Avocado cards

DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Double StrikeBasicAttack1Peel 1: Deal 6 (8) damage twice.
Parasitic ShellBasicSkill1Gain 2 (3) Plated Armor.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
BiteSpecialSkillAdd a Bite into your hand.
GrowSpecialPowerGain 2 (3) Strength.
ApoptosisCommonSkill0Peel 1: (1 twice:) Gain 1 Plated Armor (twice) and draw 1 card.
Armed PitCommonAttack2Deal 6 (8) damage twice. If you have Peeled this turn, gain [E] [E] .
ConstrictCommonSkill1Innate Apply 6 (8) Constricted.
Ethylene GasCommonSkill0Gain 2 (3) [E] . Shuffle a Slimed into your draw pile.
Flesh BarrierCommonSkill0Gain 9 (12) Block. Gains 1 fewer Block for each Plated Armor you have.
Heavy SlamCommonAttack1Deal 6 damage. Deals 1 (2) additional damage for each Plated Armor you have.
Peel It OffCommonSkill1Peel 1: Gain 10 (13) Block and Draw 1 Card.
PhototropismCommonSkill1Innate. Draw 2 (3) cards.
Pit and RunCommonAttack1Deal 3 damage to a random enemy twice (thrice). Draw 2 cards.
Plate SnapCommonAttack1Deal 8 (9) damage. Gain 1 (2) Plated Armor
PlateheadedCommonSkill1Gain 1 Plated Armor. Draw 1 (2) Card(s).
Rain Of PitsCommonAttack1Deal 2 damage to ALL enemies 3 (4) times.
ReclaimCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Reclaim 1 card.
ScavengerCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Next turn, Reclaim 1 card.
Sow DoubtCommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Squishy StrikeCommonAttack0Deal 8 (11) damage. Add a Slimed into your hand.
SuckCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Suck 2 (3) HP.
Tendril SwipeCommonAttack0Deal 3 (4) damage. Apply 2 (3) Constricted.
Acrid PukeUncommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) Weak and 2 (3) Vulnerable to ALL Enemies. Add a Slimed into your hand. Exhaust.
Balanced DietUncommonPower2Gain 1 (2) Strength, 1 (2) Dexterity, and 1 (2) Plated Armor.
BaseplateUncommonPower1If you end your turn without Block, gain 4 (6) Block.
Eat ScrapUncommonSkill0Heal 5 (7) HP. Add a Slimed into your hand. Exhaust.
ElectroplatingUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you gain Plated Armor, gain 1 more.
EncapsulateUncommonSkill2Apply 3 (4) Plated Armor. Apply 3 Constricted 3 (4) times.
Expiration DateUncommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage. Each turn, increase this card's damage by 2 (3) for this combat.
Feckless WhirlUncommonAttack1Lose 2 HP. Deal 12 (16) damage to ALL enemies.
FellUncommonAttack2Innate. Deal 21 damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
Fungal ElixirUncommonSkill0(Innate.)Reduce your next Vulnerable gain by 2. Exhaust.
GrowthUncommonPower1Next turn, Gain 3 (4) Strength.
HardenUncommonSkill2Gain 7 (9) Block. Gain 3 (4) Plated Armor.
LunacyUncommonSkillXAt the start of your next X (X+1) turns, reduce the cost of a random card in your hand to 0 this combat. Exhaust.
Mucous EmbraceUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever a Status card is Exhausted, draw 2 cards.
NecrosisUncommonSkill0Gain 2 (1) Vulnerable. Gain 5 Plated Armor. Exhaust.
One Pit WonderUncommonAttack1Innate. Deal 16 (20) damage. Exhaust.
OverguacUncommonSkill0Peel 2 (1): Draw 2 cards.
Peel HookUncommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. Peel 1: Gain [E] and draw 1 card.
Peel No PainUncommonPower1Whenever you Peel, gain 3 (4) Block.
Perfected SuckUncommonAttack2Deal 9 damage. Suck 3 HP. Deals 3 (5) additional damage for ALL your cards that heal HP.
PhosphorylationUncommonSkill0Innate. Gain 1 (2)[E]. Exhaust.
Pit StormUncommonAttackXDeal 3 damage twice X (X+1) times.
Pitted ArmorUncommonSkill1Lose 2 HP. Gain 13 (17) Block.
RatropsUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you are attacked, apply 1 Vulnerable to the attacker.
ReabsorbUncommonPower1Whenever a Status card is Exhausted, gain 1 (2) Strength.
RummageUncommonSkill1 (0)Reclaim 1 card. It costs 0 until played. Exhaust.
ShrapnelUncommonPower0Whenever you Peel, deal 4 (6) damage to a random enemy.
SplinterUncommonAttack2Peel 1 and deal 10 (13) damage for each 2 Plated Armor you have. Exhaust.
Spoils of WarUncommonSkill1Choose 1 of 3 skills of any color to add into your hand. It costs 0 until played. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
StrangulationUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you apply Constricted, apply an additional 2 Constricted.
SuffocateUncommonSkill1Apply 4 (6) Constricted. ALL enemies take damage equal to their Constricted.
ToastUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage twice. Add a Burn into your hand.
WrapUncommonSkillXApply 4 Constricted to ALL enemies X (X+1) Times. Exhaust.
AutophagiaRareAttack1Receive 10 (12) damage. If you would die, raise your Max HP by 9 (12). Exhaust.
B'GoneRareAttack2Deal 26 (34) damage to ALL enemies. Gain 2 Vulnerable.
CompostRareSkill1Shuffle a copy (2 copies) of the last card played this combat into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Eau d'AvocatRareSkill1 (0)Obtain an Essence of Steel. Exhaust.
EnsnareRarePower1Whenever you receive unblocked attack damage, apply 4 (6) Constricted to the attacker.
ExtractorRareAttack2Deal 3 (4) damage. Gain Plated Armor equal to unblocked damage. Exhaust.
Flash FreezeRareSkill2Gain 10 (14) Block. Block is not removed at the start of your next 2 turns.
ForgeRareAttack1Deal 10 (14) damage. Gain 1 Plated Armor. If Fatal, permanently increase this gain by 1. Exhaust.
GoorruptionRarePower2 (1)Status cards cost 0 and can be played. Whenever you play a Status card, Exhaust it.
OverblockRareSkill0Gain 30 (40) Block. You cannot gain Block from cards for 2 turns. Exhaust.
OverripeRarePower1Gain 4 (5) Strength. At the start of your turn, lose 1 Strength.
Parasitic FormRarePower3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Whenever you lose HP, gain 3 Block and increase this gain by 1.
Plated FarmerRareSkill3 (2)Peel ALL: Gain Regen equal to Plated Armor lost. Exhaust.
RATRarePower4 (3)At the start of your turn, choose to gain 2 Strength or add a Bite into your hand.
SavageryRarePower1 (0)At the start of your turn, lose 1 HP and reduce the cost of a random card in your hand to 0 for the turn.
Shell SmashRareSkill0Peel 2 (1), Gain [E] , and draw 1 card for each 2 Plated Armor you have. Exhaust.
Slimy ShieldRareStatus2Gain 3 (4) Block for ALL your Status cards, including Exhaust pile.
SuckamidRareSkill2Heal 7 (10) HP. Retain your hand for 2 turns. Exhaust.
SuctionRareAttack3Deal 26 (32) damage. Suck 5 (7) HP.
ToxoplasmosisRareSkill2 (1)If the enemy intends to attack, deal its single-hit damage to ALL enemies at the start of its turn.

