Name | Image | Rarity | Type | Cost | Description |
Cleaving Finish | ![](cards/hubris-CleavingFinish.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 (12) damage. If this kills an enemy, this card stays in your hand and costs 0 for the turn. |
Sharpening Stone | ![](cards/hubris-SharpeningStone.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Choose 2 Attacks in hand, they gain hubris:Piercing for the rest of combat. Exhaust.(Startup: A random Attack in your deck gains hubris:Piercing for the rest of combat.) |
Stunning Strike | ![](cards/hubris-StunningStrike.png) | Rare | Attack | 3 (2) | Deal 6 damage. Stun the enemy for 1 turn. Exhaust. |
Sleight of Hand | ![](cards/hubris-SlightOfHand.png) | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Discard 1 card. It costs 0 until played. |
Counter | ![](cards/hubris-Counter.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 2 (1) | If an enemy intends to attack, deal damage equal to its intended damage. |
Sniper | ![](cards/hubris-Sniper.png) | Uncommon | Skill | | Unplayable. If this card is discarded from your hand, Shivs deal 2 (3) additional damage. |
Trick Cloak | ![](cards/hubris-TrickCloak.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Fetch a random (not random)card from your discard pile. Draw 1 card. |
Power Surge | ![](cards/hubris-PowerSurge.png) | Uncommon | Power | 0 | Grave. Autoplay. Lose 2 (3) Focus. NL Startup: Gain 2 (3) Focus. |
Ukulele | ![](cards/hubris-Ukulele.png) | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 10 (12) damage for each Lightning you currently have Channeled. |
Do While | ![](cards/hubris-DoWhile.png) | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | This turn, your next card is repeated at +1 [E] until you run out of [E]. |
Prefetch | ![](cards/hubris-Prefetch.png) | Rare | Skill | 2 (1) | Choose a card in your hand. It is Innate for the next combat. Exhaust. |
Specialized Circuitry | ![](cards/hubris-SpecializedCircuitry.png) | Rare | Power | 2 | (Innate.)Choose a type of orb. Anytime you Channel an orb, Channel the chosen type instead. |
Defend | ![](cards/hubris-Defend_Merchant.png) | Basic | Skill | 1 | Gain 5 (8) Block. |
Merchant's Hand | ![](cards/hubris-MerchantsHand.png) | Basic | Attack | 2 | Deal 12 (16) damage. If this kills a non-minion enemy, gain 8 (10) Gold. |
Strike | ![](cards/hubris-Strike_Merchant.png) | Basic | Attack | 1 | Deal 6 (9) damage. |
Mulligan | ![](cards/hubris-Mulligan.png) | Special | Skill | 0 | Retain. Discard your hand, then draw that many cards. Purge. |
Negative Energy | ![](cards/hubris-NegativeEnergy.png) | Special | Status | 1 | Retain. Heal Necromantic Totem 25 HP. Exhaust. |
Acid | ![](cards/hubris-Acid.png) | Common | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal. |
Acid | ![](cards/hubris-Acid.png) | Common | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal. |
Acid | ![](cards/hubris-Acid.png) | Common | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal. |
Acid | ![](cards/hubris-Acid.png) | Common | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal. |
Acid | ![](cards/hubris-Acid.png) | Common | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal. |
Acid | ![](cards/hubris-Acid.png) | Common | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal. |
Acid | ![](cards/hubris-Acid.png) | Common | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal. |
Acid | ![](cards/hubris-Acid.png) | Common | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal. |
Acid | ![](cards/hubris-Acid.png) | Common | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal. |
Acid | ![](cards/hubris-Acid.png) | Common | Status | | Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal. |
Insight | ![](cards/hubris-Insight.png) | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Look at the top 3 (5) cards of your draw pile. Add one of them to your hand. |
Ssssneak | ![](cards/hubris-Ssssneak.png) | Uncommon | Skill | X | Draw 1 (2) card(s). Draw additional cards equal to (double) this card's cost. Snecko. |
