Somnambulant cards

DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) block.
Priming PunchBasicAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Upgrade a random (not random)card in your hand.
Quick NapBasicSkill1 (0)Draw 1 card. Add a Dream to your discard pile, and shuffle a Nightmare into your draw pile.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
DreamSpecialSkill3Ethereal (Retain). Fill your hand with random cards. They cost 0 this turn.
NightmareSpecialSkill1Retain. Apply 1 Poison.(Exhaust.)
Bad IdeaCommonAttack1Deal 6 (8) damage to ALL enemies. If you have a Nightmare in hand, also apply 3 (4) Poison.
BlinkCommonSkill0Ethereal. Add 1 (2) Dream(s) to your discard pile.
BruiseCommonAttack1Deal 4 (7) damage and apply 1 Weak to ALL enemies.
CowerCommonSkill1Gain 11 (13) block. Apply 2 (1) Weak to yourself.
HardenCommonSkill1Draw 1 (2) card(s). Gain block equal to the number of cards in your hand.
Head SmackCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Heavy LidsCommonSkill2Gain 14 (18) block. This costs 0 if you have a Dream in hand.
Horrific ThoughtCommonSkill0Draw 3 (4) cards. Shuffle 2 Nightmares into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Leech FearsCommonSkill1Apply 2 (4) Vulnerable to ALL enemies and draw 2 cards.
Mind WaveCommonAttack1Gain block equal to the number of cards in hand. Deal 4 (8) damage.
NosebleedCommonSkill1Apply 4 (5) Poison and draw a card.
PinchCommonAttack0Deal 2 damage 2 (3) times.
Recurring DreamCommonAttack0Deal 6 (8) damage. Shuffle a copy of this card into your draw pile. Add a Dazed to your hand. Exhaust.
RepressionCommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) block. Discard 1 (2) card(s) from your draw pile.
SleepyheadCommonSkill0Enemy loses 3 (4) Strength this turn.
Snuggle UpCommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) block. Whenever you draw this card, gain 2 (3) block.
StumbleCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage and draw 2 cards.
TraumaCommonAttack1Deal 13 (17) damage. Shuffle a Nightmare into your draw pile.
Trepanning BlowCommonAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage. Exhaust a card in your hand.
UnknowCommonSkill0Gain 6 (9) block. Discard 2 cards at random.
UnmakeCommonAttack2Deal 14 (17) damage to ALL enemies. Add your discard pile to the top of your draw pile in random order.
All For NothingUncommonSkill0Retain. (not) Exhaust your hand (, then draw a card). Exhaust.
BloomUncommonSkill1Discard the top 2 (4) cards from your draw pile. Put a card from your discard pile into your hand.
Brain FeederUncommonSkill2Gain 16 (20) block. Whenever you are attacked this turn, add 1 Dream to your discard pile.
Darkening MindUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you draw a Nightmare, gain 2 Strength.
Deeper SleepUncommonPower2(Add a Dream to your discard pile.) Whenever you draw a Dream, gain 2 Dexterity.
Dream BigUncommonSkillXAdd X Dreams to your discard pile (2 times). Exhaust.
ExtractUncommonSkillXApply 5 (7) Poison X times. Draw a (X) card(s). Exhaust.
Happy ThoughtsUncommonSkill0Apply 2 (3) Weak. Discard a card.
HushUncommonPower0Whenever you draw this card, exhaust it and draw 2 cards. At the start of your turn, shuffle 1 (2) Hush into your draw pile.
Impenetrable MindUncommonPower2 (1)Ethereal. Whenever you draw a card, gain 1 block.
In LimboUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you play your fourth card in a turn, add your discard pile to the top of your draw pile in random order.
Layered DefenseUncommonSkill1Whenever you draw this card, add a copy of it to your hand. Gain 4 (5) Mental Barrier. Exhaust.
Light SleeperUncommonPower1Dreams and Nightmares cost 1 less.(Add a Dream to your discard pile.)
Muscle MemoryUncommonSkill1Ethereal. Exhaust a card in your hand. Gain 3 (4) Strength.
Nightmare FuelUncommonAttackXDeal 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies X times. Shuffle X Nightmares into your draw pile.
Opening UpUncommonAttack3Deal 32 (38) damage. Whenever you draw this card, shuffle a Nightmare into your draw pile.
OvershareUncommonSkill2Apply 6 (8) Poison to a random enemy. Repeat for each Nightmare in your hand.
Pillow FortUncommonSkill1Ethereal. Gain 9 (12) block. Add 2 copies of this card into your discard pile.
Pour It OutUncommonAttack1Ethereal. (not Ethereal.)NL Deal 2 damage for each card played this turn.
Racing ThoughtsUncommonAttack1Deal 0 damage. Whenever you draw this card, increase its damage by 5 (7).
RejectUncommonSkill1Retain. Exhaust ALL Nightmares in your hand. Gain 7 block for each card exhausted this way. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
ReliveUncommonSkill0Shuffle 2 (3) copies into your draw pile of the next card you play this turn. Shuffle a Nightmare into your draw pile. Exhaust.
RememberUncommonAttack1Deal 12 (16) damage. Put a card from your exhaust pile on top of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Shimmering VeilUncommonPower1Block is not removed at the start of your next 5 (8) turns.
Shower ThoughtUncommonAttack2Deal damage equal to your Block. Gain 8 (11) block.
Sickening SwatheUncommonSkill1Apply 6 (8) Poison to ALL enemies. Shuffle a Nightmare into your draw pile.
Sleeping BodyUncommonPower1Whenever you draw a Dream or Nightmare, gain 5 (7) Block.
StimulusUncommonAttack0Deal 7 damage. If the target is attacking, add a Nightmare to your draw pile (and a Dream to your discard pile).
Time CompressionUncommonAttack2Deal 18 damage. Gain [G] for each Nightmare in your hand. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Unthought KnownUncommonAttack2Deal 16 damage. Whenevever you exhaust this card, permanently increase its damage by 2 (4).
Viral IdeaUncommonAttack1Whenever you draw this card, add 2 copies of it to your hand. Deal 7 (10) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
WakeUncommonSkill0Exhaust ALL Nightmares and Dreams (not and Dreams)from your hand and draw pile. Draw a card for each card exhausted. Exhaust.
AmnauseaRareSkill2Exhaust ALL cards in your hand. Apply 2 (3) Poison to ALL enemies for each Exhausted card. Exhaust.
DampingRareSkill1 (0)Ethereal. All enemies lose 1 Strength. Gain 1 Dexterity.
Galaxy BrainRarePower2 (1)Whenever you play a Dream, exhaust ALL cards in your hand.
IgnoranceRareSkill1 (0)Whenever you exhaust a card this turn, gain [G]. You cannot draw additional cards this turn. Exhaust.
InspirationRareSkill0Gain [G] and draw a card for each Nightmare in your hand. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Lose FormRarePower3At the start of your turn, play a random (not random)card from your discard pile and exhaust it.
Lost MindRarePower1 (0)At the start of your turn, gain [G] and add a Nightmare to your draw pile.
LucidityRarePower2 (1)At the end of your turn, add 1 Dream to your discard pile. All cards exhaust when played.
MindlessnessRarePower1 (0)Whenever you exhaust a card, add a random attack to your hand.
NarcolepsyRareSkill1Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Stun an enemy. Add 2 Nightmares to your draw pile. Exhaust.
New DawnRareSkill2 (1)Retain. Exhaust your draw pile. Exhaust.
Night HauntsRareAttack1Deal 8 damage. Whenever you exhaust a card this turn, apply 2 (3) poison. Exhaust.
RefractureRarePower1Whenever you exhaust a card, deal 3 (5) damage to a random enemy.
ReinterpretRareSkill1Draw 3 cards. Upgrade ALL cards in your hand. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Ruthless StudyRareSkill1Whenever you draw a card this turn, gain 2 (3) Mental Barrier.
Sleep ParalysisRareSkill0Add a (an upgraded) Dream and Nightmare to your hand. Apply 1 Vulnerable to yourself. Exhaust.
UnburdenRareSkill0(Retain.)Exhaust ALL Nightmares in your hand. Gain 1 Dexterity for each Nightmare exhausted.
WithdrawRareSkill3Gain 18 (24) Mental Barrier. Whenever you draw this card, draw a card.Exhaust.

