Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Wax Quail | | Deprecated | | Whenever you gain Dexterity, also gain 1 RoRStS:Blur. | TODO |
Armor Piercing Rounds | | Common | | You deal 1 more attack damage to elites and bosses. | TODO |
Backup Magazine | | Common | | The first time you play an Attack each combat, add 1 copy of it to your hand. | TODO |
Bundle of Fireworks | | Common | | Whenever you visit a post-combat shrine or obtain a relic, deal 2 damage to a random enemy 3 times at the start of the next combat. | TODO |
Bustling Fungus | | Common | | If you end your turn without playing any attacks, gain 3Temporary_HP. | TODO |
Cautious Slug | | Common | | At the end of combat, heal HP equal to your Temporary_HP to a maximum of 2. | Earned its name when some found it living beyond the City. |
Crowbar | | Common | | Attacks against enemies at full HP deal 25% more damage. | TODO |
Energy Drink | | Common | | For the first turn of combat, whenever you play a card, gain 1Block. | TODO |
Foreign Fruit | | Common | | Replace your Block with Temporary_HP. Cooldown: 10 turns. | TODO |
Gasoline | | Common | | The first time you play a card that targets ALL enemies each combat, ALL enemies lose 5 HP and Block at the start of the next 1 turn. | Very flammable, even the fumes. |
Lens-Maker's Glasses | | Common | | Every 20thAttack you play is riskofspire:Critical. | TODO |
Medkit | | Common | | Whenever you take more than 5 unblocked attack damage, gain 1Temporary_HP. | "Truly a blessing from the coiled heavens!" - Mystic. |
Paul's Hoof | | Common | | Whenever you gain Block, gain 1Block at the start of the next turn. | TODO |
Rusty Key | | Common | | Non-Boss chests contain an additional RiskofRain based relic reward. You are 5% more likely to find treasure in ? rooms. | TODO |
Shield Generator | | Common | | At the the start of each turn, if you didn't lose HP last turn and have less than 10Temporary_HP, gain 1Temporary_HP. | TODO |
Soldier's Syringe | | Common | | Every 20thAttack you play is played twice. | TODO |
The Crowdfunder | | Common | | Lose 35Gold and deal 4 damage 5 times to the targeted enemy. Cooldown: 0 turns. | TODO |
War Banner | | Common | | Whenever you smith a card at a Rest Site, gain 1Strength and Dexterity at the start of the next combat. | TODO |
AtG Missile Mk. 1 | | Uncommon | | Whenever you play a card, deal 2 damage to a random enemy. | TODO |
Bandolier | | Uncommon | | Every time you shuffle your draw pile, reduce the cost of 2 random cards in your hand by 1 until played. | TODO |
Berzerker's Pauldron | | Uncommon | | Upon moving from a monster room to another monster room, the first Attack and Skill are played twice. | TODO |
Blast Shower | | Uncommon | | Remove all of your debuffs. Cooldown: 9 turns. | TODO |
Chronobauble | | Uncommon | | Whenever you attack a monster, it takes 10% additional damage from Attacks, decaying by half at the end of its turn. | TODO |
Disposable Missile Launcher | | Uncommon | | Deal 4 damage to a random enemy 10 times. Cooldown: 12 turns. | TODO |
Fuel Cell | | Uncommon | | The cooldown of usable relics is reduced by 1 turn. | TODO |
H3AD-5T v2 | | Uncommon | | Each combat, until your Block is broken for the first time, you do not lose Block at the start of your turn. | TODO |
Happiest Mask | | Uncommon | | Whenever an enemy dies, all enemies between it and you will receive 20% more and deal 10% less damage. | TODO |
Harvester Scythe | | Uncommon | | riskofspire:Critical attacks deal an additional 100% damage and heal 5 HP. | TODO |
Infusion | | Uncommon | | Whenever an enemy dies, gain 1 Max HP, up to 15. | TODO |
Monster Tooth | | Uncommon | | Whenever a non-Minion enemy dies, heal 2 HP. | TODO |
Predatory Instincts | | Uncommon | | Whenever you use the critical power (#gLens-Maker's Glasses), decrease the counter for the next doubleattack power (#gSoldier's Syringe) by 1 turns and vice versa. | TODO |
Radar Scanner | | Uncommon | | Put a card from your draw pile into your hand. Cooldown: 8 turns. | The last owner was a certified bookworm. |
Rose Buckler | | Uncommon | | Whenever you play 4 or more cards during your turn, gain 6Block at the end of it. | TODO |
Tougher Times | | Uncommon | | Whenever you would lose HP, lose 1 less. | Life isn't a teacher, but this teddybear managed to learn some tough lessons. |
