Name | Image | Rarity | Type | Cost | Description |
Cute Little Skulls |  | Basic | Attack | 2 | Deal 6 (9) damage. skulmod:Bonepile 2 (4). |
Defend |  | Basic | Skill | 1 | Gain 5 (8) Block. |
Let's...Knit... |  | Basic | Skill | 1 | You and the target gain 5 (8) Block. skulmod:Bonepile 3 (4). |
Little Bone |  | Basic | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Take 1 less damage. skulmod:Bonepile: Gain 2 Block. skulmod:Swap: Gain [E] [E] . |
Strike |  | Basic | Attack | 1 | Deal 6 (9) damage. |
Abyss Spike |  | Special | Attack | 0 | Deal 4 (6) damage. Becomes Abyss Orb (*Orb+) in your hand. |
Acceleration |  | Special | Skill | | Unplayable. When you draw this card, draw 2 (3) cards and discard this. Next time, exhaust this instead. |
Ascender's Bane |  | Special | Curse | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Cannot be removed from your deck. |
Awakening |  | Special | Skill | 2 (1) | skulmod:Bleached. Ethereal. Deal 3 non-attack damage 0 times, equal to your Vigor, and remove it. |
Boar Chase |  | Special | Attack | 0 | Retain. skulmod:Grapple. Deal 2 damage. Exhaust. |
Bull Fight |  | Special | Attack | 0 | Retain. skulmod:Grapple. Deal 2 (4) damage. Exhaust. |
Ceremonial Weapon |  | Special | Skill | | Create a new (Upgraded) Unrivaled Strike on the left of your hand. |
Fire! |  | Special | Attack | 0 | skulmod:Bleached. Deal 1 damage (!M! times). Purge. |
Green Dragon Crescent |  | Special | Skill | | The Unrivaled Strike will skulmod:Bonepile 3 (4) times. |
Hibernation |  | Special | Skill | 1 | Retain. skulmod:Bleached. Apply 10 (16) skulmod:Frozen. Purge. |
Hydra Slam |  | Special | Attack | 0 | Retain. skulmod:Grapple. Deal 2 (3) damage. Exhaust. |
Hydra Slam |  | Special | Attack | 0 | Retain. skulmod:Grapple. Deal 2 (3) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust. |
Laughing Arrow |  | Special | Skill | | Switch the Unrivaled Strike between dealing damage and gaining Block. |
Lion Hunt |  | Special | Attack | 0 | Retain. skulmod:Grapple. Deal 2 (3) damage. Exhaust. |
Loaded Dice |  | Special | Skill | 0 | Ethereal. Purge. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Your next attack this turn deals 7 (14)% more damage. |
Matter Of State |  | Special | Skill | | Discard the Unrivaled Strike to gain 10 (15) Block. If it was Blocking, gain 10 (15) Block next turn. |
Parasol Charge |  | Special | Skill | | The Unrivaled Strike deals 5 (8) more damage. If it was Blocking, double this. |
Peerless Blow |  | Special | Skill | | The Unrivaled Strike hits one enemy, costs 1 more, and refunds double its cost. If it was Blocking, gain 2 (3) Temporary Strength. |
Recall Head |  | Special | Skill | 0 | Gain 5 (8) Block. Channel 2 (3) skulmod:Empty_Head. Becomes Throw Head (*Head+) in your hand. |
Six Generals, Five Passes |  | Special | Skill | | Exhaust the Unrivaled Strike to draw 2 (3) cards. If it was Blocking, draw 3 more. |
Skeleton-Bomber |  | Special | Power | | Given that he's not supposed to be exposed like this, he's a little afraid right now. |
Strategy Book |  | Special | Skill | 0 | Retain. Exhaust. Your Leftmost Unrivaled Strike gains 1 of 3 effects, otherwise make one. |
Strength of 10,000 |  | Special | Skill | | The Unrivaled Strike will apply Strength 1 (2) more time(s). |
Tiger General |  | Special | Skill | | Exhaust the Unrivaled Strike to gain 2 (3) Strength. If it was Blocking, gain double. |
Unrivaled Strike |  | Special | Attack | 1 | Deal 4 (6) damage to ALL enemies. |
Abyss Orb |  | Common | Attack | 1 | Ethereal. Deal 4 (6) damage. Becomes Abyss Spike (*Spike+) in your hand. |
Bribe |  | Common | Skill | 0 | skulmod:Pay 20 (10) Gold. skulmod:Bonepile 2. Draw 1 card. Exhaust. |
Brittle Bones |  | Common | Power | 0 | Gain 2 (3) Frail. Gain 4 (6) Thorns. |
Fire Arrow |  | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 2 (3) damage. Apply 4 (6) skulmod:Burn. If the target is already Burned, remove it and gain half as much Vigor instead. |
Hunt |  | Common | Skill | | Unplayable. When drawn, play the top card of your draw pile and discard (replace it with) a random card (in your hand). |
Hunter |  | Common | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Attacks Channel an skulmod:Arrow. skulmod:Bonepile: Channel 1 skulmod:Arrow. skulmod:Swap: Gain an empty orb slot. |