Somnambulant relics

Dream JournalStarterSomnambulant_grayWhenever you rest at a campsite, raise your Max HP by 2 and upgrade a random card in your deck.Write it when you wake.
Memory HouseCommonSomnambulant_grayAt the beginning of combat, add 2 Dreams to your discard pile.A place to keep them safe.
Memoir of AnotherUncommonSomnambulant_grayWhenever you rest, you may add a card of another color to your deck. If you have a 'Dream Catcher', add a Somnambulant card to the options and upgrade them.Proper literature for a dream out of bounds.
Runic StripUncommonSomnambulant_grayWhenever an enemy gains strength, gain 3 Mental Barrier.Infinite objects can be somewhat tiring.
Sleeping PillsUncommonSomnambulant_grayCards created from Dreams cost 0 until end of combat.To build a cavernous mind.
Cipher's PenRareSomnambulant_grayWhenever you create a Dream or Nightmare, upgrade it.The pen writes its meaning true.
Private PocketRareSomnambulant_grayWhenever a card is exhausted, gain 1 Mental Barrier.Everyone has the right to their private pocket.
Broken TimepieceBossSomnambulant_grayWhenever a Dream is exhausted, gain 3 Strength.Trust no other to wake you but a working timepiece.
Glued MaskBossSomnambulant_grayAt the start of your turn, gain [E] . At the beginning of combat, add 2 Nightmares to your draw pile. Nightmares can not be played.It helps you see things as they should be.
Dementing VeilShopSomnambulant_grayAt the end of your turn, exhaust all cards in your hand.Everything spirals into dream.

Somnambulant potions

Bottled DreamUncommonAdd a Dream to your hand.

Somnambulant keywords

mental barrierAt the end of your turn, gain block equal to your Mental Barrier, then reduce your Mental Barrier by 1.

Somnambulant creatures

the SomnambulantPlayer70