Enhance Ability | ![](cards/hubris-EnhanceAbility.png) | Rare | Power | 1 | Gain either 1 (2) Strength, 1 (2) Dexterity, 1 (2) Focus, or 1 (2)0Temporary_HP. |
Hubris | ![](cards/hubris-Hubris.png) | Special | Curse | 0 | Innate. Autoplay. Shuffle a random Curse into your draw pile. Purge. Soulbound. |
Natural One | ![](cards/hubris-NaturalOne.png) | Special | Curse | | Unplayable. When this card is drawn, lose 1 Energy. Soulbound. |
SPICE | ![](cards/hubris-SpiceAddiction.png) | Special | Curse | | Obtain the Spice relic instead of this card. |
Compulsion | ![](cards/hubris-Compulsion.png) | Curse | Curse | | Unplayable. When drawn, chooses a random card in your hand. You must play that card before any other. |
Despair | ![](cards/hubris-Despair.png) | Curse | Curse | | Unplayable. Each time you shuffle your draw pile, this card is placed on top. Grave. |
Disease | ![](cards/hubris-Disease.png) | Curse | Curse | | Unplayable. Retain At the end of your turn, put a copy of this card into your discard pile. |
Envy | ![](cards/hubris-Envy.png) | Curse | Skill | 0 | Autoplay. A random card in your hand becomes Unplayable for the turn. |
Gluttony | ![](cards/hubris-Gluttony.png) | Curse | Curse | | Unplayable. While in hand, all cards Exhaust. |
Greed | ![](cards/hubris-Greed.png) | Curse | Curse | 0 | Ethereal. Permanently add a copy of this card to your deck. Gain 5 extra gold at the end of combat for each Greed in your deck. |
Lust | ![](cards/hubris-Lust.png) | Curse | Skill | 0 | Autoplay. Choose a random enemy. This turn, any time you attack that enemy, lose 3 HP. |
Sloth | ![](cards/hubris-Sloth.png) | Curse | Power | 0 | Autoplay. Lose all max energy. Gain 1 max energy at the end of each turn. |
Wrath | ![](cards/hubris-Wrath.png) | Curse | Attack | 0 | Autoplay. Deal 5 damage to a random enemy. Place a copy of this card into your discard pile. |
Fate | ![](cards/hubris-Fate.png) | Special | Skill | 0 | Choose 1 of 3 (5) random UpgradedBlack cards to add to your hand. Exhaust. |
Rewind | ![](cards/hubris-Rewind.png) | Special | Skill | 5 | Innate (Grave). Replay every card you've played this combat. Purge. |
Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
10-Foot Pole | ![](relics/TenFootPole.png) | Common | | Take 50% less damage outside of combat. | Almost as useful as a towel. |
Ancient Text | ![](relics/AncientText.png) | Common | Green | At the start of each combat, draw 1 additional card, then place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your draw pile. | Crumbles into dust at the slightest touch. |
Ball of Yels | ![](relics/BallOfYels.png) | Common | Blue | Whenever you Channel a Lightning, trigger its passive ability. | At least they're not in your hovercraft. |
Champion Shield | ![](relics/ChampionShield.png) | Common | Red | While your HP is at or below 50%, you are immune to debuffs from enemies. | The Champ's shield... maybe? |
Old Nail | ![](relics/OldNail.png) | Common | | Perhaps it can be reforged... | Blunt with age and wear. |
Slimy Hat | ![](relics/SlimyHat.png) | Common | | Raise your maximum hand size by 2. | This would be a really nice hat if it wasn't covered in slime. |
Toy Battleship | ![](relics/ToyBattleship.png) | Common | | Whenever you enter a Rest Site, during the next combat the first card played each turn also draws 1 card. | E6. |
Bottled Rain | ![](relics/BottledRain.png) | Uncommon | | Upon pickup, choose a card. This card will always Retain. | Petrichor. |
Clockwork Cow | ![](relics/ClockworkCow.png) | Uncommon | Constructmod | Cards can cycle one additional time per turn. | "Moo." |
Crystal Statue | ![](relics/CrystalStatue.png) | Uncommon | | Gain [E] at the start of each turn. Breaks after you take 20 unblocked Attack damage. | The slightest touch could shatter it. |
Cunning Disguise | ![](relics/DisguiseKit.png) | Uncommon | | Upon pickup, choose another character. On future Card Reward screens you have 1 additional card to choose from that will be from that character. | Absolutely no one could possibly recognize you while you're wearing this disguise. |
