skulmod cards

Cute Little SkullsBasicAttack2Deal 6 (9) damage. skulmod:Bonepile 2 (4).
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Let's...Knit...BasicSkill1You and the target gain 5 (8) Block. skulmod:Bonepile 3 (4).
Little BoneBasicPowerskulmod:Passive: Take 1 less damage. skulmod:Bonepile: Gain 2 Block. skulmod:Swap: Gain [E] [E] .
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Abyss SpikeSpecialAttack0Deal 4 (6) damage. Becomes Abyss Orb (*Orb+) in your hand.
AccelerationSpecialSkillUnplayable. When you draw this card, draw 2 (3) cards and discard this. Next time, exhaust this instead.
Ascender's BaneSpecialCurseUnplayable. Ethereal. Cannot be removed from your deck.
AwakeningSpecialSkill2 (1)skulmod:Bleached. Ethereal. Deal 3 non-attack damage 0 times, equal to your Vigor, and remove it.
Boar ChaseSpecialAttack0Retain. skulmod:Grapple. Deal 2 damage. Exhaust.
Bull FightSpecialAttack0Retain. skulmod:Grapple. Deal 2 (4) damage. Exhaust.
Ceremonial WeaponSpecialSkillCreate a new (Upgraded) Unrivaled Strike on the left of your hand.
Fire!SpecialAttack0skulmod:Bleached. Deal 1 damage (!M! times). Purge.
Green Dragon CrescentSpecialSkillThe Unrivaled Strike will skulmod:Bonepile 3 (4) times.
HibernationSpecialSkill1Retain. skulmod:Bleached. Apply 10 (16) skulmod:Frozen. Purge.
Hydra SlamSpecialAttack0Retain. skulmod:Grapple. Deal 2 (3) damage. Exhaust.
Hydra SlamSpecialAttack0Retain. skulmod:Grapple. Deal 2 (3) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Laughing ArrowSpecialSkillSwitch the Unrivaled Strike between dealing damage and gaining Block.
Lion HuntSpecialAttack0Retain. skulmod:Grapple. Deal 2 (3) damage. Exhaust.
Loaded DiceSpecialSkill0Ethereal. Purge. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Your next attack this turn deals 7 (14)% more damage.
Matter Of StateSpecialSkillDiscard the Unrivaled Strike to gain 10 (15) Block. If it was Blocking, gain 10 (15) Block next turn.
Parasol ChargeSpecialSkillThe Unrivaled Strike deals 5 (8) more damage. If it was Blocking, double this.
Peerless BlowSpecialSkillThe Unrivaled Strike hits one enemy, costs 1 more, and refunds double its cost. If it was Blocking, gain 2 (3) Temporary Strength.
Recall HeadSpecialSkill0Gain 5 (8) Block. Channel 2 (3) skulmod:Empty_Head. Becomes Throw Head (*Head+) in your hand.
Six Generals, Five PassesSpecialSkillExhaust the Unrivaled Strike to draw 2 (3) cards. If it was Blocking, draw 3 more.
Skeleton-BomberSpecialPowerGiven that he's not supposed to be exposed like this, he's a little afraid right now.
Strategy BookSpecialSkill0Retain. Exhaust. Your Leftmost Unrivaled Strike gains 1 of 3 effects, otherwise make one.
Strength of 10,000SpecialSkillThe Unrivaled Strike will apply Strength 1 (2) more time(s).
Tiger GeneralSpecialSkillExhaust the Unrivaled Strike to gain 2 (3) Strength. If it was Blocking, gain double.
Unrivaled StrikeSpecialAttack1 Deal 4 (6) damage to ALL enemies.
Abyss OrbCommonAttack1Ethereal. Deal 4 (6) damage. Becomes Abyss Spike (*Spike+) in your hand.
BribeCommonSkill0skulmod:Pay 20 (10) Gold. skulmod:Bonepile 2. Draw 1 card. Exhaust.
Brittle BonesCommonPower0Gain 2 (3) Frail. Gain 4 (6) Thorns.
