Relica cards

Mark Of PainCurseCurseUnplayable. When you draw this card, add 2 Injuries to your hand and Exhaust.
Mark Of The BloomCurseCurseUnplayable. If transformed or removed from your deck, unless it is a Relicard:Relicard, lose half of your Max HP.
Spirit PoopCurseCurseUnplayable. At the end of your turn, EVERYONE takes 3 damage. Exhaustive 2.
Darkstone PeriaptBasicSkill1Gain 5 (7) Block.(Gain 1 additional Block for ALL your Curse cards.)
The BootBasicAttack1Deal 5 (6) damage. Gain 1 (2) Temporary Strength.
Centennial PuzzleCommonSkillRetain. Unplayable. The next time you lose HP, Exhaust this. When Exhausted, draw 2 (3) cards.
Chemical XCommonAttackXGain X+2 (2X+4) Block. Deal 1 (2) damage to a random enemy X+2 times.
Cracked CoreCommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. Relicard:Overchannel 1 Lightning.
EctoplasmCommonSkill0Apply 6 (8) Poison. Increase this card's cost by 1 this combat ((up to 2)).
GingerCommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Happy FlowerCommonSkill0Grave. Gain [B]. Draw 1 card. (Shuffle a Happy Flower into your discard pile.)Exhaust.
Hovering KiteCommonSkill1Enemy loses 10 (15) HP. Discard 1 card. Gain [B].
Juzu BraceletCommonAttack1Relicard:Limitless. Deal 8 damage. Randomly deal additional damage up to 8 (16) damage.
KunaiCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Draw 1 card. Gain 1 Temporary Dexterity.
LanternCommonSkill0Innate. Ethereal. Gain [B]. (Draw 1 card.)Exhaust.
Mercury HourglassCommonPower1 (0)At the end of your turn, deal 3 damage to all enemies.
Ninja ScrollCommonSkill0Add 3 Shivs (*Shivs+) into your hand. Exhaust.
OmamoriCommonSkill1Gain 8 (10) Block. The next (!M!) time(s) you draw a Curse or Status card, Discard it and draw 1 card.
Orange PelletsCommonSkill1 (0)Gain 4 (5) Block. If the last played card is an attack, gain 1 Artifact. Exhaust.
Ring Of The SnakeCommonSkill0(Innate.) Ethereal. Draw 2 cards. Exhaust.
Self-Forming ClayCommonSkill1 (0)Lose 1 HP. Gain 3 Relicard:Metallicize. Exhaust.
ShovelCommonSkill1(Relicard:Holdover.)Put a card from your discard pile into your hand. Upgrade all Relicard:Relicards in your hand this combat.
Singing BowlCommonSkill2Gain 11 (13) Block. The next (!M!) time(s) a card is Exhausted, draw 1 card and gain 2 Temporary_HP.
StrawberryCommonSkill0Gain 4 (7) Block.
TurnipCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Twisted FunnelCommonAttack1Deal 4 (5) damage and apply 3 (4) Poison to all enemies.
AkabekoUncommonSkill1Gain 8 Vigor. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
AnchorUncommonSkill0Innate. Ethereal. Gain 10 Block. (Draw 1 card.)Exhaust.
Bag Of MarblesUncommonSkill0Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable to all enemies. Exhaust.
Black StarUncommonAttack3Deal 22 damage. Deal additional damage equal to (!M! times) the number of relics you have.
Bloody IdolUncommonAttack2Deal 5 (8) damage. Heal HP and gain gold equal to unblocked damage (up to 10). Exhaust.
Blue CandleUncommonAttack2Deal 30 (33) damage. Shuffle a Pain (*Decay) into your draw pile.
BrimstoneUncommonPower2Gain 2 Ritual. All enemies gain 1 Ritual (Strength).
Bronze ScalesUncommonPower2Gain 3 (5) Thorns. Gain 2 Dexterity.
