DreamwalkerMod cards

Air KickBasicAttack0Deal 3 (6) damage. Gain 1 (2) sybilmod:MP.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Sol HealBasicSkill1Consume up to 3 sybilmod:Magical_Power. Gain 2 (3) times as much Temp-HP.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Bubble BlastSpecialSkill1Ethereal. Gain 8 (10) Block. Gain 2 sybilmod:MP. Exhaust.
Slide Long JumpSpecialSkill0Ethereal. Gain 5 (8) Block. Consume 1 sybilmod:MP. Exhaust.
Aerial FinesseCommonSkill1Draw 3 (4) cards. Discard 1 card. Gain 1 sybilmod:MP.
Bubble ShieldCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Add 1 Bubble Blast into your hand.
Combo KickCommonAttack1Deal 3 (6) damage to ALL enemies. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable to ALL enemies.
Concussion KickCommonAttack1Deal 3 (6) damage. Apply 2 (3) Weak.
Double KickCommonAttack1Deal 3 (6) damage twice.
EvadeCommonSkill1Discard 1 card. Gain 9 (12) Block.
FocusCommonSkill1Gain 5 (6) Block. Increase this card's Block by 3 for this combat.(sybilmod:Semi-Blur.)
PreparationCommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. Next turn, gain Block equal to half of your sybilmod:MP. (Max: 10 (15) Block.)
Quick FootworkCommonAttack0Deal 5 (8) damage.
SlideCommonSkill1Gain 5 Block. Add 1 (2) Slide Long Jump into your hand.
Sol ChargeCommonSkill0Lose 2 HP. Gain 4 (6) sybilmod:MP.
Sol SlashCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage to ALL enemies.
Stolen FurnitureCommonSkill2Gain 15 (18) Block. sybilmod:Semi-Blur.
Strike BreakCommonAttack2Deal 16 (20) damage. Gain 2 sybilmod:MP.
Tonfa KickCommonAttack1Deal 3 (6) damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
Tonfa ThrowCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. If this card is discarded or exhausted from your hand, gain 7 (10) Block.
Ultra HopCommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block. Gain 1 (2) sybilmod:MP.
Whirlwind SlashCommonAttack1Deal 2 (4) damage to a random enemy 3 times.
Backwards KickUncommonAttack1Deal 3 (6) damage. Draw 2 cards.(Gain 1 sybilmod:MP.)
Bunny HopUncommonSkill0Gain 1 sybilmod:MP. Draw 1 card. If you draw a Skill, gain 2 (4) Block.
Cling GemUncommonSkill1Gain 5 (7) Block. Consume 4 (3) sybilmod:MP. If you do: Gain 1 Dexterity. sybilmod:Semi-Blur.
Critical StrikeUncommonAttack1Remove all Block from the enemy. Deal 7 (10) damage.
DisciplineUncommonSkill0Gain 2 (4) Block. Discard 1 card. If you do: Draw 1 (2) more card(s) next turn.
Exhausting CounterUncommonAttack2Exhaust up to 1 (2) card(s). Deal 4 damage for ALL cards in your exhaust pile.
Exhausting DrawUncommonSkill0Exhaust 1 card. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Exhaust.
Exhausting SlashUncommonAttack1Exhaust a random card in your hand. Deal 9 (12) damage to ALL enemies.
Exhausting StrikeUncommonAttack1Exhaust 1 card. Deal 9 (12) damage. Exhaust.
Fierce SlashUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (8) damage. Increase this card's damage by 3 (4) for this combat.
Good ReflexesUncommonSkill0Gain 4 (6) Block. If this card is discarded or exhausted from your hand, gain [E] ([E]).
Ground BreakerUncommonAttack1Deal 10 (15) damage.
Leg DayUncommonPower3Ethereal (Retain). Lower the cost of all Kick cards to 0.
Martial ProwessUncommonPower1Strike cards generate 1 (2) more sybilmod:MP.
MeditateUncommonSkillXGain 4 (6) Block times X. Gain 2 MP times X.
Outfit: Big PantsUncommonPower0sybilmod:Outfit. At the end of your turn, Retain up to 1 (2) card(s).
Outfit: GuardianUncommonPower0sybilmod:Outfit. Kick cards deal 2 (3) more damage.
Outfit: ProfessionalUncommonPower0sybilmod:Outfit. Strike cards deal 2 (3) more damage.
Outfit: Sleepy TimeUncommonPower0sybilmod:Outfit. At the end of your turn, gain 2 (3) T-HP.
Outfit: SoldierUncommonPower0sybilmod:Outfit. At the end of your turn, gain 3 (5) Block.
