DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
ModifyBasicSkill1 cast:BurnScry 3. Gain 8 (11) Block.
RemakeBasicAttack1 cast:Cast 1 card. Deal 7 (10) damage to All enemies.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Angry GlareCommonAttack1 cast:BurnScry 4 . Deal 5 (8) damage 2 times.
BlowCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage.Gain 1 Block 3 times.
Burning ClosureCommonSkill1Gain 9 (13) Block. At next turn start, deal damage equal to your Block to All enemies.
EmberCommonSkill0On cast:Casted :Gain 2 Strength.(Ethereal.)
ErosionCommonSkill1Apply 3 (4) cast:Imprint . Draw until 4 cards in your hand.
Glass CraftCommonAttack0Deal 8 (12) damage. Until to Exhausted, reduce this basic damage by 4 in this combat.
Gun SmokeCommonSkill0Apply 1 Vulnerable. Gain 3 (5) Block.
High WallCommonSkill1 cast:Cast 1 (2) cards. Gain 8 (11) Block.
Hot SliceCommonAttack1Exhaust 1 card. Deal 8 (10) damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
ImprintCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Apply 3 (4) cast:Imprint .
Iron FlowCommonSkill0On Exhausted: Gain 5 (7) Block.(Ethereal.)
Lava ScryCommonAttack1Draw 3 cards. Deal 3 (5) damage for per NO ATTACK drawn.
ParseCommonSkill0Apply 1 (2) cast:Imprint . Exhaust 1 card.
Remnant SmokeCommonSkill1 cast:BurnScry 1. Gain 10 (14) Block.
Rotary SliceCommonAttack1Exhaust 1 card. Deal 5 (7) damage. deal 5 (7) damage to All enemies.
Sandwich CastCommonSkill1 cast:Cast 1 card. Draw 2 (3) cards.
SearCommonSkill4Apply 6 (8) cast:Imprint. On Exhausted:Reduce cost by 1 in this combat.
SplitCommonAttack1Deal 9 (11) damage. On Exhausted :add one copy into your hand, it is free in this turn.
Time to WorkCommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards.Gain 2 Strength for per ATTACK drawn.
TortureCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. If target has cast:Imprint, Deal 7 (10) damage again.
UnsheatheCommonAttack0 cast:BurnScry 1. Deal 9 (12) damage.
Warm LightCommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block. Draw 2 (3) more cards at start of next turn.
AttractiveUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever Exhaust one card, if its cost is 2 or more, Gain [E] [E] .
BaptismUncommonSkill1 cast:BurnScry 3. BurnScry 4. Gain 9 (12) Block.
BoilUncommonSkill0On Exhausted: Draw 1 (2) cards.
Burn To EmptyUncommonSkill2 (1)Gain 14 Block . Exhausted All cards in your hand.
Burning StepUncommonSkill1 (0)Draw 1 card. Reduce its cost by 1 in this combat and Exhaust it.
CheckUncommonSkill0(Retain.)Exhaust 1 card. cast:Cast 1 card.
Cold HeartUncommonPower0Lose 1 Strength. Gain 2 (3) Dexterity.
CongealUncommonPower1Whenever a card is cast:Casted , Gain 5 (7) Block.
Conti SliceUncommonAttack1Exhaust 1 card. Deal 4 (5) damage 3 times.
CoreUncommonSkill0On cast:Casted :Gain [E] [E] ([E]).(Ethereal.)
Flame InsightUncommonSkill1 cast:BurnScry your draw pile. Draw 2 (3) cards.
Flame WaveUncommonSkill0On cast:Casted :Randomly Apply 3 cast:Imprint.(Ethereal.)
Keep ImprovingUncommonSkill1cast:Cast 1 (2) cards. Upgrade it (them) in this combat.
Lava CurtainUncommonPower1Gain 12 (16) Block . Gain 1 Strength for per enemies.
LeachUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever a card is Exhausted by cast:BurnScry , Upgrade it in this combat.
ModuleUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Make one copy of per 0 cost card drawn into your hand.
OverwhelmingUncommonPower1Whenever Exhaust one card, if its cost is 2 or more, Gain 3 (4) Strength.
PanningUncommonSkill0On cast:Casted :Gain 2 (3) Gold.(Ethereal.)
Pour OutUncommonAttack2 cast:BurnScry 1. Deal 14 (19) damage to All enemies.
QuenchingUncommonAttack6Deal 21 (27) damage. On Exhausted:Reduce cost by 2 in this combat.
Remnant SunUncommonPower2(Innate.)In every turn,first drawn card reduce cost by 1 in this combat.
Semi-FormUncommonPower5 (4)Gain 4 Dexterity. On Exhausted :Reduce cost by 2 in this combat.
Signal FireUncommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage 2 times. Draw cards until 3 (4) cards in your hand.
SlagUncommonPower2Gain 4 (7) cast:Metallicize .
SlurryUncommonAttack0Randomly deal 1 (2) damage 3 times. Gain 1 (2) Block 3 times.
Spare FuelUncommonSkill0Add 1 (2) random 0 cost SKILL into your hand. Exhaust 1 card.
SplashUncommonAttack2Deal 10 (14) damage to All enemies. Apply 3 cast:Imprint to All enemies.
SpringUncommonSkill0On cast:Casted :Deal 8 (11) damage to All enemies.(Ethereal.)
StareUncommonPower1Whenever cast:BurnScry , Gain 3 Block and Block gain increase by 1 before next turn.
Straight SliceUncommonAttack1 cast:Cast 1 card. Deal 11 (14) damage.
Sulfur FireUncommonSkill0Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable. On cast:Casted :Swap Vulnerable to Weak .
VeinUncommonSkill0cast:BurnScry 1. Gain [E] ([E]).
Wind Make FireUncommonSkill2Gain 9 (12) Block. Gain 1 Strength and Dexterity.
AchievementRareAttack1Deal 4 (8) damage. On Exhausted :Increase this basic damage by 6 in this combat.
All GoneRareAttack0If All cards in your exhausted pile cannot be cast:Casted, Deal 26 (34) damage to All enemies.
Blast FurnaceRarePower1When draw one card, if its cost is 0, Exhaust it and draw 1 (2) card.
Chains of HellRareSkill1Apply 4 (5) cast:Imprint . Exhaust All cards in your hand. Exhausted.
DaybreakRareSkill2 (1)Exhaust All cards in your hand. Gain [E] and draw cards equal to cards Exhausted. Exhausted .
DepositionRarePower2Whenever cast:Cast one card, Gain 2 (3) cast:Metallicize .
FrenzyRarePower3 (2)From next turn, first 2 ATTACK in every turn play twice.
FreshRareAttack3Deal 22 (27) damage. Gain 10 (15) Block. On Exhausted :Swap this basic damage and basic Block.
Iron Juice RarePower1Whenever cast:Cast one card, deal 8 (11) damage to All enemies.
LumenRareSkill2Shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile. Gain 13 (17) Block. cast:BurnScry your draw pile.
Melt MetalRarePower3 (2)Whenever Draw one card in your turn, Gain 1 Block .
Perfect SkillRareSkill1 (0)Upgrade one random card in your deck. Exhausted .
Rare EarthRareSkill0On cast:Casted :add one random Rare card into your hand (, it is free in this turn).
ReshapeRarePower2Gain 2 (3) Strength and Dexterity. Heal 6 HP.
Rival NatureRareSkill1 cast:Cast 3 (4) cards.
Step In FlameRareAttack2Deal 4 (6) damage for per card in your hand.