Burning BloodUncommonAttack1Deal 3 (8) damage to all enemies. Heal 6 HP. Exhaust.
CauldronUncommonSkill1Gain the effect of 1 (2) random potion(s). Exhaust.
Ceramic FishUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain 9 Gold. Draw 1 card. Exhaust.
Charon's AshesUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever a card is Exhausted, deal 3 damage to all enemies.
Coffee DripperUncommonAttack3 (2)Deal 20 damage. For each two non-upgraded cards in your hand, gain [B].
Empty CageUncommonSkill1Exhaust 2 cards. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Exit your stance.
Frozen CoreUncommonAttack2Deal 11 (16) damage. Relicard:Overchannel 2 Frost. Exhaust (Exhaustive !stslib:ex!).
Frozen EggUncommonSkill2 (1)Choose 1 of 3 random upgraded powers to add into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.
Frozen EyeUncommonSkill0Scry 3 (4). Relicard:Persist 2.
Gold-Plated CablesUncommonAttack3Deal 16 (22) damage to all enemies. Relicard:Overchannel 2 Lightning.
Horn CleatUncommonSkill2Gain 14 Block. Shuffle a Captain's Wheel into your draw pile. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Ice CreamUncommonSkillXRetain. Next turn, gain X (X+1) [B] and draw 1 additional card. Exhaustive 2 (3).
Molten EggUncommonSkill2 (1)Choose 1 of 3 random upgraded attacks to add into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.
NecronomiconUncommonAttack2Soulbound. Deal 9 (13) damage. Repeat for ALL your Curse cards.
Nuclear BatteryUncommonSkill2 (1)Relicard:Overchannel 1 Plasma. Exhaust.
Oddly Smooth StoneUncommonPower0Gain 1 Dexterity.(Draw 1 card.)
OrichalcumUncommonSkill1If you have no Block, gain 6 Block. Gain 4 (8) Block.
Ornamental FanUncommonAttack2 (1)Gain 4 Block. Deal damage equal to your Block to all enemies.
PearUncommonSkill1Ethereal. Gain 7 (9) Temporary_HP.
Pocket WatchUncommonSkill0If 3 cards or less were played this turn, draw 3 cards. (Draw 1 card.)Exhaust.
Pure WaterUncommonSkill0Retain. Reduce all your debuffs by 1 (2). Enter Calm. Exhaust.
Red SkullUncommonSkill1Retain. If your HP is at or below 50%, gain 3 Strength. Otherwise, enter Wrath (and draw 1 card).
Regal PillowUncommonSkill2 (1)Gain Block equal to 30% of your Max HP. Exhaust.
Runic PyramidUncommonAttack2Deal 18 (24) damage. Retain your hand this turn.
Strange SpoonUncommonSkill0(Retain.)This turn, the next time you play an Exhaust card, shuffle a copy of it into your draw pile. Exhaust.
SundialUncommonSkill1Shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile. Gain [B] [B]. (Draw 1 card.)Exhaust.
Symbiotic VirusUncommonSkill1(Relicard:Holdover.)Relicard:Overchannel 1 Dark. Evoke and Channel your next orb.
The SpecimenUncommonSkill1Apply 4 (6) Poison for each enemy in combat.
Tiny ChestUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Increase this effect by 1 this combat.
Toxic EggUncommonSkill2 (1)Choose 1 of 3 random upgraded skills to add into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.
Tungsten RodUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (10) damage to all enemies. All enemies lose 1 Strength. Exhaust.
VajraUncommonPower0Gain 1 Strength.(Draw 1 card.)
Velvet ChokerUncommonSkill3 (2)Can only be played if less than 6 cards were played this turn. Stun the target. End your turn. Exhaust.
War PaintUncommonSkill1 (0)Put 2 random skills from your draw pile to your hand and upgrade them this combat. Exhaust.
WhetstoneUncommonSkill1 (0)Put 2 random attacks from your draw pile to your hand and upgrade them this combat. Exhaust.
