Name | Image | Rarity | Type | Cost | Description |
Bishop's Prayer | ![](cards/battleTowers-BishopsPrayer.png) | Special | Skill | 1 | Gain 7 (10) Block. Draw 1 card. Shuffle this card back into your draw pile. |
Chilled | ![](cards/battleTowers-Chilled.png) | Special | Status | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card. |
Chilled | ![](cards/battleTowers-Chilled.png) | Special | Status | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card. |
Chilled | ![](cards/battleTowers-Chilled.png) | Special | Status | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card. |
Chilled | ![](cards/battleTowers-Chilled.png) | Special | Status | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card. |
Chilled | ![](cards/battleTowers-Chilled.png) | Special | Status | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card. |
Chilled | ![](cards/battleTowers-Chilled.png) | Special | Status | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card. |
Chilled | ![](cards/battleTowers-Chilled.png) | Special | Status | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card. |
Chilled | ![](cards/battleTowers-Chilled.png) | Special | Status | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card. |
Chilled | ![](cards/battleTowers-Chilled.png) | Special | Status | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card. |
Chilled | ![](cards/battleTowers-Chilled.png) | Special | Status | | Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose [E] , then draw 1 card. |
Cursed Tapestry | ![](cards/battleTowers-CursedTapestry.png) | Special | Attack | 0 | Fleeting. Lose 5 HP. Deal 30 (50) Damage. Gain a random Common Relic. |
Dark Enchantment | ![](cards/battleTowers-DarkEnchantment.png) | Special | Skill | 0 | Draw 2 (3) cards. Gain [E] [E]. Increase all numbers that can be increased on cards in hand by 1 this combat. Exhaust. |
King's Command | ![](cards/battleTowers-KingsCommand.png) | Special | Skill | | Unplayable. When you play another card, deal 4 (6) damage to a random enemy. |
Knight's Maneuver | ![](cards/battleTowers-KnightsManeuver.png) | Special | Power | 2 (1) | Choose: Gain 3 Dexterity and lose 1 Strength, or gain 3 Strength and lose 1 Dexterity. |
Pawn's Advance | ![](cards/battleTowers-PawnsAdvance.png) | Special | Attack | 1 | Gain 4 (5) Block. Deal 4 (5) damage. This turn, all Pawn's Advances gain 2 (3) bonus damage and Block. |
Queen's Grace | ![](cards/battleTowers-QueensGrace.png) | Special | Attack | 3 | Gain 10 Block. Deal 10 damage. Draw 3 (4) cards. Gain [E] ([E]). Exhaust. |
Rook's Charge | ![](cards/battleTowers-RooksCharge.png) | Special | Attack | 2 | Deal 8 (10) damage. Repeat for each other Attack in your hand. |
Slime Elixir | ![](cards/battleTowers-SlimeElixir.png) | Special | Skill | 0 | Retain. Draw 2 (4) cards. Shuffle a Slimed into your draw pile. Exhaust. |
Wind Strike | ![](cards/battleTowers-WindStrike.png) | Special | Attack | 1 | Each Wind Strike increases the damage and block gain by 3 (6). Choose One - Deal 5 (8) damage and Gain 5 (8) Block or shuffle a copy of this into your draw pile. |
Wish Granted | ![](cards/battleTowers-Granted.png) | Special | Skill | 0 | (Retain.)Wish for the PERFECT Upgraded Rare card to add to your hand. Exhaust. |
Wish for Knowledge | ![](cards/battleTowers-Knowledge.png) | Special | Skill | 0 | Soulbound. Autoplay. Add a copy of a random card that you only have 1 copy of in your deck to it. |
Greedy | ![](cards/battleTowers-Greedy.png) | Special | Curse | | Unplayable. Ethereal. When drawn, lose 7 Gold. |
Prick | ![](cards/battleTowers-Prick.png) | Special | Curse | 0 | Retain. If this card is Exhausted, ALL characters lose 1 HP. Exhaust. |
Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Alphabet Soup | ![](relics/AlphabetSoup.png) | Special | | At the start of each combat, choose 1 of 3 cards that start with a certain letter to add into your hand. Whenever you play a card that starts with that letter, gain 4Block and [E] . | Letterlicious. |
Armorer's Headpiece | ![](relics/ArmorersMask.png) | Special | | You feel more talkative and start combat with 1 Dexterity. | Part of the Flock! |
Bucket Of Slime | ![](relics/BucketOfSlime.png) | Special | | The first time you play each card in your deck each combat, gain 1Block. | A bucket of slime! Useful and multipurpose! Huh? What purpose? I'm just a salesman, figure that out yourself. |
