RiskOfSpire cards

AetuSpecialSkill0Gain 7 Block and gain an additional 1 Block for every 50 (30) Gold you have. Exhaust. Ethereal.
BavaSpecialAttack0Deal 9 (15) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust. Ethereal.
ChirSpecialSkill0Remove 2 cards from your draw pile and add them to your hand at the start of your next turn. Exhaust (Retain). Ethereal (Exhaust).
Debug EliteSpecialSkill0Apply Glacial.
Debug EliteSpecialSkill0Apply Glacial.
Debug EliteSpecialSkill0Apply Glacial.
Debug EliteSpecialSkill0Apply Glacial.
Debug EliteSpecialSkill0Apply Glacial.
Debug EliteSpecialSkill0Apply Glacial.
Debug EliteSpecialSkill0Apply Glacial.
Debug EliteSpecialSkill0Apply Glacial.
Debug EliteSpecialSkill0Apply Glacial.
Debug EliteSpecialSkill0Apply Glacial.
UgornSpecialAttack0Deal 4 (6) damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable. Exhaust. Ethereal.
YggoSpecialPower0Gain 1 (2) Plated Armor and Ablative πThorns. Ethereal.

RiskOfSpire relics

Wax QuailDeprecatedWhenever you gain Dexterity, also gain 1 RoRStS:Blur.TODO
Armor Piercing RoundsCommonYou deal 1 more attack damage to elites and bosses.TODO
Backup MagazineCommonThe first time you play an Attack each combat, add 1 copy of it to your hand.TODO
Bundle of FireworksCommonWhenever you visit a post-combat shrine or obtain a relic, deal 2 damage to a random enemy 3 times at the start of the next combat.TODO
Bustling FungusCommonIf you end your turn without playing any attacks, gain 3Temporary_HP.TODO
Cautious SlugCommonAt the end of combat, heal HP equal to your Temporary_HP to a maximum of 2.Earned its name when some found it living beyond the City.
CrowbarCommonAttacks against enemies at full HP deal 25% more damage.TODO
Energy DrinkCommonFor the first turn of combat, whenever you play a card, gain 1Block.TODO
Foreign FruitCommonReplace your Block with Temporary_HP. Cooldown: 10 turns.TODO
GasolineCommonThe first time you play a card that targets ALL enemies each combat, ALL enemies lose 5 HP and Block at the start of the next 1 turn.Very flammable, even the fumes.
Lens-Maker's GlassesCommonEvery 20thAttack you play is riskofspire:Critical.TODO
MedkitCommonWhenever you take more than 5 unblocked attack damage, gain 1Temporary_HP."Truly a blessing from the coiled heavens!" - Mystic.
Paul's HoofCommonWhenever you gain Block, gain 1Block at the start of the next turn.TODO
Rusty KeyCommonNon-Boss chests contain an additional RiskofRain based relic reward. You are 5% more likely to find treasure in ? rooms.TODO
Shield GeneratorCommonAt the the start of each turn, if you didn't lose HP last turn and have less than 10Temporary_HP, gain 1Temporary_HP.TODO
Soldier's SyringeCommonEvery 20thAttack you play is played twice.TODO
The CrowdfunderCommonLose 35Gold and deal 4 damage 5 times to the targeted enemy. Cooldown: 0 turns.TODO
War BannerCommonWhenever you smith a card at a Rest Site, gain 1Strength and Dexterity at the start of the next combat.TODO
AtG Missile Mk. 1UncommonWhenever you play a card, deal 2 damage to a random enemy.TODO
BandolierUncommonEvery time you shuffle your draw pile, reduce the cost of 2 random cards in your hand by 1 until played.TODO
Berzerker's PauldronUncommonUpon moving from a monster room to another monster room, the first Attack and Skill are played twice.TODO
Blast ShowerUncommonRemove all of your debuffs. Cooldown: 9 turns.TODO
ChronobaubleUncommonWhenever you attack a monster, it takes 10% additional damage from Attacks, decaying by half at the end of its turn.TODO
Disposable Missile LauncherUncommonDeal 4 damage to a random enemy 10 times. Cooldown: 12 turns.TODO
Fuel CellUncommonThe cooldown of usable relics is reduced by 1 turn.TODO
H3AD-5T v2UncommonEach combat, until your Block is broken for the first time, you do not lose Block at the start of your turn.TODO
Happiest MaskUncommonWhenever an enemy dies, all enemies between it and you will receive 20% more and deal 10% less damage.TODO
Harvester ScytheUncommonriskofspire:Critical attacks deal an additional 100% damage and heal 5 HP.TODO
InfusionUncommonWhenever an enemy dies, gain 1 Max HP, up to 15.TODO
Monster ToothUncommonWhenever a non-Minion enemy dies, heal 2 HP.TODO
Predatory InstinctsUncommonWhenever you use the critical power (#gLens-Maker's Glasses), decrease the counter for the next doubleattack power (#gSoldier's Syringe) by 1 turns and vice versa.TODO
