Aspiration cards

LungeRareAttack2Deal 11 (14) damage to ALL enemies 2 times and lose 1 Dexterity per enemy. Exhaust.
PolymerizationUncommonSkill1aspiration:Fuse all your orbs. Exhaust (Exhaustive !stslib:ex!).
Unbridled HammerUncommonAttackXDeal 5 damage to a random enemy X (X+1) times. runesmith:Enhance a random card in your hand X (X+1) times.

Aspiration relics

Chemical BloodCommonEvery time you lose HP equal to 25% of your max HP, gain a random potion.Easily flammable.
Empty SkullCommonWhenever you play the last remaining card in your hand, shuffle an Inspiration into your draw pile.The skull of a once great, empty-headed Philosopher.
Enhanced ActuatorsCommonBlueGain 1Strength for every 2 orb slots.Big actuators... equal big... gains?
Hidden CompartmentCommonAt the start of each combat, remove a card from your draw pile. The first time you shuffle your draw pile, add this card into your hand.There is no shame in deception.
Pocket MushroomCommonMarisa_colorThe first time you take unblocked attack damage each combat, deal 12 damage back.A Mushroom concealed in your skirt in case of danger.
Trusty KnivesCommonSilverWhenever you lose a Knife, gain 1Protection.It would be embarrassing if you were to cut yourself.
Vile ToxinsCommonGreenPoison deals 4 additional damage.It bubbles menacingly.
Faulty CouplerUncommonEvery 5th orb that is channeled will aspiration:Fuse with a copy of a currently channeled orb.... Loneliness is... the enemy...
Fetid BarrelUncommonWhenever you Exhaust a card, apply 1Poison to ALL enemies.Even the tightly sealed interior cannot contain the pungent smell.
Frozen JewelUncommonAt the end of your turn, gain 2Block for every enemy that intends to attack. Gain Blur if there are multiple enemies and all intend to attack.In your numb embrace, it pulses with comforting energy.
Hummingbird HeartUncommonFor the first 2 turns of combat, receive 50% less damage from attacks.A thousand beats a minute, the power of your heart is incredible but wanes fast.
Sea Salt Ice CreamUncommonUpon pickup, store a copy of one of your relics and obtain the relic you previously stored.Previously stored: CircletBonds forged by the heart can never be broken.
Anachronic Snail ShellRareStore up to 6 unblocked damage taken from enemies until the end of your next turn.This piece of a snail's shell resists the flow of time, tumbling along at its own paradoxical pace.
Hat of Infinite PowerRareDuring the first two turns of combat, all Powers are free.It's brimming with energy as if powered by one thousand explosions!
Mysterious CoreRareBlueAt the end of every even-numbered turn, Channel1 random orb.Secondary systems have reported anamalous charge generation. Observation recommended.
Snecko TailRareWhenever you play a poison-related card, apply 1Dizzy to the target(s).The tail of a fearsome Snecko. The fluids it secretes are excellent for transferring your toxins.
The D6RareRight click to activate.Reroll all Relic and Potion rewards in the current reward screen. Works 6 times.Destiny, but a dice roll away.
Art of War (read)SpecialIf you do not play any Attacks during your turn, gain an additional [E] and attacks deal double damage next turn.This ancient manuscript contains wisdom from a past age. You've taken it's teachings to heart.
Baby ByrdSpecialTeach your little companion about your tools of trade and he'll repay you in kind.(It does something at the start of battle once you have amassed enough charges.)For better or for worse, you've decided that this untainted creature deserves a better life.
HeadhunterSpecialGain Charges after killing a monster, gain a set of buffs at the start of battle depending on the amount of stored Charges. Visiting non-monster rooms makes Charges decay based on the type of room. Right-clicktoseemoreinformation.A belt of severed heads, the first step on the path of exiling yourself from this place of the damned.
LifesprigSpecialEvery time you play 3Attacks in a single turn, gain [E] next turn.From the weakest slime to the strongest abomination, hostile life thrives in the spire. Maybe, so can you.
NothingSpecialDoes nothing.I told you so.
Ritual StickSpecialThe first time you lose HP each combat, gain 1Ritual.If only you could express yourself better.
StabinomiconSpecialWhenever you deal unblocked attack damage, apply 2GrievousπWounds to the target."How do you reach a heart? With a knife." - Blizzarre, runic archmagus
Bard's SkillbookBossEach card you play may also bard:Queuebard:Notes. At the end of your turn, bard:Queue a [WildNote].Multiclass BardA notebook used as a book for notes.
Beaked's SkillbookBossAt the start of each turn, if you only played attacks last turn, gain 1Strength and heal HP equal to your Strength.Multiclass BeakedThese religious texts depict the awakening of the "Chosen One" before devolving into nonesense.