Overhead KickUncommonAttack1Deal 3 (6) damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak & Vulnerable.
PilgrimageUncommonSkill2Exhaust up to 1 (2) card(s). Gain 4 Block for ALL cards in your exhaust pile.
Reflect ProjectileUncommonSkill2 (1)Prevent the next time you would lose HP. Exhaust.
Repeating StrikeUncommonAttackXDeal 6 (9) damage X times. Gain 1 sybilmod:MP times X.
Resting ChairUncommonSkill1Gain 3 (5) Block. Gain additional Block equal to your sybilmod:MP. (Maximum: 15 (20).)
Severe StrikeUncommonAttack3Deal 28 (33) damage. Gain 3 sybilmod:MP.
SidestepUncommonSkill0Gain 2 (3) Block. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Discard 1 (2) card(s).
Sol CycleUncommonSkill0(Retain.)Shuffle a card from your discard pile into your draw pile. Draw 1 card. Exhaust.
Sol DrawUncommonSkill0Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
Sol EnergyUncommonSkill0Consume 2 sybilmod:MP. If you do: (not Consume 2 sybilmod:MP. If you do:) Gain 2 [E]. Exhaust.
Sol StreamUncommonAttack2Deal 10 (13) damage. Gain Block equal to unblocked damage.
Solar WindUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Temp-HP.
Split StrikeUncommonAttack1Gain 6 (8) Block. Deal 6 (8) damage.
Sun GreavesUncommonPower1Gain 2 (3) sybilmod:MP at the start of your turn.
Sun SetterUncommonSkill1Deal sybilmod:magical_damage equal to sybilmod:Magical_Power + 3 (5). (Maximum: 15 (20).)
Tonfa RecoveryUncommonSkillXGain 3 (5) Block times X. Next turn, gain X [E] (+ [E]). Exhaust.
Ascendant LightRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Gain 1 sybilmod:MP whenever you play a Skill.
Clear MindRareSkill0(Innate.)Choose a card from your draw pile and place it into your hand. (not) Exhaust.
Crippling KickRareAttack1Deal 3 (6) damage. Enemy loses 1 Strength.(Apply 1 Weak.)
Dream RemnantRareSkill0Gain [E] [E]. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Exhaust.
Exhausting OptionsRareSkill0Exhaust 1 card. ATK: Gain 2 Strength. SKL: Gain 2 Dexterity. POW: Gain [E] [E]. ST/CRS: Draw 1 card.(Draw 1 card.)
Flawless TechniqueRareSkill1Gain 4 (7) Block. Gain additional Block equal to your sybilmod:MP. Consume 20% of your sybilmod:Magical_Power.
Goat ServantRareSkill1Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Gain sybilmod:MP for ALL cards in your discard pile. Exhaust.
Good GracesRarePower1At the start of your turn, draw & discard 1 card to gain sybilmod:MP. UNCOMMON: (COMMON:) 1 sybilmod:MP. RARE: (UNCOMMON:) 2 sybilmod:MP.(RARE: 3 sybilmod:MP.)
Heliacal PowerRarePower2Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Strikes are played one more time. Strikes consume 1 sybilmod:MP. Stackable.
IndignationRareSkill1Gain 2 Strength.(Shuffle this card into your drawpile.)
Judgmental GlareRareAttackXDeal 4 (6) damage times X. Enemy loses 2 (3) Strength X times this turn. If X is >2, apply Stunned, then exhaust.
Not Forklift CertifiedRareAttack2(Retain.)Deal damage to ALL enemies equal to sybilmod:MP. Consume 20% of your sybilmod:Magical_Power (sybilmod:MP). Exhaust.
Outfit: Bleeding HeartRarePower0(Innate.)sybilmod:Outfit. At the start of your turn, draw 1 additional card.
Outfit: ClassyRarePower0(Innate.)sybilmod:Outfit. Kick cards grant 3 Block and 1 additional sybilmod:MP.
Outfit: Sol SisterRarePower0sybilmod:Outfit. (Heal 7 (5) HP.)At the end of combat, heal 7 (5) HP.
Perfect KickRareAttack1Deal 3 (4) damage for ALL 'Kick'-cards in your deck.
Perfect StrikeRareAttack2Deal 5 (6) damage for ALL 'Strike'-cards in your deck.
Sol CleanseRareSkill1Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Remove all of your debuffs. Gain 1 Artifact. Exhaust.
Thigh CrusherRareAttack1Deal 6 damage. If this kills an enemy: Permanently increase this card's damage by 3 (4), then exhaust.
Thorny RoseRarePower1Gain 2 (3) Dexterity. Consume up to 3 (5) sybilmod:MP, gain that much as Thorns.