Radar ScannerUncommonPut a card from your draw pile into your hand. Cooldown: 8 turns.The last owner was a certified bookworm.
Rose BucklerUncommonWhenever you play 4 or more cards during your turn, gain 6Block at the end of it.TODO
Tougher TimesUncommonWhenever you would lose HP, lose 1 less.Life isn't a teacher, but this teddybear managed to learn some tough lessons.
UkuleleUncommonWhenever you use a single target attack, deal 3 damage to an enemy other than the one targeted, 1 time.TODO
Volcanic EggUncommonWhenever you are attacked this turn, deal 8 damage back. Cooldown: 6 turns.TODO
Will-o'-the-WispUncommonWhenever an enemy dies, deal damage equal to 20% of its Max HP to ALL enemies.A small child which regularly visits its new family in the Spire.
57 Leaf CloverRareIncrease the chance of getting a free stackable relic, and lunar caches from chests by 10%."I'm not on Earth yet, great game around and I'm done with hunting. Lucky clover, huh..." - The Huntress.
Alien HeadRareReduce the cost of every 11th card you draw to 0 until the end of the turn.TODO
BrainstalksRareWhenever a non-minion enemy dies, the next 3 cards you spend Energy on have Refund1."Imagine, the outside world where such plants grew everywhere! No, child, we are safe in the Spire." - Mystic.
Ceremonial DaggerRareWhenever you lose HP from an attack, deal damage equal to half the damage received back 3 times.TODO
Hardlight AfterburnerRareUpon pickup, choose a Skill. Whenever you draw this card, add 1 copy of it with Ethereal and Exhaust that costs 1 less to your hand.TODO
Hopoo FeatherRareAt the start of each combat, take 50% less damage from attacks until you lose HP from attacks 1 times.A sacrilegious feather for the Cult, since it gives the sky to all.
Milky ChrysalisRareGain 2Flight. Cooldown: 15 turns.TODO
Rejuvenation RackRareHealing is 25% more effective. (Includes Temporary_HP)TODO
Soulbound CatalystRareWhenever you receive unblocked attack damage, reduce the cooldown of your usable relic by 2.TODO
Unstable Tesla CoilRareAt the end of every other turn, deal 3 damage to a random enemy 3 times.TODO
Brittle CrownSpecialWhenever an enemy dies for the first time, gain 30% of its max HP as Gold. Whenever you take unblocked attack damage, lose15% of your current Gold.His name was Ozymandias. In the end, king of his own despair.
CorpsebloomSpecialHealing is 100% more effective, but is applied over time as up to 10% of your max HP whenever you enter a room.TODO
Debug RelicSpecialRight Click to increase the DifficultyYou are already dead.
Effigy of GriefSpecialAt the start of your turn, apply 1Vulnerable and 1Slow to yourself and ALL enemies. Toggleable.TODO
Focused ConvergenceSpecialBosses have 20% less HP. Bosses deal 25% more damage.Do not let it take you. Take it instead.
Gesture of the DrownedSpecialThe cooldowns of usable relics are reduced by 50% but they are used automatically.TODO
Imp Overlord's TentacleSpecialAt the start of your turn, draw 1 card less, and add 1ImpGuardian to your hand.The bigger the tentacle, the more powerful you are in the social hierarchy.
Shaped GlassSpecialReduce your Max HP by 50% and increase your attack damage by 100%.TODO
Spinel TonicSpecialOnce per combat, lose 10 Max HP and gain 3Strength,Dexterity and Focus. Cooldown: 0 turns."How unprofessional. MY potions don't kill those who drink them." - The Woman In Blue.
TranscendenceSpecialAt the start of each combat, replace your HP with Temporary_HP equal to 50% of your Max HP.TODO
Brilliant BehemothBossWhenever you play an Attack, deal damage to ALL enemies equal to 30% of the Attack's damage.TODO
Shattering JusticeBossVulnerable now stacks additively on enemies for up to 250% increased damage. The first time an enemy takes damage from an attack each turn, apply 1Vulnerable.Fortunately the floors were made to hold way more than the weight of such a weapon.
Titanic KnurlBossUpon pickup, raise your Max HP by 10. At the start of every turn, heal 1 HP.TODO
Eccentric VaseShopTeleport to a random room in this act. Cannot be used in combat. Cooldown: 16 turns.Even more eccentric in a place where time and space are more tangled than usual.
Glowing MeteoriteShopAt the end of every 3rd turn, deal 15 damage to a random enemy or yourself 1 time."HAH! Stones don't fall from the sky, only Spireblight falls from - OUCH!" - The Champ

RiskOfSpire keywords

CriticalA Critical Attack deals double damage.