Deck of Holding | ![](relics/DeckOfHolding.png) | Uncommon | | Right click during combat to activate. Usable once per combat.Retain your hand this turn. Synergy: Runic Pyramid | A nice box to hold your cards. |
Duct Tape | ![](relics/DuctTape.png) | Uncommon | | Upon pickup, choose 2 cards and combine them. | Fix anything. |
Iron Body | ![](relics/IronBody.png) | Uncommon | Red | At the end of your turn, gain Block equal to your Strength. | Flex the pain away. |
Metronome | ![](relics/Metronome.png) | Uncommon | | Increases Strength for each sequential Attack played, up to a maximum of 10. Playing a Non-Attack card or losing HP resets the bonus to 0. | Stronger and Stronger. |
Mysterious Pyramids | ![](relics/MysteriousPyramids.png) | Uncommon | | Upon pickup, choose two cards. Whenever you draw one of these cards, draw the other. | Usually they come in sets of four. |
Möbius Coin | ![](relics/MobiusCoin.png) | Uncommon | | Gain an additional 50Gold every time you complete a quest. | An inscription on the back reads: "Porrprety of Blnak The Eivl." |
Peanut Butter | ![](relics/PeanutButter.png) | Uncommon | | At the start of each combat, gain 8Temporary_HP. | Is it pronounced gif or gif? |
RGB Lights | ![](relics/RGBLights.png) | Uncommon | Blue | Every time you Evoke 3 Orbs in a single turn, Evoke the third Orb 2 times. | More colors makes it run faster. |
Reverence | ![](relics/Reverence.png) | Uncommon | | Right click during combat to activate. Usable once per turn. Play an Attack card from your hand at no cost and Exhaust it. | An inscription on the gun reads: "Reverence - Property of Crowbot" |
Software Update | ![](relics/SoftwareUpdate.png) | Uncommon | Blue | Increase your maximum Orb capacity to 15. | Upgrading from 32-bit to 64-bit gives you access to a lot more RAM. |
Sphere of Dissonance | ![](relics/SphereOfDissonance.png) | Uncommon | | At the start of each combat, apply 3Vulnerable to a random enemy. Synergy: Juzu Bracelet | You are your own worst enemy. |
Tin Flute | ![](relics/TinFlute.png) | Uncommon | | At the end of this run, choose one card in your deck. You start your next run with that card in your deck. | It feels like you've seen this before. |
64-Bit Clover | ![](relics/64BitClover.png) | Rare | | Every 7th normal enemy combat drops a Relic. | 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 leaves. |
Astral Hammer | ![](relics/AstralHammer.png) | Rare | | Whenever you play an Attack, reduce its cost by 1 for the rest of combat. Playing an Attack that costs 0Exhausts it. | "Forged in the heart of celestial fire. Powered by lasers entwined in a star. Crystal enchantment of steel." |
Bundle of Herbs | ![](relics/BundleOfHerbs.png) | Rare | | Right click during combat to activate. Lose 1 charge, gain 3Regen. Whenever you enter a Rest Site, add 1 charge. Starts with 2 charges. | A collection of healing herbs: sage, thyme, greenwarish, rosemary. |
Curious Feather | ![](relics/CuriousFeather.png) | Rare | | Whenever you play a Power, gain 1Strength. | You can't help but feel curious about the world while holding this feather. |
Fun Fungus | ![](relics/FunFungus.png) | Rare | | If you have leftover energy at the end of your turn, heal that much HP at the start of your next turn. | If you remain still, this fungus will grow into your wounds and heal them. |
Glazed Torus | ![](relics/GlazedTorus.png) | Rare | | Gain 1Strength at the end of each of your odd numbered turns. | Not actually edible. |
Medical Manual | ![](relics/MedicalManual.png) | Rare | | Exhaust the first Status drawn each turn. Synergy: Medical Kit | "It's Spireblight." |
Potato | ![](relics/Potato.png) | Rare | | During your turn, you are immune to damage. | A staple of pre-Spireblight life. |
Short Range Teleporter | ![](relics/Teleporter.png) | Rare | | You may skip rooms, instead entering a room two floors away. Has 2 charges. Kill Bosses or Elites to regain charges. | A prototype teleporter from before the Spireblight. No one knows how it works anymore. |
Spice | ![](relics/Spice.png) | Rare | | Upon pickup, raise your Max HP by 8. Draw 1 additional card each turn. Warning: Highly addictive! | Must flow. |
