Name | Image | Rarity | Type | Cost | Description |
Apocalypse | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Deal 22 (26) damage. Deals 100% more damage if your HP is at or below 50%. Deals 100% more damage to enemies with 50% or less HP. |
Aspiration | | Rare | Skill | 0 | Ethereal. Innate. Gain 3 (4) Strength. Lose 10 HP. At the end of combat, heal the HP lost by this card. |
Beak | | Rare | Power | 1 | (Innate.)At the start of your turn, reduce the cost of the highest cost card in your hand to 0 this combat and give it Exhaust. |
Black Swan | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Apply 4 (6) ruina:Erosion. If you applied a debuff this turn, this card costs 0. |
Blind Rage | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Deal 26 (30) damage to ALL enemies. Take 6 (4) damage. If your HP is at or below 50%, this card costs 0. |
Cobalt Scar | | Rare | Power | 1 | (Innate.)Whenever you play 5 Attacks, deal 20 damage to ALL enemies. |
Crimson Scar | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Gain 10 (12) Block. Scry 2 (3). For each card discarded, gain 3 Vigor. |
Da Capo | | Rare | Attack | 1 | Deal 8 (10) damage to ALL enemies. Upgrade this card permanently. Can be Upgraded 5 times. Exhaust. |
Dead Silence | | Rare | Attack | 4 (3) | Deal 20 damage. Take an extra turn after this one. If this card killed an enemy, gain [E] [E] next turn. Exhaust. |
Faded Memories | | Rare | Skill | 0 | (Innate.)Choose one: Draw 1 card for every enemy in combat. Draw 2 (3) cards and Exhaust. |
Faint Aroma | | Rare | Power | 3 | (Retain.)Whenever you deal unblocked attack damage to an enemy, it loses that much HP. |
False Throne | | Rare | Skill | 1 | (Retain.)Next turn, put ALL non-Status non-Curse cards from your exhaust pile into your hand and give them Ethereal. Purge. |
Fourth Match Flame | | Rare | Power | 1 | Add 1 Burn into your discard pile. At the end of your turn, deal 7 (9) damage to ALL enemies. |
Fragments from Somewhere | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Retain. Steal the enemy's Block. Deal 17 (20) damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak. |
Frost Splinter | | Rare | Power | 0 | (Innate.)At the start of your turn, gain [E], draw 1 card, and ruina:Freeze 1 card. |
Gold Rush | | Rare | Power | 3 | Gain 4 (6) Strength. If the last card played this combat was an Attack, double your Strength. |
Green Stem | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Apply 6 (8) Poison. If this card is Exhausted, double ALL enemies' Poison. Exhaustive 2. |
Grinder Mk. 5-2 | | Rare | Power | 0 | (Innate.)The first time you deal 15 unblocked attack damage each turn, gain [E] next turn. |
Harmony | | Rare | Attack | 1 | Innate. Deal 11 (16) damage. Gain 1 Strength. If Fatal, permanantly increase this card's Strength gain by 1. Exhaust. |
Harvest | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Deal 40 damage. This card deals less damage as your HP percent drops (deals max damage at full HP).(Gain !B! Block.) |
Heaven | | Rare | Skill | X | Gain 7 (9) Block X times. Whenever you are attacked this turn, deal damage back equal to your remaining Block. |
Homing Instinct | | Rare | Power | 2 (1) | Exhaust up to 1 card. At the start of your turn, gain [E] equal to the cost of the Exhausted card. |
Hornet | | Rare | Attack | 3 | Deal 15 (22) damage. The next Attack you play costs 0 and deals double damage. |
In the Name of Love and Hate | | Rare | Attack | X | Deal 10 X damage to ALL enemies. If X is 4 or more, deals 50% more damage.(If X is !ruina:SecondMagic! or more, also deals 100% more damage.) |
Justitia | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) If the enemy's HP is at or below 30%, kill it. Enemy loses 11 HP. |
Laetitia | | Rare | Power | 2 | (Retain.)The first 0 or 1 cost card you play each turn is played twice. |
Lamp | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Enemy loses 6 (8) Strength this turn. Whenever you are attacked this turn, deal 6 (8) damage back. |
Lumber | | Rare | Attack | 1 | (Retain.)Deal 10 damage. Exhaust up to 2 cards. For each Attack Exhausted, add its base damage to this card's damage. Shuffle this card into your draw pile. |
Magic Bullet | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Retain. Enemy receives double damage from attacks this turn.(Gain !M! Strength this turn.) |
Marionette | | Rare | Attack | 0 | (Retain.)Deal 8 damage. Draw 2 cards. Increase this card's cost by 1 this combat. |
Mimicry | | Rare | Attack | 3 | Deal 13 (16) damage. Heal HP equal to unblocked damage. Exhaust. |
Nihil | | Rare | Skill | 1 | ALL enemies lose 2 (3) Strength. If you have no cards in hand, this effect is doubled. Exhaust. |
Our Galaxy | | Rare | Skill | 2 | ruina:Manifest. Gain 5 (7) Block. Gain 3 (4) Regen. Gain Artifact equal to the [E] paid for by ruina:Manifest. Exhaust. |
Paradise Lost | | Rare | Power | 3 | At the start of your turn, Exhaust up to 1 card. Whenever 12 cards are Exhausted, ALL enemies lose 150 (200) HP. |
Penitence | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Heal 8 HP. Remove all of your debuffs. Exhaust. |
Pleasure | | Rare | Skill | 0 | Autoplay. Gain [E] and 3 (4) Thorns. If this card is Exhausted, lose 8 (6) HP. Exhaustive 3. |
Red Eyes | | Rare | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 (13) damage. Double the next debuff you apply to the enemy. |
Regret | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Retain. Deal 13 (16) damage. Deal 13 (16) damage again for each Status and Curse in your hand. |
Remorse | | Rare | Attack | 4 | (Retain.)ruina:Manifest. Deal 25 damage. Apply 3 Weak and Vulnerable. |
