Hallownest cards

City of Tears MapSpecialSkillUnplayable. Whenever you draw this card, draw 2 cards.(Then discard this card.)
Fury of the FallenSpecialAttack0(Innate.)Deal 10 damage. Deals 5 additional damage for every 25% HP you are missing. Exhaust. NL
Greenpath MapSpecialSkillUnplayable. Whenever you draw this card, draw a card and gain 4 Block.(Then discard this card.)
Hounding GlaivesSpecialSkill1Apply 4 (6) Constricted, dealing constant damage to the target at the end of each round. Exhaust.
Idea InstilledSpecialStatus3While this card is in your hand, gain 2 Infection whenever you play another card. Exhaust.
Idea InstilledSpecialStatus3While this card is in your hand, gain 2 Infection whenever you play another card. Exhaust.
Idea InstilledSpecialStatus3While this card is in your hand, gain 2 Infection whenever you play another card. Exhaust.
Idea InstilledSpecialStatus3While this card is in your hand, gain 2 Infection whenever you play another card. Exhaust.
Idea InstilledSpecialStatus3While this card is in your hand, gain 2 Infection whenever you play another card. Exhaust.
Idea InstilledSpecialStatus3While this card is in your hand, gain 2 Infection whenever you play another card. Exhaust.
Idea InstilledSpecialStatus3While this card is in your hand, gain 2 Infection whenever you play another card. Exhaust.
Idea InstilledSpecialStatus3While this card is in your hand, gain 2 Infection whenever you play another card. Exhaust.
Idea InstilledSpecialStatus3While this card is in your hand, gain 2 Infection whenever you play another card. Exhaust.
Idea InstilledSpecialStatus3While this card is in your hand, gain 2 Infection whenever you play another card. Exhaust.
Kingdom's Edge MapSpecialSkillUnplayable. Whenever you draw this card, draw a card and gain 1 Strength.(Then discard this card.)
Leaf ShieldSpecialSkill1Gain 7 (9) Block. Gain 1 (2) Plated Thorns. Exhaust.
Light's AllureSpecialSkill0If played, lose 5 (6) HP and gain 2 (3) Strength. If not played, Heal 5 (6) and Lose 2 (3) Strength.
Master Cyclone SlashSpecialAttack3Deal 18 (24) damage to ALL enemies. Increase this card's damage by 3 (6) for the rest of the combat.
Master Dash SlashSpecialAttack3Deal 18 (24) damage. Gain 12 (16) Block. Draw 1 card.
ObsessionSpecialStatus2When drawn, a random card in hand costs 1 more. If that card is played another will be chosen. Exhaust.
ObsessionSpecialStatus2When drawn, a random card in hand costs 1 more. If that card is played another will be chosen. Exhaust.
ObsessionSpecialStatus2When drawn, a random card in hand costs 1 more. If that card is played another will be chosen. Exhaust.
ObsessionSpecialStatus2When drawn, a random card in hand costs 1 more. If that card is played another will be chosen. Exhaust.
ObsessionSpecialStatus2When drawn, a random card in hand costs 1 more. If that card is played another will be chosen. Exhaust.
ObsessionSpecialStatus2When drawn, a random card in hand costs 1 more. If that card is played another will be chosen. Exhaust.
ObsessionSpecialStatus2When drawn, a random card in hand costs 1 more. If that card is played another will be chosen. Exhaust.
ObsessionSpecialStatus2When drawn, a random card in hand costs 1 more. If that card is played another will be chosen. Exhaust.
ObsessionSpecialStatus2When drawn, a random card in hand costs 1 more. If that card is played another will be chosen. Exhaust.
ObsessionSpecialStatus2When drawn, a random card in hand costs 1 more. If that card is played another will be chosen. Exhaust.
Pure Nail's EdgeSpecialAttack3Remove all Block from an enemy. Deal 32 (42) damage.
Readjusting ReactionSpecialAttack1If the target intends to attack, Gain 8 (11) Block. Otherwise, deal 8 (11) damage.
Slug's HideSpecialSkill1Gain 4 (6) Block. This card costs 1 less the rest of combat.
Spore ShroomSpecialPower1At the end of each of your turns, if you have not played an Attack, heal 2 HP and apply 1 (2) poison to ALL enemies.
Stolen SoulSpecialStatus1When this card is drawn, a random card in your hand is discarded. Exhaust.
Stolen SoulSpecialStatus1When this card is drawn, a random card in your hand is discarded. Exhaust.
Stolen SoulSpecialStatus1When this card is drawn, a random card in your hand is discarded. Exhaust.
Stolen SoulSpecialStatus1When this card is drawn, a random card in your hand is discarded. Exhaust.
Stolen SoulSpecialStatus1When this card is drawn, a random card in your hand is discarded. Exhaust.
Stolen SoulSpecialStatus1When this card is drawn, a random card in your hand is discarded. Exhaust.
Stolen SoulSpecialStatus1When this card is drawn, a random card in your hand is discarded. Exhaust.
Stolen SoulSpecialStatus1When this card is drawn, a random card in your hand is discarded. Exhaust.
Stolen SoulSpecialStatus1When this card is drawn, a random card in your hand is discarded. Exhaust.
Stolen SoulSpecialStatus1When this card is drawn, a random card in your hand is discarded. Exhaust.
SwarmedSpecialStatus1Retain. At the end of your turn, take 1 damage for each Swarmed in hand. Exhaust.
SwarmedSpecialStatus1Retain. At the end of your turn, take 1 damage for each Swarmed in hand. Exhaust.
SwarmedSpecialStatus1Retain. At the end of your turn, take 1 damage for each Swarmed in hand. Exhaust.
SwarmedSpecialStatus1Retain. At the end of your turn, take 1 damage for each Swarmed in hand. Exhaust.
SwarmedSpecialStatus1Retain. At the end of your turn, take 1 damage for each Swarmed in hand. Exhaust.
SwarmedSpecialStatus1Retain. At the end of your turn, take 1 damage for each Swarmed in hand. Exhaust.
SwarmedSpecialStatus1Retain. At the end of your turn, take 1 damage for each Swarmed in hand. Exhaust.
SwarmedSpecialStatus1Retain. At the end of your turn, take 1 damage for each Swarmed in hand. Exhaust.
SwarmedSpecialStatus1Retain. At the end of your turn, take 1 damage for each Swarmed in hand. Exhaust.
SwarmedSpecialStatus1Retain. At the end of your turn, take 1 damage for each Swarmed in hand. Exhaust.
Dreamer's LamentCurseCurseUnplayable. The first card you play after drawing this card, costs HP equal to it's cost.

