Astrologer cards

NescienceSpecialSkill2 (1)Reduce the cost of ALL your cards to 1 this combat. Exhaust.
PulseSpecialAttack2Ethereal. When this card is drawn, deal 30 (38) damage and apply 2 (3) Vulnerable to ALL enemies.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (7) Block.(astrologer:Lunar: Gain !M! additional Block.)
Guiding StarBasicSkill0astrologer:Star. Apply 2 (3) astrologer:Starlit.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (8) damage.(astrologer:Solar: Deal !M! additional damage.)
The FoolBasicAttack0Innate. Gain 7 (9) Block. Deal 7 (9) damage. Stellar 0: Exhaust.
Ominous StarSpecialSkill1 (0)astrologer:Star.
Comet StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 9 (10) damage. Draw 2 cards. Exhaust a random (not random)card in your hand.
ConjunctionCommonSkill1Ethereal. When this card is drawn, gain 9 (12) Block.
EclipseCommonAttack2Deal 7 (9) damage twice. astrologer:Lunar: Apply 2 (3) Weak.
Frozen StarCommonSkill1astrologer:Star. The next time you play a astrologer:Star card, gain 8 (11) Block.
Meteor ShowerCommonAttack0Deal 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
MoonlightCommonSkill1Gain 7 (9) Block. astrologer:Lunar: Draw 2 (3) cards.
NebulaCommonSkill0Ethereal. Gain 5 (7) Block. When this card is Exhausted, add a copy of it to your draw pile.
OppositionCommonAttack1Ethereal. When this card is drawn, deal 11 (14) damage to a random enemy.
RadianceCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. astrologer:Solar: Apply 2 Vulnerable.
Read The StarsCommonSkill1Gain 5 (7) Block for each astrologer:Star in your hand.
Solar FlareCommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) astrologer:Starlit and trigger it once.
StardustCommonSkill1Gain Block equal to the current astrologer:Stellar_Phase. Draw a (!M!) card(s).
StillCommonSkill1Gain 10 (14) Block. The astrologer:Stellar_Phase cannot change for 2 turns.
CataclysmUncommonAttack5 (4)When this card is drawn, reduce its cost by 1 for the combat. Deal 28 damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
ConfirmationUncommonPower1Shuffle an Ominous Star into your draw pile. Whenever you draw an Ominous Star, deal 8 (13) damage to ALL enemies.
Cosmic ExpanseUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you play a astrologer:Star, increment the astrologer:Stellar_Phase.
Crystal BallUncommonSkill2Choose an enemy. At the start of each of its turns, if its intent is the same as its current intent, it loses 11 (15) HP. Exhaust.
DivinationUncommonSkill1Put a (any number of) card(s) from your hand onto the bottom of your draw pile. Draw 3 cards.
Fading StarUncommonSkill1astrologer:Star. Gain 10 (14) Block. Exhaust.
FireballUncommonAttack2astrologer:Star. Deal 17 (21) damage. Apply 1 (2) astrologer:Starlit.
Glass StarUncommonSkill1astrologer:Star. Exhaust the next card you play and gain Block equal to 6 (8) times its cost.
GlimpseUncommonPower1Whenever you draw an Ethereal card, gain 3 (5) Block.
JudgementUncommonAttack3Deal 12 (15) damage twice. Stellar 20: If this kills a non-minion enemy, reduce its cost by 1 permanently.
JusticeUncommonSkill1ALL creatures gain 8 (11) Block. Stellar 11: ALL enemies lose HP equal to double their current Block.
Lonely StarUncommonSkill1astrologer:Star. Ethereal. When this card is drawn, draw 2 (3) cards.
Neutron StarUncommonAttackXastrologer:Star. Apply X astrologer:Starlit. Deal 2 (3) damage for each stack of astrologer:Starlit the enemy has.
NovileUncommonSkill1Ethereal. When this card is drawn, gain [E] [E] ([E]).
ObserveUncommonSkill1Gain Block equal to the number of cards in your draw pile (+ !M!).
PremeditationUncommonSkill1 (0)Draw the bottom card of your draw pile, then play and Exhaust it.
PrestidigitationUncommonPower1 (0)At the start of your turn, draw 1 card and put 1 card on the bottom of your draw pile.
PrismaticUncommonPower1The first time you play a astrologer:Star each turn, apply 1 (2) astrologer:Starlit to a random enemy.
QuincunxUncommonSkill1Ethereal. When this card is drawn, a random enemy loses 4 (6) Strength this turn.
RetellingUncommonSkill0Shuffle your hand into your draw pile, then put that many (plus !M!) cards from your discard pile into your hand. Exhaust.
ShineUncommonSkill2 (1)Play a card in your hand twice and Exhaust it. Exhaust.
Shining StarUncommonSkill1astrologer:Star. Ethereal. When this card is drawn, apply 3 (4) astrologer:Starlit to a random enemy.
Shooting StarUncommonSkill0astrologer:Star. (Ethereal.)Draw a card. When this card is Exhausted, add a copy of it to your draw pile.
Star Of ChangeUncommonSkill1astrologer:Star. Ethereal. When this card is drawn, Exhaust a card in your hand and add a random (upgraded) card to your hand. It costs 0 this turn.
Star Of RegretUncommonAttack1astrologer:Star. Deal 8 (10) damage. When this card is Exhausted, deal twice as much damage to ALL enemies.
Star of CourageUncommonSkill1 (0)astrologer:Star. Exhaust all non-Attack cards in your hand. Gain 1 Strength for each card Exhausted.