Burster CoreBossReplaces CrackedCore. Whenever an Orb is evoked by channeling with no empty slots, that Orb is evoked twice.Goes off vigorously when filled to the brim.
Defect's SkillbookBossAt the start of each combat, gain 2 Orb slots and Channel that many random Orbs. Whenever you play a Power,Channel a random Orb at the start of your turn for 3 turns.Multiclass DefectPages upon pages filled with meticulously written 1s and 0s, what could this mean?
Future DiaryBossGain [E] at the start of each turn. At the start of each turn a random card in your hand is picked. You cannot play other cards while that card is in your hand.It's hard to live in the present if your future is in your hand.
Ironclad's SkillbookBossBefore the start of your turn, if you have Block, gain 1Strength. At the end of combat, heal 4 HP.Multiclass IroncladAn abused book that contains the hasty scribbles of an angry being.
MagebloodBossYou cannot use potions. You cannot have rare potions. At the start of combat, gain all your potion effects.Rivers of power course through your veins.
Marisa's SkillbookBossWhenever you play a card, gain Charge-up equal to its cost+#b1.Multiclass MarisaA handwritten tome written by an ordinary, human witch. She must like mushrooms.
Mechanical EyeBossAt the start of the first 3 turns each combat, put a card from your draw pile into your hand.20/20 Hindsight.
Mobile ForgeBossWhenever you play an upgraded card, runesmith:Enhance a random card in your hand. Whenever you play an enhanced card, Upgrade a random card in your hand.A pet-like machine that started to follow you on your journey.
Poet's PenBossWhenever you play an Attack, play the top card of your draw pile if it's an Attack, otherwise discard it.In every piece of prose, lies a tiny spark of magic. With this tool, you may craft beauty even on this most dreary of canvasses.
Poet's PenBossWhenever you play an Attack, play the top card of your draw pile. Start combat with 6 stacks of Weak,Frail and Vulnerable on you, reduced by Experience.In every piece of prose, lies a tiny spark of magic. With this tool, you may craft beauty even on this most dreary of canvasses.
Random Nob GeneratorBossGain [E] [E] at the start of each turn. At the start of each combat, spawn a GremlinNob40% of the time.We spent so much time to see if we could, we didn't think about if we should.
Ritual DaggerBossLose 3 HP at the start of your turn. When you would die in combat, heal to your Max HP instead and gain permanently Awoken (works once).With every move you make, you feel the dagger dig in deeper into your being. You fear what you may become if you give in.
Runesmith's SkillbookBossThe first time you play an Attack each turn, for each prior turn ended without playing an Attack,runesmith:Enhance that many random cards in your hand that amount of times.Multiclass RunesmithThis seems to be a beginners guide to arcane forgery. The hammer section has been taken special care of.
Runic SpoonBossIn each combat, add a copy of every 3rd card you manually play into your hand, it costs 1 more until played.Maybe you could read the runes if the spoon didn't wiggle around so much.
Secret Technique ScrollBossAt the start of your turn, draw 1 additional card. Whenever you shuffle your discard pile, add 3 random cards to your draw pile. They cost 0 until played."Promise me you'll never use these" - Teacher
Servant's SkillbookBossAt the start of each turn, if you took no HP damage last turn, gain 3Sattelites. Whenever a Sattelite is used, gain Protection equal to its damage.Multiclass ServantAn elegant list on how to clean a... mansion? graces these pages.
Silent's SkillbookBossWhenever you play 4 or more cards on your turn, at the start of your next turn, discard any number of cards then draw that many.Multiclass SilentPages filled with information on how to deal with this place. A talk with the author should be enlightening.
StellaratorBossThe first time each turn when channeling an orb fills your orb slots, aspiration:Fuse all orbs.Who needs the Inserter if you can just squeeze!
Watcher's SkillbookBossWhenever you play an Attack and then a Skill or vice versa, gain 1Mantra.Multiclass WatcherThese pages just seem to have a bunch of random indentations...
EarplugsShopBard_colorWhenever you would gain bard:Inspiration, apply 1Weak and Vulnerable for every 25 inspiration to a random enemy instead.Faith in ones skills is always useful in one way or another.
Kaom's HeartShopRaise your Max HP by 100 and becomeunabletoobtainnewrelicsFORTHEENTIRERUN.The warrior who fears, will fail. Never look back. Never stop. Never surrender.
NostalgiaShopUpon pickup, obtain a random StarterRelic.Take heart in the memory of those that came before.

Aspiration keywords

FuseCombine multiple orbs and their effects into a single orb.