SpireLocations relics

Cleansing Water DropSpecialUpon pickup, remove a card from your deck.A drop of water from a mystical fountain, that is said to remove curses from those who drink from it.

SpireLocations nodemodifiers

Forgotten EquipmentBonusUpon entering, you may add 1 card to your deck.
CrossroadsBonusChoose between two events.
Defensible PositionBonusStart this combat with 2 Dexterity.
Element of SurpriseBonusAt the start of combat, draw 2 additional cards.
WealthyBonusThis room contains additional Gold.
Ideal Rest SiteBonusHeal 15% of your Max HP upon entering this room.
Special Promotion: SALESBonusIn this shop, everything is 30% off!
Merchant's StashBonusThis chest contains a shop relic. Don't tell the merchant.
Special Promotion: UpgradeBonusBuying a card removal from this merchant also Upgrades a random card in your deck.
Useful MapBonusYour map says this room contains arandomevent.
Corrupted GrowthChallengeAt the start of combat, gain 0Constricted, dealing damage to you at the end of your turn.
Blood SealChallengeOpening this chest costs 20% of your current health.
Cursed TreasureChallengeThis room contains a chest that curses you when opened.
Gremlin CavesChallengeThis room contains 0 additional small gremlins.
Dark FogChallengeEnemy intents are hidden.
Draining SealChallengeOpening this chest reduces your Max HP by 7.
Tight CorridorChallengeFor this combat, your max hand size is reduced by 3.
Slimy SwampChallengeAt the start of combat, add 3Slimed to your draw pile.
Dark InfluenceChallengeEnemies start this combat with 0 Strength.
Time DistortionChallengeAt the start of combat, a random enemy gains TimeWarp.
Blacksmith's CacheRewardUpon opening this chest, Upgrade2 random cards from your deck.
HoarderRewardRewards include 3 additional card rewards.
CleanseRewardRewards include a card removal.
CollectorRewardRewards include an additional rare card reward.
Precious AntiqueRewardThis chest contains a Rare relic.
PlentifulRewardRewards include an additional card reward.
Old GardenRewardRewards include an additional Strawberry, increasing your Max HP by 7.
High QualityRewardCards rewards from this combat are Upgraded.
Ancient RuinsSpecialAt the start of battle, you and all enemies gain 2Artifact.
Dig SiteSpecialAt this rest site, the option to rest is replaced with the option to dig.
Relaxing FumesSpecialAt this rest site, you can remove a card from your deck instead of upgrading a card.
Spatial FractureSpecialYou can access any room in the next floor from here.
Spatial KeystoneSpecialYou can access this room from anywhere in the floor below it.
ColorfulSpecialThis room's card reward contains curse cards.
Rough TerrainSpecialIn this room, draw 1 more card each turn, but discard 2 cards at the start of your turn.
ExperimentalSpecialThis merchant offers a card transformation service instead of a card removal service.
Snecko TempleSpecialDraw 1 additional card each turn. Start the combat Confused.