DreamwalkerMod relics

DreambreakerStarterYellowStart each combat with 4 sybilmod:Magical_Power.Hailing from a mystical dreamworld, and the bringer of its end.
Wooden StoolCommonYellowAt the end of combat, if your HP is lower than at the start of combat, restore up to 5 missing HP.The Dreamwalker never lets an opportunity go to waste to rest on one of these.
EmpathyUncommonYellowWhenever an enemy dies, heal 3 HP. Max 3 times per combat.One of many aspects gained by the Dreamwalker on her journey.
Detached BladeRareYellowDraw 1 card for every 5thsybilmod:MP you gain.This large blade once hung off the princess' long braid, serving as her weapon.
Silver KeyRareYellowGain 1 additional sybilmod:MP for every 3rdMP you gain.These small keys usually opened doors to optional rewards for the Dreamwalker.
Sol CenserRareYellowAt the start of your turn, cleanse all Weak and Frail on you. Consume sybilmod:Magical_Power equal to the number of cleansed stacks times 2.Rejuvenation through the power of the sun.
Sol ChainRareYellowAt the start of combat, if your HP is lower than at the start of last combat, gain the difference as sybilmod:Magical_Power.Imbued with the power of the sun.
Fake HornsBossYellowDraw 1 more card whenever you're drawing cards beyond the start of your turn.The Dreamwalker wore these as part of a disguise to infiltrate the princess' realm.
Golden KeyBossYellowGain 1 [E] for every 5thsybilmod:MP you gain.The Dreamwalker gathered 5 of these during her journey through the princess' realm.
SolbreakerBossYellowReplaces Dreambreaker. Gain 1 additional sybilmod:Magical_Power on attacks. At the start of your turn, lower your MP to 30 if it exceeds that value.The Dreambreaker, infused with the power of the sun.
Dream MirrorShopYellowAt the start of combat, gain all sybilmod:MP you've consumed last combat (max: 10.)The portal from which the Dreamwalker entered the princess' realm.
Sol ShieldShopYellowWhenever you gain sybilmod:MP, gain that much Block.A protective aura formed by converting any excess energy unleashed by the power of the sun.

DreamwalkerMod keywords

This is displayed in the tooltip.This is displayed in the tooltip. Spaces should not be used be avoided in NAMES, with the exception of multi-word keywords (see next entry).
Magical DamageNon-physical damage which bypasses effects like Thorns. Does not stack with damage boosts.
Magical PowerGained by attacking. Every fourth MP adds 1 bonus damage. Unlock unique buffs by reaching 16 and 30 MP.
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in NAMES has no underscores. The rest should use _ in the place of spaces. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions.
OutfitGrant stackable powers which can be combined with other outfits. Using multiple copies of the same outfit will increase the energy cost for the next copy by 1 in that combat (max cost: 3).
Semi-BlurBlock gained from this card will not decay until next turn. Will not stack with other sources of Block.

DreamwalkerMod creatures

the DreamwalkerPlayer63-70