PatternRecognition |  | Common | Skill | 1 | Apply 2 (3) Weak. Channel 2 (3) skulmod:Empty_Head. Exhaust (Exhaust). |
Power Strike |  | Common | Attack | 3 | Deal 18 damage. Costs 1 (2) less when skulmod:Charged. |
Prepare For Boarding! |  | Common | Skill | 0 | Discard (up to) 1 (2) card(s) to gain 8 (10) Block (for each). |
Shield Bash |  | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 4 (7) damage. Gain 4 (7) Block. |
Shield Smash |  | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 0 damage, based on your current Block. skulmod:Bonepile 1 (3). |
Siege Shot |  | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 2 (3) damage. Apply that much Lock-On. |
Skeleton-Shield |  | Common | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Dexterity doubles as Thorns. skulmod:Bonepile: Channel 1 skulmod:Barrier. skulmod:Swap: Gain 5 Dexterity until next turn. |
Slot Machine |  | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | skulmod:Bonepilebetween 0 and 4 (5) times. |
Start the Match! |  | Common | Skill | 0 | Innate. skulmod:Bonepile 2 (4). Exhaust. |
Starter Kit |  | Common | Skill | 1 | Innate. Gain 7 (10) Gold. Apply 7 (10) skulmod:Ripped_Pocket. Exhaust. |
Street Thievery |  | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 4 damage. Gain 5 (7) Gold. After gaining 24 Gold, also gain 6 Block. |
Striking Charge |  | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 3 (4) Vigor. skulmod:Bonepile 3 (4). |
Throw Head |  | Common | Attack | 0 | Deal 3 (6) damage. Channel 2 (3) skulmod:Empty_Head. Becomes Recall Head (*Head+) in your discard pile. |
Warrior |  | Common | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Gain [E] after playing a Strike. skulmod:Bonepile: Gain 1 skulmod:Charge. skulmod:Swap: Gain 5 skulmod:Charge. |
Werewolf |  | Common | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Deal damage equal to your skulmod:Total_Cards when Reshuffling. skulmod:Bonepile: Draw and randomly discard 1 card. skulmod:Swap: Reshuffle. |
Backroll |  | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | skulmod:Pay 20 (10) Gold. Gain 8 (12) Block. Apply 6 (10) skulmod:Ripped_Pocket. |
Backstab |  | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 5 (8) damage, then gain the same amount of Gold up to 15 (25). |
Backstep Shot |  | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 7 (11) Block. Channel 1 (2) skulmod:Arrow(s). |
Birth Of A Hero |  | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Whenever you play an Attack this turn, gain 3 (5) Block. Add a random skulmod:Grapple to your hand. |
Black Jack |  | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Add 2 Loaded Dice to your hand. |
Bombs Away! |  | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 8 (10) damage and gain Block equal to the unblocked damage dealt. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Chain Strike |  | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | Deal 4 (6) damage. Return this card to your hand whenever you play a Strike except Chain Strike. |
Clown |  | Uncommon | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Your first card each turn costs 0. skulmod:Bonepile: Add an skulmod:Imitation to your hand. skulmod:Swap: Bonepile 2. |
Dark Paladin |  | Uncommon | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Fully Blocking grants 4 skulmod:Oblivion. skulmod:Bonepile: skulmod:Grit 2. skulmod:Swap: Gain 8 Oblivion. |
Dark Sanctuary |  | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Take 4 damage 3 (4) times. Gain 24 (32) Block. |
Dark Wave |  | Uncommon | Skill | X | Gain 4 (5)X Block. Gain 2X (4X) skulmod:Oblivion. |
Dirty Smash |  | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Deal 12 (16) damage. While in Wrath, deal damage again and exit Wrath. |
Dominate |  | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 5 (8) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. |
Doomed Dance |  | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Gain 5 (7) Block each turn. If you take unblocked damage, that Block becomes Poison (Constrict). |
Everwinter |  | Uncommon | Power | 1 | (Innate.)Channel 1 skulmod:Blizzard Channel 1 skulmod:Blizzard at the start of the turn. |