Cardboard Heart | ![](relics/CardboardHeart.png) | Special | | When obtained, picks 3 random cards. Choose 1 of 3 of the set to add into your hand with Retain each combat. | Slain adventurer's decks form this lump of fibrous board. |
Cleric's Blessing | ![](relics/ClericsBlessing.png) | Special | | While in the BattleTower, at the start of each combat, gain 2Dexterity. | That guy sure is friendly. |
Cultist War Banner | ![](relics/WarBannerCultist.png) | Special | | At the start of combat, gain 1Ritual and lose 2Strength. | Caw? Caw Caw! Caw. caw. |
Cursed Doll | ![](relics/CursedDoll.png) | Special | | Whenever you lose HP, ALL enemies also lose twice that much HP. | It's filled with pins and needles . . . and it looks surprisingly like you. |
Dijinn Lamp | ![](relics/DijinnLamp.png) | Special | | At the start of combat, shuffle a WishGranted into your draw pile. | As you rub it, you can feel the faintest echoes of infinite power. |
Gorgon Head | ![](relics/GorgonHead.png) | Special | | The first time each combat that each enemy intends to attack you multiple times in a turn, it loses 1 temporary Strength. | Still dangerous to look at. |
Hollow Soul | ![](relics/VoidBlight.png) | Special | | At the start of combat, shuffle a Void into your draw pile. | You never knew how important it was to you until it was gone. |
Iron Pot Helmet | ![](relics/IronPotHelmet.png) | Special | | When you play a Defend, gain 3Block. | It once was special and enchanted. Now it's just a big hunk of metal. |
Jade Idol | ![](relics/JadeIdol.png) | Special | | On pick-up add a WindStrike to your deck. The first Strike you play each combat is played twice. | Immaculately carved, and defying physics just one of these with little effort becomes very powerful given time. |
Louse War Banner | ![](relics/WarBannerLouse.png) | Special | | At the start of combat, gain 10CurlUp. When CurlUp is triggered, Block is not lost that turn. | Be one with the bug. |
Lucky | ![](relics/Lucky.png) | Special | | At the start of the Boss combat of this Battle Tower, gain 1 Strength and 1 Dexterity. | Those who give back to the less fortunate always find themselves rewarded somehow. |
Nob War Banner | ![](relics/WarBannerNob.png) | Special | | The first 3 enemy actions each combat that are not attacks grant you 1Strength. Start each combat with 2Weak. | RRrroohrrRGHHhhh!! |
Otto's Deck | ![](relics/OttosDeck.png) | Special | | Upon pickup, replace your basic Strikes and Defends with Pawn'sAdvances. Obtain a random Uncommon and RareChessCard. | Otto's deck is chess themed. Hm. |
Promise of Gold | ![](relics/PromiseOfGold.png) | Special | | Gain 100 gold when you defeat the BattleTower boss. | It will all be worth it. |
Queen's Pawn | ![](relics/QueensPawn.png) | Special | | If the first and last card you play in a turn is an Attack, deal 5 damage to a random enemy. If the first and last card you play in a turn is a Skill, gain 5Block. | The most important and loyal of pieces. |
Ruby Fragment | ![](relics/RubyFragment.png) | Special | | Once per combat, after dealing 15 unblocked damage in a combat, gain [E] and draw 2 cards. | Just a shard of the Justicar's power, seems offence will be rewarded by his divine. |
Scary Nail | ![](relics/ScaryNail.png) | Special | | You have 1 additional Strength for every enemy in combat. | Taken out of the Totem, this would fit great into a baseball bat. |
Sentry Core | ![](relics/SentryOrb.png) | Special | | At the start of every odd turn, deal 9 damage to a random enemy. | An ominous energy still pulses inside, long after removing it. |
Slime-Filled Flask | ![](relics/SlimeFilledFlask.png) | Special | | At the start of each combat, add a SlimeElixir to your hand. | Is this even safe to drink? |
Snecko War Banner | ![](relics/WarBannerSnecko.png) | Special | | Start each combat Confused. Draw 3 cards at the start of the first turn of combat. | This pattern. It's... mesmerizing. |
Steelbound Codex | ![](relics/SteelboundCodex.png) | Special | | Whenever you spend [E] [E] [E] on Attacks in one turn, your next Attack costs 0. | Ok Intellij, why do you want to autocorrect "Steelbound" to "Spellbound"?!? |
Sweaty Armband | ![](relics/SweatyArmband.png) | Special | | Whenever you receive unblocked attack damage, gain 1Strength. | No pain, no gain. |
Torch | ![](relics/Torch.png) | Special | | While in the BattleTower, at the start of combat, shuffle 2 copies of your chosen card into your draw pile. | A simple torch that glows with an emerald fire. It seems to weaken the further it travels. |