Conspire cards

ChargeUncommonAttack1Deal 8 damage. Deals an additional 3 (4) damage for each turn of combat.
Explosive BarrierUncommonSkill2Gain 12 (15) Block. If your Block is broken this turn, deal 18 (22) damage to the attacker.
Hit Where it HurtsRareAttack2Deal 12 damage. Damage is multiplied by 125% (150%) for each Vulnerable.
PurgeRareSkill1 (0)Lose 5 HP. Exhaust a card in your hand and permanently remove it from your deck. Exhaust.
Doubling DaggerUncommonSkill1Add 1 (2) Shiv(s) to your hand. Every time this card is played, increase its shiv count by 1 for this combat.
Poison WeaponsUncommonSkill1 (0)All unblocked attack damage is converted to Poison this turn. Exhaust.
RainUncommonSkill1Channel 1 Water. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Shared LibraryUncommonPower2 (1)Gain all powers an enemy has. (Only applies to powers that you can have)
DefendSpecialSkill1Ethereal. Gain 5 (8) Block.
Infernal BerrySpecialSkill1Remove 1 Holy. Exhaust.
Infernal BerrySpecialSkill1Remove 1 Holy. Exhaust.
Infernal BerrySpecialSkill1Remove 1 Holy. Exhaust.
Infernal BerrySpecialSkill1Remove 1 Holy. Exhaust.
Infernal BerrySpecialSkill1Remove 1 Holy. Exhaust.
Infernal BerrySpecialSkill1Remove 1 Holy. Exhaust.
Infernal BerrySpecialSkill1Remove 1 Holy. Exhaust.
Infernal BerrySpecialSkill1Remove 1 Holy. Exhaust.
Infernal BerrySpecialSkill1Remove 1 Holy. Exhaust.
Infernal BerrySpecialSkill1Remove 1 Holy. Exhaust.
SpireCo StockSpecialSkill1Gain 10 (14) Gold. Exhaust. Value may change over time.
StrikeSpecialAttack1Ethereal. Deal 6 (9) damage.
Pyramid RuneCommonStatus1Retain. Exhaust.
Pyramid RuneCommonStatus1Retain. Exhaust.
Pyramid RuneCommonStatus1Retain. Exhaust.
Pyramid RuneCommonStatus1Retain. Exhaust.
Pyramid RuneCommonStatus1Retain. Exhaust.
Pyramid RuneCommonStatus1Retain. Exhaust.
Pyramid RuneCommonStatus1Retain. Exhaust.
Pyramid RuneCommonStatus1Retain. Exhaust.
Pyramid RuneCommonStatus1Retain. Exhaust.
Pyramid RuneCommonStatus1Retain. Exhaust.
TreasureCommonStatus1Gain 2 (3) Gold. Exhaust.
BananaUncommonSkill0Gain 1 (2) permanent Max HP. Exhaust.
BlindnessCurseCurseUnplayable. At the end of your turn, you become unable to see enemy intents for this combat.
Necrotic WoundCurseCurseUnplayable. When this card is drawn, shuffle a Wound into your draw pile.

Conspire relics

Top HatCommonIf your hand is full when drawing a card, draw an extra card next turn instead.This stylish hat can also be used to store rabbits and excess cards.
Bottled Yo-YoUncommonUpon pickup, choose a card. When it is put into your discard pile, shuffle it into your draw pile.Yo, yo.
Decoder RingUncommonWhen you play 3Attacks, then 2Skills, then 2Attacks, then 1Skill, deal 30 damage to all enemies.Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A.
Deflated DodgeballUncommonYou have a 10% chance to dodge attacks.
DenturesUncommonWhenever you play a Power, add a copy of it to your discard pile 50% of the time.You don't know what elderly monster these belonged to.
FlyswatterUncommonAt future Card Reward screens you will no longer be offered cards that you have previously skipped.There are insects all over inside the spire. This swatter only works for the small ones.
BoomerangRarePlace the first Attack card you play each turn on top of your draw pile.Always comes back to you.
Gift BoxRareUpon pickup, choose and add 1 rare card to your deck.It could be anything.
Glowing RockRareAt the end of your turn you may Exhaust a card from your hand.It is slightly warm to the touch.
Ice Cream ScoopRareBlueYou can rearrange your Orbs by dragging them.Makes nice spheres.
Infinite JournalRareCards can be upgraded any number of times.It just goes on forever.
Royal GobletBossGain [E] at the start of each turn. Draw 1 fewer card each turn.Fit to serve a king. Or maybe made from cheap plastic.
Runic OctahedronBossDraw 1 fewer card each turn. Every time you play 2 cards in a single turn, draw a card.The runes are indecipherable.
Severed TorchheadBossGain [E] at the start of each turn. Whenever you play an Attack, lose 1Dexterity for the turn. Whenever you play a Skill, lose 1Strength for the turn.The flame has died, so the owner will not miss it.
Slow CookerBossGain [E] at the start of each turn. On the first turn of combat lose 2 Energy instead.Allows you to prepare a hearty spire-stew. Not for the impatient.
Special SausageBossUpon pickup, choose to start each combat with 2Strength,2Dexterity, or 2Focus.Found lying around the spire. Should be safe to eat.
Treasure MapShopThe map now shows what relics can be found in treasure and elite rooms.X marks the spot.

Conspire potions

Time Travel PotionRareSet your HP to what it was at the end of your last turn.

Conspire keywords

waterOrb: Draws cards.

Conspire creatures

Fuzzy DieNormal61
Head LouseNormal113
Holy BatNormal101
Mirror ImageNormal76
Mysterious RuneElite302
Ornate MirrorBoss450
Rose BushNormal31
Snecko GhostElite143