Avocado relics

CarapaceStarterAvocado_greenStart each combat with 2PlatedArmor.Your armor is appealing.
Green SkullCommonAvocado_greenWhile your HP is at or below 50%, you have 4 additional PlatedArmor.A small skull collected from fallen ascenders.
Non-Newtonian FleshUncommonAvocado_greenIf you lost HP during the previous turn, gain Block equal to half your PlatedArmor at the start of your turn."Most curious! It appears to gain enormous viscosity upon being struck!" - Ranwid
Pit of FuryUncommonAvocado_greenWhenever you lose HP, gain 2 temporary Strength.This seed is just so angry.
Preserved ParasiteUncommonAvocado_greenEnemies in non-elite and non-boss encounters have 20% less HPThe parasite seems to create a shrinking aura that targets particularly normal enemies.
Start CodonUncommonAvocado_greenStart each combat with 1 additional [E] for each Innate card in your deckThis piece of genetic information tells the avocado to just 'go'.
Suck DummyRareAvocado_greenWhenever you heal HP during combat, heal 2 additional HPIt's been sucked on
Tungsten PlateRareAvocado_greenReduce all PlatedArmor losses due to Peel by 1.It's rly heavy.
Mark of NauseaBossAvocado_greenGain 1 Energy at the start of your turn. At the start of combat, shuffle 3Slimeds into your draw pile.This brand is used to signify parasites who have mastered nausea.
Sturdy CarapaceBossAvocado_greenReplaces Carapace. Start each combat with 2PlatedArmor. The first time you Peel each turn, gain 2 Metallicize.Your armor is extremely appealing.
Twisted TendrilShopAvocado_greenAt the start of each combat, apply 3Constricted to ALL enemies.It stretches and twists interminably, searching for anything to grab on to.

Avocado keywords

ConstrictedConstricted enemies take damage equal to their Constricted at the end of their turn.
KeywordWhenever you play a card, gain 1 dexterity this turn only.
PeelLose PlatedArmor to activate effect. You cannot peel if you do not have enough PlatedArmor.
ReactActivate effect if the enemy intends to do a certain action.
ReclaimAdds a copy of a random card from your discard pile into your hand.
SuckHeal X HP and reduce this healing by 1 this combat.

Avocado creatures

the AvocadoPlayer69