Hubris cards

Cleaving FinishUncommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. If this kills an enemy, this card stays in your hand and costs 0 for the turn.
Sharpening StoneUncommonSkill0Choose 2 Attacks in hand, they gain hubris:Piercing for the rest of combat. Exhaust.(Startup: A random Attack in your deck gains hubris:Piercing for the rest of combat.)
Stunning StrikeRareAttack3 (2)Deal 6 damage. Stun the enemy for 1 turn. Exhaust.
Sleight of HandCommonSkill1 (0)Discard 1 card. It costs 0 until played.
CounterUncommonAttack2 (1)If an enemy intends to attack, deal damage equal to its intended damage.
SniperUncommonSkillUnplayable. If this card is discarded from your hand, Shivs deal 2 (3) additional damage.
Trick CloakUncommonSkill1Fetch a random (not random)card from your discard pile. Draw 1 card.
Power SurgeUncommonPower0Grave. Autoplay. Lose 2 (3) Focus. NL Startup: Gain 2 (3) Focus.
UkuleleUncommonAttack1Deal 10 (12) damage for each Lightning you currently have Channeled.
Do WhileRareSkill1 (0)This turn, your next card is repeated at +1 [E] until you run out of [E].
PrefetchRareSkill2 (1)Choose a card in your hand. It is Innate for the next combat. Exhaust.
Specialized CircuitryRarePower2(Innate.)Choose a type of orb. Anytime you Channel an orb, Channel the chosen type instead.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Merchant's HandBasicAttack2Deal 12 (16) damage. If this kills a non-minion enemy, gain 8 (10) Gold.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
MulliganSpecialSkill0Retain. Discard your hand, then draw that many cards. Purge.
Negative EnergySpecialStatus1Retain. Heal Necromantic Totem 25 HP. Exhaust.
AcidCommonStatusUnplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal.
AcidCommonStatusUnplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal.
AcidCommonStatusUnplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal.
AcidCommonStatusUnplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal.
AcidCommonStatusUnplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal.
AcidCommonStatusUnplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal.
AcidCommonStatusUnplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal.
AcidCommonStatusUnplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal.
AcidCommonStatusUnplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal.
AcidCommonStatusUnplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage. Ethereal.
InsightUncommonSkill0Look at the top 3 (5) cards of your draw pile. Add one of them to your hand.
SsssneakUncommonSkillXDraw 1 (2) card(s). Draw additional cards equal to (double) this card's cost. Snecko.
Enhance AbilityRarePower1Gain either 1 (2) Strength, 1 (2) Dexterity, 1 (2) Focus, or 1 (2)0Temporary_HP.
HubrisSpecialCurse0Innate. Autoplay. Shuffle a random Curse into your draw pile. Purge. Soulbound.
Natural OneSpecialCurseUnplayable. When this card is drawn, lose 1 Energy. Soulbound.
SPICESpecialCurseObtain the Spice relic instead of this card.
CompulsionCurseCurseUnplayable. When drawn, chooses a random card in your hand. You must play that card before any other.
DespairCurseCurseUnplayable. Each time you shuffle your draw pile, this card is placed on top. Grave.
DiseaseCurseCurseUnplayable. Retain At the end of your turn, put a copy of this card into your discard pile.
EnvyCurseSkill0Autoplay. A random card in your hand becomes Unplayable for the turn.
GluttonyCurseCurseUnplayable. While in hand, all cards Exhaust.
GreedCurseCurse0Ethereal. Permanently add a copy of this card to your deck. Gain 5 extra gold at the end of combat for each Greed in your deck.
LustCurseSkill0Autoplay. Choose a random enemy. This turn, any time you attack that enemy, lose 3 HP.
SlothCursePower0Autoplay. Lose all max energy. Gain 1 max energy at the end of each turn.
WrathCurseAttack0Autoplay. Deal 5 damage to a random enemy. Place a copy of this card into your discard pile.
FateSpecialSkill0Choose 1 of 3 (5) random UpgradedBlack cards to add to your hand. Exhaust.
RewindSpecialSkill5Innate (Grave). Replay every card you've played this combat. Purge.