Fire ArrowCommonAttack1Deal 2 (3) damage. Apply 4 (6) skulmod:Burn. If the target is already Burned, remove it and gain half as much Vigor instead.
HuntCommonSkillUnplayable. When drawn, play the top card of your draw pile and discard (replace it with) a random card (in your hand).
HunterCommonPowerskulmod:Passive: Attacks Channel an skulmod:Arrow. skulmod:Bonepile: Channel 1 skulmod:Arrow. skulmod:Swap: Gain an empty orb slot.
PatternRecognitionCommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) Weak. Channel 2 (3) skulmod:Empty_Head. Exhaust (Exhaust).
Power StrikeCommonAttack3Deal 18 damage. Costs 1 (2) less when skulmod:Charged.
Prepare For Boarding!CommonSkill0Discard (up to) 1 (2) card(s) to gain 8 (10) Block (for each).
Shield BashCommonAttack1Deal 4 (7) damage. Gain 4 (7) Block.
Shield SmashCommonAttack1Deal 0 damage, based on your current Block. skulmod:Bonepile 1 (3).
Siege ShotCommonAttack1Deal 2 (3) damage. Apply that much Lock-On.
Skeleton-ShieldCommonPowerskulmod:Passive: Dexterity doubles as Thorns. skulmod:Bonepile: Channel 1 skulmod:Barrier. skulmod:Swap: Gain 5 Dexterity until next turn.
Slot MachineCommonSkill1 (0)skulmod:Bonepilebetween 0 and 4 (5) times.
Start the Match!CommonSkill0Innate. skulmod:Bonepile 2 (4). Exhaust.
Starter KitCommonSkill1Innate. Gain 7 (10) Gold. Apply 7 (10) skulmod:Ripped_Pocket. Exhaust.
Street ThieveryCommonAttack1Deal 4 damage. Gain 5 (7) Gold. After gaining 24 Gold, also gain 6 Block.
Striking ChargeCommonSkill1Gain 3 (4) Vigor. skulmod:Bonepile 3 (4).
Throw HeadCommonAttack0Deal 3 (6) damage. Channel 2 (3) skulmod:Empty_Head. Becomes Recall Head (*Head+) in your discard pile.
WarriorCommonPowerskulmod:Passive: Gain [E] after playing a Strike. skulmod:Bonepile: Gain 1 skulmod:Charge. skulmod:Swap: Gain 5 skulmod:Charge.
WerewolfCommonPowerskulmod:Passive: Deal damage equal to your skulmod:Total_Cards when Reshuffling. skulmod:Bonepile: Draw and randomly discard 1 card. skulmod:Swap: Reshuffle.
BackrollUncommonSkill1skulmod:Pay 20 (10) Gold. Gain 8 (12) Block. Apply 6 (10) skulmod:Ripped_Pocket.
BackstabUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage, then gain the same amount of Gold up to 15 (25).
Backstep ShotUncommonSkill1Gain 7 (11) Block. Channel 1 (2) skulmod:Arrow(s).
Birth Of A HeroUncommonSkill1Whenever you play an Attack this turn, gain 3 (5) Block. Add a random skulmod:Grapple to your hand.
Black JackUncommonSkill1 (0)Add 2 Loaded Dice to your hand.
Bombs Away!UncommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage and gain Block equal to the unblocked damage dealt. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Chain StrikeUncommonAttack0Deal 4 (6) damage. Return this card to your hand whenever you play a Strike except Chain Strike.
ClownUncommonPowerskulmod:Passive: Your first card each turn costs 0. skulmod:Bonepile: Add an skulmod:Imitation to your hand. skulmod:Swap: Bonepile 2.
Dark PaladinUncommonPowerskulmod:Passive: Fully Blocking grants 4 skulmod:Oblivion. skulmod:Bonepile: skulmod:Grit 2. skulmod:Swap: Gain 8 Oblivion.
Dark SanctuaryUncommonSkill0Take 4 damage 3 (4) times. Gain 24 (32) Block.
Dark WaveUncommonSkillXGain 4 (5)X Block. Gain 2X (4X) skulmod:Oblivion.
Dirty SmashUncommonAttack2Deal 12 (16) damage. While in Wrath, deal damage again and exit Wrath.
DominateUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Doomed DanceUncommonPower1Gain 5 (7) Block each turn. If you take unblocked damage, that Block becomes Poison (Constrict).
EverwinterUncommonPower1(Innate.)Channel 1 skulmod:Blizzard Channel 1 skulmod:Blizzard at the start of the turn.
Full ChargeUncommonSkill1Gain 1 (2) Focus. Gain 1 (2) Temporary Focus. Exhaust.
GamblerUncommonPowerskulmod:Passive: skulmod:Gamble when you play cards. skulmod:Bonepile: Shuffle a Loaded Dice into your draw pile. skulmod:Swap: Passive chance doubles this turn.
Great WarlockUncommonPowerskulmod:Passive: Attack damage applies Concentration. skulmod:Bonepile: Reduce ALL skulmod:Concentration. skulmod:Swap: Remove ALL Concentration.
Lower The Anchor!UncommonSkill0Discard a card to skulmod:Bonepile 3 (4).
MageUncommonPowerskulmod:Passive: Skills grant 2 Vigor. skulmod:Bonepile: Apply skulmod:Burn randomly. skulmod:Swap: Create an Awakening.
Momentum StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 5 damage. Deals 2 (3) more damage each time it's drawn or discarded.
One-Inch PunchUncommonSkill2Become Entangled unless you're in Wrath. skulmod:Bonepile 6 (8). Draw 1 card.
Petty ThiefUncommonPowerskulmod:Passive: Gaining Gold randomly deals that much damage. skulmod:Bonepile: Gain 4 Gold. skulmod:Swap: Block damage with twice as much Gold this turn.
Piercing ShotUncommonAttack1Target loses 4 (6) HP. This HP loss scales as damage. Exhaust.
PredationUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (6) damage. If Fatal, raise your Max HP by 5 (8). Fleeting.
Price Of PowerUncommonSkill1Gain 2 (4) Block each turn. Apply 1 (2) Thorns.
Quick StepUncommonSkill1skulmod:Bonepile 1 (2). Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Rain of DartsUncommonAttack1Deal 4 damage to ALL enemies between 0 and 3 (5) times.
Rapid ChannelUncommonSkill0Borrow 1 (2) [E] from future turns. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Exhaust.
ReloadUncommonSkill1Evoke ALL orbs. Channel 2 (3) skulmod:Cannonballs.
Rising SlashUncommonAttack2Deal 7 damage to ALL enemies 1 (2) time(s). Draw 1 card.
Russian RouletteUncommonAttack0Randomly skulmod:Gamble 2 (3) times, deal 12 (18) damage, or take 6 (9) damage. Draw 1 card.
Shield ChargeUncommonSkill2Gain 10 (14) Block. Gain 10 (14) Block next turn.
Shield RushUncommonSkill1Gain 4 Block 2 (3) times.
SimplicityUncommonSkill0skulmod:Bonepile 2 (3). Channel 2 skulmod:Empty_Head.
Surprise Knives!UncommonSkill0Exhaust the top 2 cards of your draw pile. Gain [E] equal to their combined cost. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Tax StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage. Draw 1 card. Channel 1 (2) skulmod:Empty_Head.
The Best OffenseUncommonSkill2 (1)Convert your Block into Dexterity until your next turn. Exhaust.
The God of WarUncommonPower*Passive: Skills or 0-cost cards grant skulmod:Tactics. Bonepile: Gain 1 Tactics. Swap: Increase an Unrivaled Strike's damage by 5.
Throw GoldUncommonAttack1skulmod:Pay 20 (10) Gold. Deal 0 damage, equal to the Gold gained this combat. Exhaust.
Two In One HandUncommonSkill0Draw 2 (4) cards. Exhaust.
Wait To StrikeUncommonSkill1Gain 3 (5) Vigor. If you haven't played an Attack this turn, gain 3 (5) more.
Abyss FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) skulmod:Concentration damages ALL enemies an additional time when removed.
All-In FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) At the start of their turn, EVERYONE skulmod:Gambles 2 (3) times. If an enemy wins a Gamble, Gambler does too.
