target Defense by 2. | Basic skills are the most important things to learn. |
Ancient Bone | ![](relics/AncientBone.png) | Uncommon | Dt_orange | At the start of each combat, add a HardSkin into your hand. | Essence of primal technology. |
Dragon Food | ![](relics/DragonFood.png) | Uncommon | Dt_orange | At the end of combat, Dragon heals 3 HP. | It's delicious to humans too. |
Tactical Note | ![](relics/TacticalNote.png) | Uncommon | Dt_orange | All cards containing "Tactic" have their effects boosted. | Filled with practical advices. |
Binding String | ![](relics/BindingString.png) | Rare | Dt_orange | At the start of your turn, if You and Dragon have the same ragontaer:Aggro, gain 2ragontaer:Bonding. | The combination of two fighters is better when they are close. |
Solid Memories | ![](relics/SolidMemories.png) | Rare | Dt_orange | At the start of turn 2,Fetch a card from your discard pile. It costs 0 for the turn. | The origin form of Liquid Memories. |
Magic Stone | ![](relics/MagicStone.png) | Boss | Dt_orange | Replaces PactStone. At the start of each combat, You and Dragon heal 7 HP. During combat, excess amount of healing is converted to Temporary_HP. | The Pact Stone absorbed weird magic. |
The Chair | ![](relics/TheChair.png) | Boss | Dt_orange | Gain [E] at the start of your turn. On turn 1, you only draw Innate cards and cards in Bottle relics. | This comfortable chair makes you energized, but switching from rest mode becomes harder. Unless you're talented. |
Mind Bender | ![](relics/MindBender.png) | Shop | Dt_orange | When you play a card that let you choose the attacker, you may pick any enemy as the attacker. | Banned outside of spire. |
Odd Armor | ![](relics/OddArmor.png) | Shop | Dt_orange | On odd-numbered turns, Dragon takes 2 less damage from attacks. On even-numbered turns, You take 2 less damage from attacks. | Because it looks odd, people don't want to wear it even though it's powerful. |
Switch Button | ![](relics/SwitchButton.png) | Shop | Dt_orange | Once per combat, right click to activate. You and Dragon swaps ragontaer:Aggro. | Do NOT touch this button! |