Star of MisfortuneUncommonSkill0astrologer:Star. Apply 1 (2) Weak. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
StrengthUncommonSkill0Gain 1 (2) Strength. Exhaust. Stellar 8: Gain 1 (2) Strength for each enemy in combat.
SunriseUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Increase the maximum astrologer:Stellar_Phase by 2 (3). astrologer:Solar: Double this card's effect.
TemperanceUncommonSkill1 (0)Stellar 14: Heal HP equal to the number of Stellar cards in your deck. Exhaust.
The DevilUncommonAttack0Deal 10 (14) damage. If this does not kill the enemy, lose 6 HP. Stellar 15: Deals additional damage equal to your missing health.
The EmperorUncommonSkill1Enemy loses 4 (6) Strength this turn. Stellar 4: Enemy loses three times as much Strength. Exhaust.
The EmpressUncommonSkill2 (1)Stellar 3: ALL enemies lose HP equal to the total amount of damage they intend to deal.
The Hanged ManUncommonSkill1Whenever you draw a card this turn, the enemy loses 6 (8) HP. Stellar 12: Draw 3 cards.
The HermitUncommonSkill1Gain 2 (3) Block for each card played this turn. Stellar 9: Draw a card from the bottom of your draw pile. It costs 1 less this turn.
The HierophantUncommonSkill0Gain 4 Block. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity. At the end of the turn, lose 1 (2) Dexterity. Stellar 5: Remove all debuffs. Exhaust.
The High PriestessUncommonSkill2(Retain.)Stellar 2: Double the base damage of a card in your hand for the combat. Exhaust.
The LoversUncommonSkill1 (0)Exchange the costs of two cards in your hand for the rest of combat. Exhaust. Stellar 6: The chosen cards will be played twice the next time you play them.
The MoonUncommonSkill2astrologer:Lunar: Draw cards until your hand is full. Stellar 18: Gain 3 (4) Block for each card drawn.
The StarUncommonAttack1 (0)astrologer:Star. Deal damage equal to the current astrologer:Stellar_Phase to ALL enemies. Stellar 17: Deals twice as much damage.
The TowerUncommonAttack2Deal 20 (24) damage to a random enemy. Stellar 16: Deal 20 (24) damage to a random enemy 1 additional times.
AlignmentRareSkillXAdd X (+ !M!) copies of the bottom card of your draw pile to your hand. They cost X (+ !M!) less this combat. Exhaust.
Astral FormRarePower3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) ALL your cards are astrologer:Stars.
Black HoleRareAttack2Purge all cards in your Exhaust pile. Deal 5 (7) damage for each Purged card. Exhaust.
Dark MatterRarePower1(Innate.)The first time a card is Exhausted each turn that is not a Status or Curse, add a copy of it to your draw pile.
DeathRareAttack3 (2)Ethereal. Deal 13 damage. Stellar 13: Kill the target non-boss enemy.
FateRareSkill0The next Stellar card played this turn will be active. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Heat DeathRareAttack2Exhaust ALL your astrologer:Stars. Deal 7 (9) damage to a random enemy for each card Exhausted. Exhaust.
NovaRarePower1Trigger astrologer:Starlit 1 (2) time(s) at the end of your turn.
PremonitionRarePower2 (1)Whenever you draw an Ethereal card, draw a card.
Reject RealityRareAttack3Gain 24 (30) Block. Deal 18 (22) damage. Shuffle 3 Dazed into your draw pile.
The ChariotRarePower2 (1)Gain 10 Temporary_HP. Stellar 7: Gain 1 Intangible.
The MagicianRareAttack1Deal 11 damage. Stellar 1: Put a card from your exhaust pile onto the bottom of your draw pile. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
The SunRareAttack2astrologer:Star. astrologer:Solar: Deal 16 (22) damage to ALL enemies. Stellar 19: ALL enemies lose 33 (44) HP.
The WorldRareSkill0(Retain.)Stellar 21: Play all of the cards in your exhaust pile.
TrineRareSkill1 (0)Ethereal. When this card is drawn, the next card you play this turn is played twice.
Wheel of FortuneRareSkill1Lose 10 Gold. Stellar 10: Play 2 (3) random Stellar cards. Their Stellar effects are triggered.
WishRareSkill4Costs 1 less [E] for each astrologer:Star card Exhausted this combat. Gain 12 (18) Block. Draw 2 cards.

Astrologer relics

Sky's MirrorStarterAstrologerPut the first card played each turn onto the bottom of the draw pile.The sky you see is limited; look here, instead.
TelescopeUncommonAstrologerAt the start of combat, increase the StellarPhase by 4.The lens is cracked, but it's still valuable for the memories.
Universal MirrorBossAstrologerPut cards played onto the bottom of the draw pile.It reflects everything.

Astrologer keywords

AlignmentThe StellarAlignment can be either Solar or Lunar.StellarAlignment switches whenever a Star is played or Exhausted.
Ominous StarOminousStar is a 1 cost Star.
StarWhen this card is played or Exhausted, increase the StellarPhase by 1 and change the Alignment.
StarlitStarlit creatures lose HP equal to the current StellarPhase at the start of their turn. Each turn, Starlit is reduced by 1.
Stellar PhaseThe StellarPhase starts at 1, and increases whenever a Star is played or Exhausted.

Astrologer creatures

the AstrologerPlayer70