Hallownest relics

Bank Account KeySpecialWhenever you enter a shop room, gain 40gold."Rest assured Dearie, I'll keep your Geo safe."
God Tamer's BeastSpecialWhenever you shuffle your draw pile, apply 3Constricted to all enemies."Some hunters train beasts to join them in chasing down prey."
Heavy BlowsSpecialWhenever you play an Attack card that cost 3 or more, gain 5Block."Whatever it takes... I'll prove myself!"
Nailmaster's GlorySpecialThe first time you play a card that costs 3 or more each turn, regain [E] ."You honour me beyond words, my pupil..."
Pale King's IdolSpecialAt the beginning of combat, choose 1 of 20 Colorless Cards to shuffle into your draw pile.Made out of a mysterious white material.
Salubra's BlessingSpecialWhenever you rest, Heal equal to how many relics you have, and Gain 2 Max HP."Don't be a stranger sweetums."
Seal of the BeastSpecialThe first Attack you play each combat is played twice."...For her..."
Seal of the TeacherSpecialThe first Skill you play each combat is played twice."...For diversity, a Seal..."
Seal of the WatcherSpecialThe first Power you play each combat is played twice."...For King beloved..."
Sheo's PaintbrushSpecialWhenever you play a card that cost 3 or more, gain 3strength."Painting, sculpting... these things bring a different kind of pleasure."
Soul VesselSpecialRight click to gain [E] . To recharge: end a turn with [E] remaining.A complete vessel, imbued with the power to contain soul.
Stag's Empty EggSpecialRight-Click to Stun ALL enemies for a turn. Restore both charges by defeating a boss.... Perhaps .. Not the last?
The Dream NailSpecialUnlocks occasional unique Enemy Dialogue, and new Options in some events. Holds a PowerfulSecret.Allows the wielder to cut through the veil between dreams and waking.
The Seal of the Black EggSpecialThe first 2 cards you play the first 2 turns of combat are played twice."In wilds beyond they speak your name with reverence and regret"
The Stag's BellSpecialRight-Click to draw 6 cards. Recharge by defeating a boss."The sound of the bell will always call me back."
The Stag's Bell StandSpecialRight-Click to draw 6 cards, and gain [E] [E] [E] . Recharge by defeating a boss."Echoes down the stagways and calls me to you."
Unbreakable CardSpecialThe first card with Exhaust played after you shuffle your deck is not exhausted.The smell... different. Strange, but nice. Very nice!

Hallownest keywords

Blue CapeA 1 cost Skill that gains Block, Retains, and exhausts.
Red CapeA 1 cost Attack that deals damage, Retains, and exhausts.
hallownest:fortitudeFortified creatures receive 33% less attack damage.
hallownest:lunacyWhenever a lunatic enemy attacks or applies a debuff, a random enemy is targeted instead.
hallownest:sturdySturdy creatures gain 34% more block.
hallownest:vigorVigorous creatures deal 34% more attack damage.

Hallownest creatures

Aspid HatchlingNormal11
Aspid MotherNormal60
Broken VesselBoss223
Cowardly HuskNormal35
Crystal GuardianElite114
Elder HuNormal55
Fool EaterNormal55
Gluttonous HuskNormal66
Great HopperNormal75
Green VengeflyNormal12
Grey Prince ZoteBoss398
Grimmkin MasterNormal64
Grimmkin NoviceNormal37
Heavy FoolNormal76
Hive GuardianNormal81
Hive KnightElite272
Hive SoldierNormal58
Hollow KnightBoss457
Hopping ZotelingNormal74
Husk GuardNormal47
Husk HornheadNormal35
Husk SentryNormal50
Husk WarriorNormal43
Infected BalloonNormal19
Little HopperNormal54
Little WeaverNormal23
Mantis LordBoss95
Mantis WarriorNormal63
Mantis YouthNormal42
Mister MushroomNormal125
Moss ChargerNormal20
Moss CreepNormal31
Moss KnightElite92
Primal AspidNormal134
Shielded FoolNormal68
Shrumal OgreNormal107
Slobbering HuskNormal204
Soul MasterBoss343
Soul WarriorElite160
Stalking DevoutElite182
Sturdy FoolNormal78
The False KnightBoss239
The RadianceBoss595
Top HalfNormal24
Troupe Master GrimmBoss319
Vengefly KingElite87
Violent HuskNormal177
Volatile MosskinNormal40
Volatile ZotelingNormal65
Wandering HuskNormal31
Watcher KnightNormal54
Winged ZotelingNormal70
Zote the MightyElite1000