Circlet FormRarePower3 (2)Relicard:Relicards cost 0.
Cultist MaskRarePowerXGain 2X Strength (X Ritual). At the start of your next X turns, lose 1 HP.
Dead BranchRarePower1 (0)Retain. Until next turn, whenever a card is Exhausted, add a random card to your hand.
Dolly's MirrorRareSkill1 (0)This turn, your next card is played twice. Exhaust.
Dream CatcherRarePower3At the end of a non-boss (not a non-boss)battle, gain 1 more card reward.
Emotion ChipRareSkill1 (0)Evoke your next Orb. Lose 1 Orb Slot. If you do, gain 1 Intangible. Exhaust.
Eternal FeatherRareSkill1 (0)Gain 2 Relicard:Blur. For each Relicard:Eternal card played this combat, gain 5 Block. Exhaust.
Face Of ClericRarePower2(Innate.)Whenever you play a card, gain 1 Temporary_HP.
Fossilized HelixRarePower2 (1)Gain 1 Relicard:Buffer.
Fusion HammerRareAttack3For each Upgraded card in your hand, gain 5 (6) Block and deal 5 (6) damage to a random enemy.
InserterRareSkill1(Gain 1 Focus.)Relicard:Overchannel 2 random non-Dark Orbs. Exhaust.
Lizard TailRarePower0The next time you would die, Heal 20% of your Max HP instead.(Draw 1 card.)
MangoRareSkill2Heal 8 (10) HP. If the last played card is a Relicard:Fruit, gain 2 (3) Max HP. Purge.
Nilry's CodexRarePower3 (2)At the start of your turn, you may choose 1 out of 3 random cards to add into your draw pile.
Nloth's GiftRareAttack3 (2)Deal 13 damage to a random enemy for ALL your rare cards.
Old CoinRareSkill4 (0)Gain 1 random Shop Relic reward. Fleeting.
Pandora's BoxRareSkill0Transform your hand this combat. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Preserved InsectRareSkill1Retain. If the enemy has 25% HP or less, set their HP to 0. When Retained, increase its cost by 1 (up to 5 (3)).
Snecko EyeRarePowerXSnecko. (Innate.) Become Confused. At the start of your turn, draw 2 additional cards.
Violet LotusRareSkill0(Retain.)Enter Calm. Next turn, enter Wrath and draw 1 additional card.
White BeastRarePower1 (0)At the end of combat, gain 1 more potion reward.
Bottled FlameCurseSkill0Put an (!M!) Attack(s) from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust.
Bottled LightningCurseSkill0Put a (!M!) Skill(s) from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust.
Bottled TornadoCurseSkill0Put a (!M!) Power(s) from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust.
Captain's WheelCurseSkill1Ethereal. Gain 18 (24) Block. Exhaust.
DamaruCurseSkill0Gain 2 (3) Mantra. Draw 1 additional card next turn.
Data DiskCursePower0Gain 1 Focus.(Draw 1 card.)
Gambling ChipCurseSkill0Discard your hand. Draw that many cards. (Draw 1 card.)Exhaust.
Golden IdolCurseSkill0Lose 6 HP. Shuffle an Injury into your draw pile. Gain 15 (20) Gold. Purge.
Ink BottleCurseSkill2 (1)Permanently add a copy of Ink Bottle (*Bottle+) into your deck. Purge.
Nloth's MaskCurseAttack0Retain. Destroy your rightmost relic. If you do, deal 100 damage to all enemies. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
ShurikenCurseAttack0Deal damage equal to the number of attacks played this turn. Relicard:Persist 3. Exhaustive 3 (6).
Snecko SkullCursePower2 (1)Whenever you deal unblocked attack damage, apply 1 Poison.
Strike DummyCurseAttack0EVERYONE takes 300 (500) damage.
Wing BootsCursePower2 (0)(Innate.)At the end of your next turn, flee the non-boss combat without losing any rewards. Relicard:Punishing. Fleeting.