Hubris relics

10-Foot PoleCommonTake 50% less damage outside of combat.Almost as useful as a towel.
Ancient TextCommonGreenAt the start of each combat, draw 1 additional card, then place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your draw pile.Crumbles into dust at the slightest touch.
Ball of YelsCommonBlueWhenever you Channel a Lightning, trigger its passive ability.At least they're not in your hovercraft.
Champion ShieldCommonRedWhile your HP is at or below 50%, you are immune to debuffs from enemies.The Champ's shield... maybe?
Old NailCommonPerhaps it can be reforged...Blunt with age and wear.
Slimy HatCommonRaise your maximum hand size by 2.This would be a really nice hat if it wasn't covered in slime.
Toy BattleshipCommonWhenever you enter a Rest Site, during the next combat the first card played each turn also draws 1 card.E6.
Bottled RainUncommonUpon pickup, choose a card. This card will always Retain.Petrichor.
Clockwork CowUncommonConstructmodCards can cycle one additional time per turn."Moo."
Crystal StatueUncommonGain [E] at the start of each turn. Breaks after you take 20 unblocked Attack damage.The slightest touch could shatter it.
Cunning DisguiseUncommonUpon pickup, choose another character. On future Card Reward screens you have 1 additional card to choose from that will be from that character.Absolutely no one could possibly recognize you while you're wearing this disguise.
Deck of HoldingUncommonRight click during combat to activate. Usable once per combat.Retain your hand this turn. Synergy: Runic PyramidA nice box to hold your cards.
Duct TapeUncommonUpon pickup, choose 2 cards and combine them.Fix anything.
Iron BodyUncommonRedAt the end of your turn, gain Block equal to your Strength.Flex the pain away.
MetronomeUncommonIncreases Strength for each sequential Attack played, up to a maximum of 10. Playing a Non-Attack card or losing HP resets the bonus to 0.Stronger and Stronger.
Mysterious PyramidsUncommonUpon pickup, choose two cards. Whenever you draw one of these cards, draw the other.Usually they come in sets of four.
Möbius CoinUncommonGain an additional 50Gold every time you complete a quest.An inscription on the back reads: "Porrprety of Blnak The Eivl."
Peanut ButterUncommonAt the start of each combat, gain 8Temporary_HP.Is it pronounced gif or gif?
RGB LightsUncommonBlueEvery time you Evoke 3 Orbs in a single turn, Evoke the third Orb 2 times.More colors makes it run faster.
ReverenceUncommonRight click during combat to activate. Usable once per turn. Play an Attack card from your hand at no cost and Exhaust it.An inscription on the gun reads: "Reverence - Property of Crowbot"
Software UpdateUncommonBlueIncrease your maximum Orb capacity to 15.Upgrading from 32-bit to 64-bit gives you access to a lot more RAM.
Sphere of DissonanceUncommonAt the start of each combat, apply 3Vulnerable to a random enemy. Synergy: Juzu BraceletYou are your own worst enemy.
Tin FluteUncommonAt the end of this run, choose one card in your deck. You start your next run with that card in your deck.It feels like you've seen this before.
64-Bit CloverRareEvery 7th normal enemy combat drops a Relic.18,446,744,073,709,551,615 leaves.
Astral HammerRareWhenever you play an Attack, reduce its cost by 1 for the rest of combat. Playing an Attack that costs 0Exhausts it."Forged in the heart of celestial fire. Powered by lasers entwined in a star. Crystal enchantment of steel."
Bundle of HerbsRareRight click during combat to activate. Lose 1 charge, gain 3Regen. Whenever you enter a Rest Site, add 1 charge. Starts with 2 charges.A collection of healing herbs: sage, thyme, greenwarish, rosemary.
Curious FeatherRareWhenever you play a Power, gain 1Strength.You can't help but feel curious about the world while holding this feather.
Fun FungusRareIf you have leftover energy at the end of your turn, heal that much HP at the start of your next turn.If you remain still, this fungus will grow into your wounds and heal them.