Sanguine Desire | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Deal 18 (22) damage. Apply ruina:Bleed equal to half the unblocked damage. |
Smile | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Innate. Deal 16 (20) damage and apply 2 (3) Weak and Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Exhaust. |
Solemn Lament | | Rare | Skill | 3 (2) | Ethereal. ruina:Manifest. Gain 1 Intangible. If this card's cost was only paid by ruina:Manifest, add a copy of it into your discard pile. Exhaust. |
Sound of a Star | | Rare | Attack | 3 (2) | Deal 10 damage to ALL enemies. This card's damage is increased by the amount of Block you've gained this combat. Exhaust. |
Sword Sharpened With Tears | | Rare | Skill | 0 | Apply 1 Weak and Vulnerable. (Shuffle this card into your draw pile.)When you play this card on the same enemy 3 times, instead apply 1 Stun and Exhaust this card. |
The Forgotten | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Gain 8 (11) Block. Deal 8 (11) damage. If the enemy intends to attack, apply 2 Weak and Vulnerable. |
Thirst | | Rare | Skill | 0 | (Retain.)Apply 6 ruina:Bleed. This turn, whenever you attack an enemy with ruina:Bleed, gain 1 Strength. |
Today's Expression | | Rare | Skill | 2 | Choose one: Gain 18 (23) Block. Gain 18 (23) Block next turn. |
Twilight | | Rare | Attack | 3 | ruina:Manifest. Deal 15 (20) damage and apply Weak equal to the [E] paid for by ruina:Manifest to ALL enemies. |
Wingbeat | | Rare | Skill | X | (Retain.)Exhaust up to X cards. Heal HP and gain Dexterity equal to their combined costs. Exhaust. |
Wrist Cutter | | Rare | Skill | 0 | (Retain.)Gain [E] [E]. Add 1 Wound with Retain to your hand. |
Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Book of E.G.O. | | Special | | At the end of your turn, Exhaust a random Curse in your hand. Whenever a Curse is Exhausted, add a random EGO card to your hand and give it Retain. | There is a light within all of us. A light that will one day break free and change the world. |
Book of Someone | | Special | | At the end of combat, heal 35% of your HP. | Some must fight so that all may be free. |
False Present | | Special | | Upon pickup, lose 7 Max HP. The first 2 cards you draw each combat cost 0 until played. | Poor Ozma. She didn't know that lying adults don't approach others without reason. |
Four Trigrams | | Special | | At the start of your turn, randomly activate an effect that hasn't been activated this combat: Gain 1Strength. Gain 1Dexterity. Gain [E] . Draw 1 card. | The balance of the City must be upheld. |
Goodbye | | Special | | The first Attack you play each combat deals double damage. | It tries to mimic humans. Looking into a mirror, mumbling to itself, trying to fix its skeletal structure . . . it's as if it was trying to become human. |
Life Fibers | | Special | | The next time you die, heal 4 HP instead. At the end of combat, increase the amount healed by 4. | When night falls in the Backstreets, they will come. |
Lowell's Gift | | Special | | At the start of your 3rd turn, gain 2Strength and 1Dexterity. | For you I'd steal the stars. |
Malice | | Special | | At the start of your turn, deal 2 damage to ALL enemies. If your HP is at or below 50%, deal 5 damage to ALL enemies instead. | The inherent malice caused all life to crumble as soon as it bloomed. |
Memory of Boundless Hate | | Special | | Whenever you lose HP, gain 1Strength. | She vowed to love everything in the world, but all that was left was a collapsing heart. |
Memory of Broken Hearts | | Special | | At the start of combat, gain [E] [E] and 3ruina:Bleed. | So this little lady has made a decision! To stay here and never leave until laughter is restored to this place! |
Memory of Devouring Greed | | Special | | At the start of combat, Exhaust up to 1 card. Gain Gold based on the rarity (rarer cards give more Gold). | She ended up eating away anything in her sight. Now, only visceral greed remains. |
Memory of Overwhelming Despair | | Special | | The first time you Exhaust a card each turn, gain 6Block. | As with sorrow, perhaps sharing the burden will blunt the edge. |
Overexertion | | Special | | Start each combat with an additional [E] [E] . Gain 1Weak and Frail at the start of your second turn. | She just had to keep pushing forward. Keep on pushing until the way was clear. Keep on pushing until she could push no more. |
Prescript | | Special | | Prescripts: 1. Encounter 3 normal enemies. 0/3 2. Obtain 3 Common cards. 0/3 Once completed, transforms into a special relic. | A set of bizarre instructions. Who in their right mind would come up with these? |
Prescript's Grace | | Special | | At the start of combat, randomly chooses between Attack,Skill, and Power. The first card played of the chosen type is played twice. | It all made sense now. All those pointless endeavours converged onto a single, definite meaning. |
Strongest | | Special | | When you deal 15 unblocked attack damage in a single turn, gain 1Strength. Can only trigger once per turn. | The courage to protect others. That is what separates the mighty from the meek. |
The Seventh Bullet | | Special | | Gain 2Strength at the start of combat. Whenever you play 7Attacks, take 3 damage. | One day, the marksman realized the Devil no longer followed him. He pondered why, then realized that his soul had already fallen to Hell from the beginning. |
Yesterday's Promise | | Special | | When you have insufficient [E] to play a card, you may instead pay 5 HP for every missing [E] . | Let me lend you my eyeglass, so you can have a closer look at what you just signed. |