Zylophone | ![](relics/Zylophone.png) | Rare | | Upon pickup, choose a 0 or 1 cost card. This card now costs X, applying its effect X times when played. | C C G G A A G F F E E D D C |
Bottled Heart | ![](relics/BottledHeart.png) | Special | | Upon pickup, this relic gains charge equal to half your Max HP and your Max HP is reduced to 1. Start each combat with Temporary_HP equal to this relic's charge. Any changes to Max HP affect this instead. Synergy: Necronomicon | Your own heart in a bottle. Still beating. |
Dead Torch | ![](relics/DeadTorch.png) | Special | | Whenever you Exhaust a card, gain 1 Max HP. | Emits a soft, blue light that attracts the souls of the dead. |
Evacipated Box | ![](relics/EvacipatedBox.png) | Special | | Future Boss chests have 1 additional relic to choose from. | evacipate: v. To undo the consequences of your actions by changing the original circumstances. To erase your own history. |
Fruit Bowl | ![](relics/FruitBowl.png) | Special | | Changes to Max HP are increased by 50%. | Store your fruit in an aesthetically pleasing manner. |
Klein Bottle | ![](relics/KleinBottle.png) | Special | | Upon pickup, choose 1 of 3 random Black cards to add to your deck. | This shouldn't work. |
Macrotransations | ![](relics/Macrotransations.png) | Special | | Right click during combat to activate. Lose 100Gold. Immediately kill all non-Elite, non-Boss enemies. | All payments wired directly to Merchant. |
Nice Rug | ![](relics/NiceRug.png) | Special | | Start each combat with 1PlatedArmor for every 50Gold you have. | You killed a nice, blue merchant for this. That wasn't very nice of you. |
Runic Icosahedron | ![](relics/Icosahedron.png) | Special | | Right click during combat to activate. Once per combat, you may roll the Icosahedron. | Twisting fate, 1d20 at a time. |
Towel | ![](relics/Towel.png) | Special | | Future relic rewards from combats and non-Boss chests give you a choice between two relics. | Now you're a real frood. |
test447 | ![](relics/test447.png) | Special | | Gain [E] at the start of each turn. | TODO |
Backtick | ![](relics/Backtick.png) | Boss | | Upon pickup, choose any non-boss non-event relic to obtain. | ` relic add test447 |
Black Hole | ![](relics/BlackHole.png) | Boss | | All cards cost 0. Any card entering your discard pile is exhausted. | While consuming everything you put into it, it radiates a strange energy. |
Cracked Hourglass | ![](relics/CrackedHourglass.png) | Boss | | Gain [E] at the start of each turn. If any battle takes longer than 3 minutes, you die. | Your time is running out... |
Grand Snecko Eye | ![](relics/GrandSneckoEye.png) | Boss | | Gain [E] and Transform2 cards at the start of your turn. | Perplexingly large. |
Hollow Soul | ![](relics/HollowSoul.png) | Boss | | When you would die in combat, immediately restart the fight with 20% Max HP. Regain your original Max HP, heal to 50% of your Max HP, and recharge this relic if you win the fight. | An echo of a past life. Perhaps with this you may become whole. |
Runic Obelisk | ![](relics/RunicObelisk.png) | Boss | | Gain [E] at the start of each turn. Lower your maximum hand size by 3. | Extremely heavy, but the runes gives you power. |
Scarier Mask | ![](relics/ScarierMask.png) | Boss | | The weakest enemy flees at the beginning of multi-enemy fights. | Scary. |
Terracotta Horce | ![](relics/TerracottaHorce.png) | Boss | | Gain [E] at the start of each turn. Raise your Ascension level by 5. | "A facsinating example of pre-Spireblight civilization." - Ranwid |
Virtuous Blindfold | ![](relics/VirtuousBlindfold.png) | Boss | | Gain [E] at the start of each turn. You can no longer see the entire map. | Emotions are prohibited. |
Empty Bottle | ![](relics/EmptyBottle.png) | Shop | | Potions may be used twice. | Just pour half the potion into this bottle and suddenly you have two potions! |
Herbal Paste | ![](relics/HerbalPaste.png) | Shop | | Start each combat with 3Regen.Regen can go to -1. | A foul smelling substance. Perhaps slathering it on your skin will heal your wounds. |