Glazed TorusRareGain 1Strength at the end of each of your odd numbered turns.Not actually edible.
Medical ManualRareExhaust the first Status drawn each turn. Synergy: Medical Kit"It's Spireblight."
PotatoRareDuring your turn, you are immune to damage.A staple of pre-Spireblight life.
Short Range TeleporterRareYou may skip rooms, instead entering a room two floors away. Has 2 charges. Kill Bosses or Elites to regain charges.A prototype teleporter from before the Spireblight. No one knows how it works anymore.
SpiceRareUpon pickup, raise your Max HP by 8. Draw 1 additional card each turn. Warning: Highly addictive!Must flow.
ZylophoneRareUpon pickup, choose a 0 or 1 cost card. This card now costs X, applying its effect X times when played.C C G G A A G F F E E D D C
Bottled HeartSpecialUpon pickup, this relic gains charge equal to half your Max HP and your Max HP is reduced to 1. Start each combat with Temporary_HP equal to this relic's charge. Any changes to Max HP affect this instead. Synergy: NecronomiconYour own heart in a bottle. Still beating.
Dead TorchSpecialWhenever you Exhaust a card, gain 1 Max HP.Emits a soft, blue light that attracts the souls of the dead.
Evacipated BoxSpecialFuture Boss chests have 1 additional relic to choose from.evacipate: v. To undo the consequences of your actions by changing the original circumstances. To erase your own history.
Fruit BowlSpecialChanges to Max HP are increased by 50%.Store your fruit in an aesthetically pleasing manner.
Klein BottleSpecialUpon pickup, choose 1 of 3 random Black cards to add to your deck.This shouldn't work.
MacrotransationsSpecialRight click during combat to activate. Lose 100Gold. Immediately kill all non-Elite, non-Boss enemies.All payments wired directly to Merchant.
Nice RugSpecialStart each combat with 1PlatedArmor for every 50Gold you have.You killed a nice, blue merchant for this. That wasn't very nice of you.
Runic IcosahedronSpecialRight click during combat to activate. Once per combat, you may roll the Icosahedron.Twisting fate, 1d20 at a time.
TowelSpecialFuture relic rewards from combats and non-Boss chests give you a choice between two relics.Now you're a real frood.
test447SpecialGain [E] at the start of each turn.TODO
BacktickBossUpon pickup, choose any non-boss non-event relic to obtain.` relic add test447
Black HoleBossAll cards cost 0. Any card entering your discard pile is exhausted.While consuming everything you put into it, it radiates a strange energy.
Cracked HourglassBossGain [E] at the start of each turn. If any battle takes longer than 3 minutes, you die.Your time is running out...
Grand Snecko EyeBossGain [E] and Transform2 cards at the start of your turn.Perplexingly large.
Hollow SoulBossWhen you would die in combat, immediately restart the fight with 20% Max HP. Regain your original Max HP, heal to 50% of your Max HP, and recharge this relic if you win the fight.An echo of a past life. Perhaps with this you may become whole.
Runic ObeliskBossGain [E] at the start of each turn. Lower your maximum hand size by 3.Extremely heavy, but the runes gives you power.
Scarier MaskBossThe weakest enemy flees at the beginning of multi-enemy fights.Scary.
Terracotta HorceBossGain [E] at the start of each turn. Raise your Ascension level by 5."A facsinating example of pre-Spireblight civilization." - Ranwid
Virtuous BlindfoldBossGain [E] at the start of each turn. You can no longer see the entire map.Emotions are prohibited.
Empty BottleShopPotions may be used twice.Just pour half the potion into this bottle and suddenly you have two potions!
Herbal PasteShopStart each combat with 3Regen.Regen can go to -1.A foul smelling substance. Perhaps slathering it on your skin will heal your wounds.

Hubris keywords

hubris:piercingIgnores Block when dealing damage.

Hubris creatures

Grand SneckoBoss600
Musket HawkBoss350
Necromantic TotemBoss50