Avenger FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Gain [E] the first time you take or Block damage during your turn.
BerserkerRarePowerskulmod:Passive: Losing HP grants as much skulmod:Unshackled. Fatal damage less than Strength heals you to half HP and applies skulmod:Bone_Scream.
ChampionRarePowerskulmod:Passive: skulmod:Counterattack unblocked damage. skulmod:Bonepile: Heal the next 3 HP you lose. skulmod:Swap: Enter or Exit Wrath.
ComboRareAttackXDeal 5 (8) damage X times. skulmod:Bonepile X times. Exhaust.
Dark ChargeRareSkill1Draw 1 (2) card(s). Gain 12 (16) Block.
Dark CrossRareAttack3 (2)Deal 4 damage 2 (3) times. Gain Block equal to your Vigor and skulmod:Oblivion.
Davy JonesRarePowerskulmod:Passive: Gain Vigor on Evoke. skulmod:Bonepile: Channel a skulmod:Cannonball. skulmod:Swap: Channel 4 Cannonballs.
Eternal FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Drawing a card skulmod:Mills a card.
Eye of the StormRareSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block, applying Vigor.
Focused StrikeRareSkill2Discard an Attack. Gain Vigor equal to its damage. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Frost SkullRarePower*Passive: Give Block lost at the start of the turn to ALL enemies. Bonepile: Gain 1 skulmod:Frozen. Swap: Channel 2 skulmod:Blizzards.
Frozen Soul FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) If you end your turn with [E], spend it to Channel 2 (3) skulmod:Blizzards for each [E] left.
Guardian FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) For every 50 Block you gain, convert 2 (3) Dexterity to 2 (3) Strength.
Hallo HalloRareSkill1Channel 6 (8) skulmod:Empty_Head. Exhaust.
ImpregnableRareSkill1Gain 5 (8) skulmod:Oblivion. skulmod:Bonepile 2.
Jack-In-The-Box!RareSkill1 (0)Your next card will be played as if it were X-Cost, based on its cost. Exhaust.
Joker FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) The first time each turn you play an skulmod:Imitation, skulmod:Bonepile.
Nobeard FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Retain Attacks, and Channel 1 (2) skulmod:Cannonball(s) for each.
Outlaw FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) At the end of each turn, gain 4 (5) Gold.
Rage FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Wrath is 2 times as effective. Prevent Fatal damage in Wrath once.
Rig The GameRareSkill1Add 1 card from your draw pile to your hand. Put 1 card from your hand on top of your draw pile. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Rip PocketsRareSkill2Apply 10 (18) skulmod:Ripped_Pocket. Gain 10 (18) Gold.
Royal FlushRareSkill2 (1)skulmod:Gamble 7 times.
Sage FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Applying a power to an enemy deals 3 damage.
Skull, Bone, SpiritRareSkill1skulmod:Bonepile 4. Channel 4 skulmod:Empty_Head. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Sniper FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Attacks apply Lock-On. Skills grant Temporary Focus. Attack damage is 3.
SpeedrunRareSkill1 (0)*Reshuffle your discard pile into your draw pile.
Technical JabRareAttack2Deal 0 damage, equal to your missing health. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
The AbsoluteRarePower*Passive: Playing a skulmod:Grapple grants skulmod:Herculean_Strength. Bonepile: Complete 3 skulmod:Labors. Swap: Complete 12 Labors and play a random Grapple.
Warlord FormRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) The first Strike you play each turn has its cost reduced by 1 this combat.

skulmod relics

ReassemblyStarterQuartz_purpleStart with a random Skull. The first time you take Fatal damage, heal to 30HP.Bundle with Lizard Tail for maximum Reassemblage!
CentaurosUncommonQuartz_purpleskulmod:Quintessence. Once per combat, rightclick to deal 9 damage to a random enemy and inflict skulmod:Wedged_Spear."A race of half-human, half horse beings with high intelligence and excellent hunting skills."
Luck AddictionUncommonQuartz_purpleWhen you lose a skulmod:Gamble, randomly deal damage equal to half your Strength,Dexterity, and Focus.Sometimes it's the thrill that's more appealing than the reward. ...Not often.