Full Charge |  | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 1 (2) Focus. Gain 1 (2) Temporary Focus. Exhaust. |
Gambler |  | Uncommon | Power | | skulmod:Passive: skulmod:Gamble when you play cards. skulmod:Bonepile: Shuffle a Loaded Dice into your draw pile. skulmod:Swap: Passive chance doubles this turn. |
Great Warlock |  | Uncommon | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Attack damage applies Concentration. skulmod:Bonepile: Reduce ALL skulmod:Concentration. skulmod:Swap: Remove ALL Concentration. |
Lower The Anchor! |  | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Discard a card to skulmod:Bonepile 3 (4). |
Mage |  | Uncommon | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Skills grant 2 Vigor. skulmod:Bonepile: Apply skulmod:Burn randomly. skulmod:Swap: Create an Awakening. |
Momentum Strike |  | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 5 damage. Deals 2 (3) more damage each time it's drawn or discarded. |
One-Inch Punch |  | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Become Entangled unless you're in Wrath. skulmod:Bonepile 6 (8). Draw 1 card. |
Petty Thief |  | Uncommon | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Gaining Gold randomly deals that much damage. skulmod:Bonepile: Gain 4 Gold. skulmod:Swap: Block damage with twice as much Gold this turn. |
Piercing Shot |  | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Target loses 4 (6) HP. This HP loss scales as damage. Exhaust. |
Predation |  | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 5 (6) damage. If Fatal, raise your Max HP by 5 (8). Fleeting. |
Price Of Power |  | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 2 (4) Block each turn. Apply 1 (2) Thorns. |
Quick Step |  | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | skulmod:Bonepile 1 (2). Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. Apply 1 (2) Weak. |
Rain of Darts |  | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 4 damage to ALL enemies between 0 and 3 (5) times. |
Rapid Channel |  | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Borrow 1 (2) [E] from future turns. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Exhaust. |
Reload |  | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Evoke ALL orbs. Channel 2 (3) skulmod:Cannonballs. |
Rising Slash |  | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Deal 7 damage to ALL enemies 1 (2) time(s). Draw 1 card. |
Russian Roulette |  | Uncommon | Attack | 0 | Randomly skulmod:Gamble 2 (3) times, deal 12 (18) damage, or take 6 (9) damage. Draw 1 card. |
Shield Charge |  | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Gain 10 (14) Block. Gain 10 (14) Block next turn. |
Shield Rush |  | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 4 Block 2 (3) times. |
Simplicity |  | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | skulmod:Bonepile 2 (3). Channel 2 skulmod:Empty_Head. |
Surprise Knives! |  | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Exhaust the top 2 cards of your draw pile. Gain [E] equal to their combined cost. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Tax Strike |  | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 5 (8) damage. Draw 1 card. Channel 1 (2) skulmod:Empty_Head. |
The Best Offense |  | Uncommon | Skill | 2 (1) | Convert your Block into Dexterity until your next turn. Exhaust. |
The God of War |  | Uncommon | Power | | *Passive: Skills or 0-cost cards grant skulmod:Tactics. Bonepile: Gain 1 Tactics. Swap: Increase an Unrivaled Strike's damage by 5. |
Throw Gold |  | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | skulmod:Pay 20 (10) Gold. Deal 0 damage, equal to the Gold gained this combat. Exhaust. |
Two In One Hand |  | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Draw 2 (4) cards. Exhaust. |
Wait To Strike |  | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 3 (5) Vigor. If you haven't played an Attack this turn, gain 3 (5) more. |
Abyss Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) skulmod:Concentration damages ALL enemies an additional time when removed. |
All-In Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) At the start of their turn, EVERYONE skulmod:Gambles 2 (3) times. If an enemy wins a Gamble, Gambler does too. |
