Name | Image | Type | Description |
Forgotten Equipment | | Bonus | Upon entering, you may add 1 card to your deck. |
Crossroads | | Bonus | Choose between two events. |
Defensible Position | | Bonus | Start this combat with 2 Dexterity. |
Element of Surprise | | Bonus | At the start of combat, draw 2 additional cards. |
Wealthy | | Bonus | This room contains additional Gold. |
Ideal Rest Site | | Bonus | Heal 15% of your Max HP upon entering this room. |
Special Promotion: SALES | | Bonus | In this shop, everything is 30% off! |
Merchant's Stash | | Bonus | This chest contains a shop relic. Don't tell the merchant. |
Special Promotion: Upgrade | | Bonus | Buying a card removal from this merchant also Upgrades a random card in your deck. |
Useful Map | | Bonus | Your map says this room contains arandomevent. |
Corrupted Growth | | Challenge | At the start of combat, gain 0Constricted, dealing damage to you at the end of your turn. |
Blood Seal | | Challenge | Opening this chest costs 20% of your current health. |
Cursed Treasure | | Challenge | This room contains a chest that curses you when opened. |
Gremlin Caves | | Challenge | This room contains 0 additional small gremlins. |
Dark Fog | | Challenge | Enemy intents are hidden. |
Draining Seal | | Challenge | Opening this chest reduces your Max HP by 7. |
Tight Corridor | | Challenge | For this combat, your max hand size is reduced by 3. |
Slimy Swamp | | Challenge | At the start of combat, add 3Slimed to your draw pile. |
Dark Influence | | Challenge | Enemies start this combat with 0 Strength. |
Time Distortion | | Challenge | At the start of combat, a random enemy gains TimeWarp. |
Blacksmith's Cache | | Reward | Upon opening this chest, Upgrade2 random cards from your deck. |
Hoarder | | Reward | Rewards include 3 additional card rewards. |
Cleanse | | Reward | Rewards include a card removal. |
Collector | | Reward | Rewards include an additional rare card reward. |
Precious Antique | | Reward | This chest contains a Rare relic. |
Plentiful | | Reward | Rewards include an additional card reward. |
Old Garden | | Reward | Rewards include an additional Strawberry, increasing your Max HP by 7. |
High Quality | | Reward | Cards rewards from this combat are Upgraded. |
Ancient Ruins | | Special | At the start of battle, you and all enemies gain 2Artifact. |
Dig Site | | Special | At this rest site, the option to rest is replaced with the option to dig. |
Relaxing Fumes | | Special | At this rest site, you can remove a card from your deck instead of upgrading a card. |
Spatial Fracture | | Special | You can access any room in the next floor from here. |
Spatial Keystone | | Special | You can access this room from anywhere in the floor below it. |
Colorful | | Special | This room's card reward contains curse cards. |
Rough Terrain | | Special | In this room, draw 1 more card each turn, but discard 2 cards at the start of your turn. |
Experimental | | Special | This merchant offers a card transformation service instead of a card removal service. |
Snecko Temple | | Special | Draw 1 additional card each turn. Start the combat Confused. |