Prize MatchUncommonQuartz_purpleWhen you end your turn in Wrath, gain 1Strength. When you exit Wrath, lose ALLStrength gained from this relic.Undefeated, living or dead. Not as far as you know, at least.
ZoomiesUncommonQuartz_purpleAt the start of combat and each time you Reshuffle, shuffle an Acceleration into your draw pile.The hunt never ends, not unless the Witch says "Dinner Time". You don't have to be alive to enjoy good food.
Slime KingRareQuartz_purpleAt the start of combat, add a copy of a random card you own to your hand. It varies between 25% and 200% effectiveness.Oooh, a free body!
*Altar of SpeedSpecialQuartz_purpleA memory of what almost was. RightClick this at a RestSite to spend 10BoneFragments to start combat with 1PlatedArmor, up to 8 stacks.It was so useful you decided to take it with you.
*Altar of StrengthSpecialQuartz_purpleA memory of what almost was. RightClick this at a RestSite to spend 10BoneFragments to gain 1 Vigor each turn, up to 8 stacks.It was so useful you decided to take it with you.
*Altar of VitalitySpecialQuartz_purpleA memory of what almost was. RightClick this at a RestSite to spend 20BoneFragments to gain 4 Max HP, up to 28 HP.It was so useful you decided to take it with you.
*Bone FragmentsSpecialQuartz_purpleA memory of what almost was. A pouch that holds BoneFragments obtained by shattering skulmod:Skulls. You can use them with Altar relics to gain permanent scaling stats.You're a skeleton so you have a use for these, right?
*Swap ButtonSpecialQuartz_purpleRightClick to skulmod:Swap to your inactiveskulmod:Skull. Has no cooldown.It's a little worn out, but that adds character. An item used for testing that some might find useful to explore the mod.
Bestest FriendSpecialQuartz_purpleOccasionally finds flowers that heal 1-4HP after combat. You don't think you could un-live with yourself if anything happened to her.She's good enough at hide and seek that you don't feel at all worried about the monsters finding her.
Hunter's GiftBossQuartz_purpleOn pickup, choose a skulmod:Skull to add to your deck.Another one? You're greedy like an ogre.
Original Iced Tea (a lot of ice)BossQuartz_purplePrevent the next 44HP you would have lost.The Death Knight's favorite drink, there's so much ice you can hide behind it.
Bottled ViolenceShopUpon pickup, choose any card in your deck. It's treated as a Strike.For your safety, please do not unbottle him. He's been charging up a long time in there.
Dark MirrorShopQuartz_purpleUpon pickup, obtain an additional copy of a card in your deck. If that card is a Skull, create a random rare Skull instead.The world looks funny in this.

skulmod potions

CalciumUncommonBonepile 4.
Unstable QuartzRarePay 1 [E] to Swap. Unaffected by Potency.

skulmod keywords

Absolute Zero3: Once every two turns, Evoking channels a Frost orb. 5: At the start of your turn, Evoke an orb. Masterpiece6: Gain 1Focus.
ArrowEvoke: Deal 3 damage. EvokeALL other arrows. Passive:Channel1Arrow at the start of your turn.
Artifact2:Channel a Meteor at the start of combat. 5:Channel a Meteor every 3 turns. Masterpiece6: Gain 1Focus.
BarrierPassive: At the end of your turn, gain 1Dexterity until your next turn. Evoke: Gain 1Dexterity until your next turn.
BleachedCard cannot be Duplicated,DoubleTapped,Burst, or Amplified.
BlizzardPassive: At the end of your turn, ALL enemies lose HP equal to their Block, up to 2.Evoke: EVERYONE gains 2Block.
Bone3: Your first Swap each combat will grant Buffer.
Bone ScreamAt the end of the turn, removeallpowers and die. When dealing FatalAttack damage, remove this. During Boss or Elite combat, die next turn instead.
BonepileA triggered effect based on your activeSkull. Defaults to 2Block.
BurnUnblocked Non-Attack damage against the owner will be doubled once.