Avenger Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Gain [E] the first time you take or Block damage during your turn. |
Berserker |  | Rare | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Losing HP grants as much skulmod:Unshackled. Fatal damage less than Strength heals you to half HP and applies skulmod:Bone_Scream. |
Champion |  | Rare | Power | | skulmod:Passive: skulmod:Counterattack unblocked damage. skulmod:Bonepile: Heal the next 3 HP you lose. skulmod:Swap: Enter or Exit Wrath. |
Combo |  | Rare | Attack | X | Deal 5 (8) damage X times. skulmod:Bonepile X times. Exhaust. |
Dark Charge |  | Rare | Skill | 1 | Draw 1 (2) card(s). Gain 12 (16) Block. |
Dark Cross |  | Rare | Attack | 3 (2) | Deal 4 damage 2 (3) times. Gain Block equal to your Vigor and skulmod:Oblivion. |
Davy Jones |  | Rare | Power | | skulmod:Passive: Gain Vigor on Evoke. skulmod:Bonepile: Channel a skulmod:Cannonball. skulmod:Swap: Channel 4 Cannonballs. |
Eternal Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Drawing a card skulmod:Mills a card. |
Eye of the Storm |  | Rare | Skill | 1 | Gain 6 (9) Block, applying Vigor. |
Focused Strike |  | Rare | Skill | 2 | Discard an Attack. Gain Vigor equal to its damage. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Frost Skull |  | Rare | Power | | *Passive: Give Block lost at the start of the turn to ALL enemies. Bonepile: Gain 1 skulmod:Frozen. Swap: Channel 2 skulmod:Blizzards. |
Frozen Soul Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) If you end your turn with [E], spend it to Channel 2 (3) skulmod:Blizzards for each [E] left. |
Guardian Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) For every 50 Block you gain, convert 2 (3) Dexterity to 2 (3) Strength. |
Hallo Hallo |  | Rare | Skill | 1 | Channel 6 (8) skulmod:Empty_Head. Exhaust. |
Impregnable |  | Rare | Skill | 1 | Gain 5 (8) skulmod:Oblivion. skulmod:Bonepile 2. |
Jack-In-The-Box! |  | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Your next card will be played as if it were X-Cost, based on its cost. Exhaust. |
Joker Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) The first time each turn you play an skulmod:Imitation, skulmod:Bonepile. |
Nobeard Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Retain Attacks, and Channel 1 (2) skulmod:Cannonball(s) for each. |
Outlaw Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) At the end of each turn, gain 4 (5) Gold. |
Rage Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Wrath is 2 times as effective. Prevent Fatal damage in Wrath once. |
Rig The Game |  | Rare | Skill | 1 | Add 1 card from your draw pile to your hand. Put 1 card from your hand on top of your draw pile. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Rip Pockets |  | Rare | Skill | 2 | Apply 10 (18) skulmod:Ripped_Pocket. Gain 10 (18) Gold. |
Royal Flush |  | Rare | Skill | 2 (1) | skulmod:Gamble 7 times. |
Sage Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Applying a power to an enemy deals 3 damage. |
Skull, Bone, Spirit |  | Rare | Skill | 1 | skulmod:Bonepile 4. Channel 4 skulmod:Empty_Head. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Sniper Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Attacks apply Lock-On. Skills grant Temporary Focus. Attack damage is 3. |
Speedrun |  | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | *Reshuffle your discard pile into your draw pile. |
Technical Jab |  | Rare | Attack | 2 | Deal 0 damage, equal to your missing health. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
The Absolute |  | Rare | Power | | *Passive: Playing a skulmod:Grapple grants skulmod:Herculean_Strength. Bonepile: Complete 3 skulmod:Labors. Swap: Complete 12 Labors and play a random Grapple. |
Warlord Form |  | Rare | Power | 2 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) The first Strike you play each turn has its cost reduced by 1 this combat. |
Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Reassembly |  | Starter | Quartz_purple | Start with a random Skull. The first time you take Fatal damage, heal to 30HP. | Bundle with Lizard Tail for maximum Reassemblage! |
Centauros |  | Uncommon | Quartz_purple | skulmod:Quintessence. Once per combat, rightclick to deal 9 damage to a random enemy and inflict skulmod:Wedged_Spear. | "A race of half-human, half horse beings with high intelligence and excellent hunting skills." |