Relica relics

Ancient InfuserStarterCharacter_gray_colorYou can Relicard:Infuse3 cards with the same name into a relic as a Free Action at Rest Sites.At the beginning of time, it took her three tries to get it right.
ReplicaStarterCharacter_gray_colorThe next 2 non-Boss chests you open contain an extraRelic that shares the name of a card in your deck.Increase the chance of finding an extra Relicard:Eternal card reward from 25% to 50%.Warning: prolonged exposure may lead to existential pondering and eternal self reflection.
Eternal RootsCommonCharacter_gray_colorUpon pickup, 3 random cards in your deck become Relicard:Eternal.As ancient as the spire itself, these roots have seen it all - the beginning, the end, and that one time you forgot to use your potions.
Ancient EggUncommonCharacter_gray_colorWhenever you add a Relicard:Relicard into your deck, Upgrade it.It is ancient because no one bothered to get it.
Humble BeginningsUncommonCharacter_gray_colorAt the start of combat, choose 1 out of 3 common cards to add into your hand, it costs 0 that turn.A humble box of goods, a humble start to your journey.
Reflective DiaryUncommonCharacter_gray_colorWhenever you play 3Relicard:Relicards, draw 1 card.Self-proclaimed reflection of the diary, when it just copy pastes the content of your deck.
Cruel IntentRareCharacter_gray_colorThe first Relicard played each combat is played twice.Only a matter of time before the second byrd falls to the same stone.
???SpecialCharacter_gray_colorAt the start of combat, gain 3 random buffs.????
ApparitionSpecialCharacter_gray_colorWhenever you play 5 cards, gain 1Intangible. (Up to 3 times per combat)It lives in her colorless walls. Only Relica can hear it.
BiteSpecialCharacter_gray_colorWhenever you lose HP, Heal 3 HP. (Up to 4 times per combat)My shield can protecc.. and smite. But when depleted .. it can bite.
Bloody ChaliceBossCharacter_gray_colorGain [B] at the start of your turn. At the start of combat, shuffle 1MarkOfPain into your draw pile.Rel Ica and the Goblet of Blood.
Blooming SeedBossCharacter_gray_colorUpon pickup, obtain a unique Curse and 3 relics that share the name of cards in your deck.Legends say, to this day, no one knows how this seed is still alive. God seed.
Relic In A JarBossCharacter_gray_colorReplaces Replica.Relicard:Infusions now require only 2 cards. Upon pickup, removeRelicard:Eternal from all cards in your deck.Is the relic in a jar or is the jar in a relic ?
PlanetariumShopCharacter_gray_colorUpon pickup, choose and add 3 cards to your deck that you already have.Astrology just got an update – no horoscope required : it just shows you what you already believe.

Relica keywords

This is displayed in the tooltip.This is displayed in the tooltip. Spaces should not be used be avoided in NAMES, with the exception of multi-word keywords (see next entry).
X BlurBlock is not removed at the start of your next X turns.
BufferPrevent the next time you would lose HP.
CuriosityWhenever you play a Power, gain 1Strength.
EternalInfusing does not remove this card.
HoldoverShuffles back into your draw pile after play.
InfuseRemove non-cursecards from your deck and gain a relic that shares the name of the cards. Bites and Apparitions included.Add 2SpiritPoop to your deck if the gained relic is a BossRelic or if the removed cards are copies of TheBoot or DarkstonePeriapt.
LimitlessCan be upgraded any number of times.
MetallicizeGain Block at the end of your turn.
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in NAMES has no underscores. The rest should use _ in the place of spaces. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions.
Overchannel XGain X Orb Slots. Channel X Orbs.
PersistOnly discards after a certain number of uses each turn.
PotionNegativepotions: Fear - Weak
PunishingYou might not escape the intent of enemies.
RelicardA card that shares the name of a relic you currently own.

Relica creatures