CannonballEvoke: Add a Fire! to your hand, or increase the damage if you already have one. Every fourth Cannonball is enhanced.
ChargeAfter gathering 5 stacks, choose an Attack. It becomes a 3 cost Strike with increased effects.
ChargedWarrior can Charge cards. A Charged card's cost becomes 3, and its effects increase based on the cost increase. Charged cards are treated as Strikes.
ConcentrationDeals damage when reduced. When removed, deal the total damage dealt to ALL enemies.
CounterattackDeal non-attack damage equal to the unblocked damage taken.
Courage3: Gain 1 Strength.5: Gain 2 Strength.Masterpiece8: Gain 4 Strength.
EmbraceTemporarily loseHP until the start of your next turn. You can die from the HP loss.
Empty HeadEvoke:Bonepile
Excessive Bleeding3: Your first attack each turn Wounds the target for half its damage. 4: Your first attack each turn Wounds the target for full damage. Masterpiece6: Your Wounding attacks deal 20% more damage.
Fortress2: Gain 2Block each turn, affected by Dexterity.5: Gain 2 more Block each turn. Masterpiece6: Gain 2Dexterity.
FrozenYou take and deal 1 less damage this turn.
Gamble20% chance to gain 1 Strength,Dexterity, or Focus.
GrappleA 2 damage Attack that costs 0 and Retains. At 3 or more stacks of HerculeanStrength, they become Enhanced.
HarvestApply the following to EVERYONE: 20Souls:2Strength.40Souls:2Vulnerable.60+Souls:YOU become immune to death this turn.
Herculean StrengthUntil the end of the turn, exponentially increases the damage of all Grapples by 50% per stack.
ImitationA random card of any color. Its cost becomes 0 and it Purges.Imitations in your hand are Purged when you play a card.
ItemIncrease the listed SetEffectpermanently on pickup. Purges at the start of combat if it has no other effects.
LaborAfter completing 12Labors, add a random Grapple to your hand.
Masterpiece3: Gain 1 Strength,Dexterity, and Focus.5: Unlock the Masterpiece effect of all your current sets.
MeteorEvoke: Randomly deal b1 damage 1 time.
MillDiscard a card from the top of your draw pile.
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest should use _ to replace spaces and be entirely lowercase. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions.
OblivionReduce the next unblocked damage you take once. Once per turn, increase the next damage you deal.
Omen1: Take 50% more damage. 2: Take 100% more damage. 3: Take 150% more damage.
PassiveA constant effect provided by the activeSkull.
PayUse Gold to play this card. Cannot be played without Gold.
PeerlessCost has been increased, and the attack has become single target. Refund twice the card's cost when played.
QuintessenceYou can use this relic at ANY time, including the enemy's turn.
Revenge3: Inflict 25% of the first damage you take each turn to the attacker as Revenge.5: The Revenge applied becomes 50%.Masterpiece6: Also gain [E] the turn after you take unblocked damage.
Ripped PocketAttacking the target removes half of this, at least 5, and grants Gold equal to that amount.
SkullYour activeSkull changes your Passive and Bonepile. If you own more than 2 Skulls at the start of combat, shatter your choice until you have 2.Skulls are always Exhausted,cannotupgrade, and cannotbebottled.
SoulA permanent power. As GrimReaper,Attackskill units under a percentage of YOUR missing HP, based on your Souls.
StaminaReduce this to healafter taking damage.
SwapYour inactiveSkull becomes active and triggers its Swap effect.
TacticsAfter contemplating 8 strategies, create a StrategyBook in your hand.
Total CardsThe sum of your discard pile, draw pile, and hand.
UnshackledThe next time you start or end your turn, gain 1Strength.
Wedged SpearAfter 3 turns or when the target dies, refresh the cooldown of Centauros.
This is displayed in the tooltip.This is displayed in the tooltip. Note, spaces are not allowed in NAMES. Also, they should be entirely lowercase. For multi-word keywords, see the next one.
GritRetain the next 1Block you'd lose at the start of the turn.
UnobstructedDamage not prevented by emporaryHP or Block.

skulmod creatures

the Hero SlayerPlayer53-59