Luck Addiction |  | Uncommon | Quartz_purple | When you lose a skulmod:Gamble, randomly deal damage equal to half your Strength,Dexterity, and Focus. | Sometimes it's the thrill that's more appealing than the reward. ...Not often. |
Prize Match |  | Uncommon | Quartz_purple | When you end your turn in Wrath, gain 1Strength. When you exit Wrath, lose ALLStrength gained from this relic. | Undefeated, living or dead. Not as far as you know, at least. |
Zoomies |  | Uncommon | Quartz_purple | At the start of combat and each time you Reshuffle, shuffle an Acceleration into your draw pile. | The hunt never ends, not unless the Witch says "Dinner Time". You don't have to be alive to enjoy good food. |
Slime King |  | Rare | Quartz_purple | At the start of combat, add a copy of a random card you own to your hand. It varies between 25% and 200% effectiveness. | Oooh, a free body! |
*Altar of Speed |  | Special | Quartz_purple | A memory of what almost was. RightClick this at a RestSite to spend 10BoneFragments to start combat with 1PlatedArmor, up to 8 stacks. | It was so useful you decided to take it with you. |
*Altar of Strength |  | Special | Quartz_purple | A memory of what almost was. RightClick this at a RestSite to spend 10BoneFragments to gain 1 Vigor each turn, up to 8 stacks. | It was so useful you decided to take it with you. |
*Altar of Vitality |  | Special | Quartz_purple | A memory of what almost was. RightClick this at a RestSite to spend 20BoneFragments to gain 4 Max HP, up to 28 HP. | It was so useful you decided to take it with you. |
*Bone Fragments |  | Special | Quartz_purple | A memory of what almost was. A pouch that holds BoneFragments obtained by shattering skulmod:Skulls. You can use them with Altar relics to gain permanent scaling stats. | You're a skeleton so you have a use for these, right? |
*Swap Button |  | Special | Quartz_purple | RightClick to skulmod:Swap to your inactiveskulmod:Skull. Has no cooldown. | It's a little worn out, but that adds character. An item used for testing that some might find useful to explore the mod. |
Bestest Friend |  | Special | Quartz_purple | Occasionally finds flowers that heal 1-4HP after combat. You don't think you could un-live with yourself if anything happened to her. | She's good enough at hide and seek that you don't feel at all worried about the monsters finding her. |
Hunter's Gift |  | Boss | Quartz_purple | On pickup, choose a skulmod:Skull to add to your deck. | Another one? You're greedy like an ogre. |
Original Iced Tea (a lot of ice) |  | Boss | Quartz_purple | Prevent the next 44HP you would have lost. | The Death Knight's favorite drink, there's so much ice you can hide behind it. |
Bottled Violence |  | Shop | | Upon pickup, choose any card in your deck. It's treated as a Strike. | For your safety, please do not unbottle him. He's been charging up a long time in there. |
Dark Mirror |  | Shop | Quartz_purple | Upon pickup, obtain an additional copy of a card in your deck. If that card is a Skull, create a random rare Skull instead. | The world looks funny in this. |
Name | Description |
Absolute Zero | 3: Once every two turns, Evoking channels a Frost orb. 5: At the start of your turn, Evoke an orb. Masterpiece6: Gain 1Focus. |
Arrow | Evoke: Deal 3 damage. EvokeALL other arrows. Passive:Channel1Arrow at the start of your turn. |
Artifact | 2:Channel a Meteor at the start of combat. 5:Channel a Meteor every 3 turns. Masterpiece6: Gain 1Focus. |
Barrier | Passive: At the end of your turn, gain 1Dexterity until your next turn. Evoke: Gain 1Dexterity until your next turn. |
Bleached | Card cannot be Duplicated,DoubleTapped,Burst, or Amplified. |
Blizzard | Passive: At the end of your turn, ALL enemies lose HP equal to their Block, up to 2.Evoke: EVERYONE gains 2Block. |
Bone | 3: Your first Swap each combat will grant Buffer. |
Bone Scream | At the end of the turn, removeallpowers and die. When dealing FatalAttack damage, remove this. During Boss or Elite combat, die next turn instead. |
Bonepile | A triggered effect based on your activeSkull. Defaults to 2Block. |
Burn | Unblocked Non-Attack damage against the owner will be doubled once. |