CASTMOD relics

Lava MaskStarterCastOnly Once in each combat.At end of turn, if enemies has ATTACK Intention,Gain 8Block .Power from the depths of the earth. Hard to use, hard to stop.
Furnace SecretsCommonAt start of turn, if your HP is below 50% , gain 1Dexterity .Otherwise, gain 1Strength .Only the law of change can endure.
Oil LampCommonWhenever Exhaust10 card,draw 1 card.This lamp cannot be turned off.
Fire SealRareAt start of ELITE or BOSS combat, you can choose one card in your deck, put 3 copies of it into your hand and remove it from your deck.Letters sealed with this seal will automatically burn , and copy will be delivered intact to the recipient.
Rock FlowBossCast Replace LavaMask .At end of turn, gain 4Block for per enemy with ATTACK Intention.From other dying Planets.
green TileBossCastGain [E] at start of turn. you can only Cast 1 times in every turn.Clear as jade.

CASTMOD keywords

BurnScry XLook at the top X cards of your draw pile, you must Exhaust1 card of them.
Castput Exhausted card back to hand. Status, Cruses and selfExhaust card cannot be Casted .
Flame Barrier XWhen Attacked, deal X damage back. At start of turn, remove this power.
ImprintAfter Exhaust or Cast one card, enemy with Imprint take damage equal to Imprint amount.
Metallicize XGain X block at end of turn.
Plated_Armor XGain X block at end of turn. Receiving unblocked attack damage reduces PlatedArmor by 1.
Thorns XWhen attacked,deal X damage back.
多重护甲X回合结束时,获得 X 格挡 。受到攻击伤害而失去生命时, 多层护甲 的层数减 1
火焰屏障 X每受到一次攻击,给予 X 点反伤。回合开始时失去此效果。
灼见 X观看抽牌堆顶 X 张牌,选择并 消耗 其中 1 张牌。被 灼见 消耗 的牌额外触发一次 消耗 效果。
烙印每当你 消耗 或者 重铸 一张牌后,拥有 烙印 的敌人受到相当于 烙印 层数点伤害。
荆棘X受到攻击时,对攻击者造成 X 点伤害。
重铸将已经被 消耗 的牌返回你的手牌。状态牌,诅咒牌和本身具有 消耗 属性的牌不能被 重铸
金属化X回合结束时,获得 X 格挡 。

CASTMOD creatures

Lava SmithPlayer78-87