Ukulele | | Uncommon | | Whenever you use a single target attack, deal 3 damage to an enemy other than the one targeted, 1 time. | TODO |
Volcanic Egg | | Uncommon | | Whenever you are attacked this turn, deal 8 damage back. Cooldown: 6 turns. | TODO |
Will-o'-the-Wisp | | Uncommon | | Whenever an enemy dies, deal damage equal to 20% of its Max HP to ALL enemies. | A small child which regularly visits its new family in the Spire. |
57 Leaf Clover | | Rare | | Increase the chance of getting a free stackable relic, and lunar caches from chests by 10%. | "I'm not on Earth yet, great game around and I'm done with hunting. Lucky clover, huh..." - The Huntress. |
Alien Head | | Rare | | Reduce the cost of every 11th card you draw to 0 until the end of the turn. | TODO |
Brainstalks | | Rare | | Whenever a non-minion enemy dies, the next 3 cards you spend Energy on have Refund1. | "Imagine, the outside world where such plants grew everywhere! No, child, we are safe in the Spire." - Mystic. |
Ceremonial Dagger | | Rare | | Whenever you lose HP from an attack, deal damage equal to half the damage received back 3 times. | TODO |
Hardlight Afterburner | | Rare | | Upon pickup, choose a Skill. Whenever you draw this card, add 1 copy of it with Ethereal and Exhaust that costs 1 less to your hand. | TODO |
Hopoo Feather | | Rare | | At the start of each combat, take 50% less damage from attacks until you lose HP from attacks 1 times. | A sacrilegious feather for the Cult, since it gives the sky to all. |
Milky Chrysalis | | Rare | | Gain 2Flight. Cooldown: 15 turns. | TODO |
Rejuvenation Rack | | Rare | | Healing is 25% more effective. (Includes Temporary_HP) | TODO |
Soulbound Catalyst | | Rare | | Whenever you receive unblocked attack damage, reduce the cooldown of your usable relic by 2. | TODO |
Unstable Tesla Coil | | Rare | | At the end of every other turn, deal 3 damage to a random enemy 3 times. | TODO |
Brittle Crown | | Special | | Whenever an enemy dies for the first time, gain 30% of its max HP as Gold. Whenever you take unblocked attack damage, lose15% of your current Gold. | His name was Ozymandias. In the end, king of his own despair. |
Corpsebloom | | Special | | Healing is 100% more effective, but is applied over time as up to 10% of your max HP whenever you enter a room. | TODO |
Debug Relic | | Special | | Right Click to increase the Difficulty | You are already dead. |
Effigy of Grief | | Special | | At the start of your turn, apply 1Vulnerable and 1Slow to yourself and ALL enemies. Toggleable. | TODO |
Focused Convergence | | Special | | Bosses have 20% less HP. Bosses deal 25% more damage. | Do not let it take you. Take it instead. |
Gesture of the Drowned | | Special | | The cooldowns of usable relics are reduced by 50% but they are used automatically. | TODO |
Imp Overlord's Tentacle | | Special | | At the start of your turn, draw 1 card less, and add 1ImpGuardian to your hand. | The bigger the tentacle, the more powerful you are in the social hierarchy. |
Shaped Glass | | Special | | Reduce your Max HP by 50% and increase your attack damage by 100%. | TODO |
Spinel Tonic | | Special | | Once per combat, lose 10 Max HP and gain 3Strength,Dexterity and Focus. Cooldown: 0 turns. | "How unprofessional. MY potions don't kill those who drink them." - The Woman In Blue. |
Transcendence | | Special | | At the start of each combat, replace your HP with Temporary_HP equal to 50% of your Max HP. | TODO |
Brilliant Behemoth | | Boss | | Whenever you play an Attack, deal damage to ALL enemies equal to 30% of the Attack's damage. | TODO |
Shattering Justice | | Boss | | Vulnerable now stacks additively on enemies for up to 250% increased damage. The first time an enemy takes damage from an attack each turn, apply 1Vulnerable. | Fortunately the floors were made to hold way more than the weight of such a weapon. |
Titanic Knurl | | Boss | | Upon pickup, raise your Max HP by 10. At the start of every turn, heal 1 HP. | TODO |
Eccentric Vase | | Shop | | Teleport to a random room in this act. Cannot be used in combat. Cooldown: 16 turns. | Even more eccentric in a place where time and space are more tangled than usual. |
Glowing Meteorite | | Shop | | At the end of every 3rd turn, deal 15 damage to a random enemy or yourself 1 time. | "HAH! Stones don't fall from the sky, only Spireblight falls from - OUCH!" - The Champ |