Cannonball | Evoke: Add a Fire! to your hand, or increase the damage if you already have one. Every fourth Cannonball is enhanced. |
Charge | After gathering 5 stacks, choose an Attack. It becomes a 3 cost Strike with increased effects. |
Charged | Warrior can Charge cards. A Charged card's cost becomes 3, and its effects increase based on the cost increase. Charged cards are treated as Strikes. |
Concentration | Deals damage when reduced. When removed, deal the total damage dealt to ALL enemies. |
Counterattack | Deal non-attack damage equal to the unblocked damage taken. |
Courage | 3: Gain 1 Strength.5: Gain 2 Strength.Masterpiece8: Gain 4 Strength. |
Embrace | Temporarily loseHP until the start of your next turn. You can die from the HP loss. |
Empty Head | Evoke:Bonepile |
Excessive Bleeding | 3: Your first attack each turn Wounds the target for half its damage. 4: Your first attack each turn Wounds the target for full damage. Masterpiece6: Your Wounding attacks deal 20% more damage. |
Fortress | 2: Gain 2Block each turn, affected by Dexterity.5: Gain 2 more Block each turn. Masterpiece6: Gain 2Dexterity. |
Frozen | You take and deal 1 less damage this turn. |
Gamble | 20% chance to gain 1 Strength,Dexterity, or Focus. |
Grapple | A 2 damage Attack that costs 0 and Retains. At 3 or more stacks of HerculeanStrength, they become Enhanced. |
Harvest | Apply the following to EVERYONE: 20Souls:2Strength.40Souls:2Vulnerable.60+Souls:YOU become immune to death this turn. |
Herculean Strength | Until the end of the turn, exponentially increases the damage of all Grapples by 50% per stack. |
Imitation | A random card of any color. Its cost becomes 0 and it Purges.Imitations in your hand are Purged when you play a card. |
Item | Increase the listed SetEffectpermanently on pickup. Purges at the start of combat if it has no other effects. |
Labor | After completing 12Labors, add a random Grapple to your hand. |
Masterpiece | 3: Gain 1 Strength,Dexterity, and Focus.5: Unlock the Masterpiece effect of all your current sets. |
Meteor | Evoke: Randomly deal b1 damage 1 time. |
Mill | Discard a card from the top of your draw pile. |
Multiword Keyword | Make sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest should use _ to replace spaces and be entirely lowercase. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions. |
Oblivion | Reduce the next unblocked damage you take once. Once per turn, increase the next damage you deal. |
Omen | 1: Take 50% more damage. 2: Take 100% more damage. 3: Take 150% more damage. |
Passive | A constant effect provided by the activeSkull. |
Pay | Use Gold to play this card. Cannot be played without Gold. |
Peerless | Cost has been increased, and the attack has become single target. Refund twice the card's cost when played. |
Quintessence | You can use this relic at ANY time, including the enemy's turn. |
Revenge | 3: Inflict 25% of the first damage you take each turn to the attacker as Revenge.5: The Revenge applied becomes 50%.Masterpiece6: Also gain [E] the turn after you take unblocked damage. |
Ripped Pocket | Attacking the target removes half of this, at least 5, and grants Gold equal to that amount. |
Skull | Your activeSkull changes your Passive and Bonepile. If you own more than 2 Skulls at the start of combat, shatter your choice until you have 2.Skulls are always Exhausted,cannotupgrade, and cannotbebottled. |
Soul | A permanent power. As GrimReaper,Attackskill units under a percentage of YOUR missing HP, based on your Souls. |
Stamina | Reduce this to healafter taking damage. |
Swap | Your inactiveSkull becomes active and triggers its Swap effect. |
Tactics | After contemplating 8 strategies, create a StrategyBook in your hand. |
Total Cards | The sum of your discard pile, draw pile, and hand. |
Unshackled | The next time you start or end your turn, gain 1Strength. |
Wedged Spear | After 3 turns or when the target dies, refresh the cooldown of Centauros. |
This is displayed in the tooltip. | This is displayed in the tooltip. Note, spaces are not allowed in NAMES. Also, they should be entirely lowercase. For multi-word keywords, see the next one. |
Grit | Retain the next 1Block you'd lose at the start of the turn. |
Unobstructed | Damage not prevented by emporaryHP or Block. |