100% Spire Juice cards

AmbushBasicAttack1Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. Then deal 5 (7) damage. Norma 3: This Attack will moonworks:Pierce.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. Norma 1: +1 Block. Norma 3: +1 Block.
Long-Distance ShotBasicAttack0Deal 3 (5) moonworks:Piercing Damage. Draw this card whenever you generate a Norma level. Norma 3: Draw 1 card if this effect has uses. Uses: 2 (3).
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. Norma 2: +1 damage. Norma 4: +2 damage.
Air StrikeSpecialAttack2Deal 20 (30) moonworks:Splash Damage to ALL enemies. Purge. Purge.
Big Rocket CannonSpecialAttack1Deal 10 (15) damage to ALL enemies. Shuffle 1 Air Strike (*Strike+) into your draw pile. Purge. Purge.
Evil Spy Work ExecutionSpecialAttack0Autoplay. Deal 4 (6) damage to ALL enemies. Draw 1 card. Purge. Purge.
Lulu's Luckiest EggSpecialSkill1Gain 5 Block 2 (3) times. Draw 2 (3) cards. Gain 2 (3) temporary Dexterity.
Magical InfernoSpecialAttack0Deal 5 (7) moonworks:Splash Damage to ALL enemies. Gain 5 (7) Vigor. Exhaustive 0.
Magical MassacreSpecialAttack0The healthiest enemy loses 8 (12) HP and max HP. Gain 5 (7) moonworks:Steady. Exhaustive 0.
Magical RevengeSpecialAttack0Deal 25 (33) % of your missing HP as moonworks:Revenge Damage with 33 (50) % moonworks:Life_Steal. (Deals 0 damage.) Exhaustive 0.
Star Blasting LightSpecialSkill0Apply 3 (4) to 5 (7) moonworks:Blasting_Light to ALL enemies. Purge. Norma X: +X moonworks:Blasting_Light. Purge.
Truly Golden EggSpecialSkill1Gain 7 (14) Block. Add 1 of 3 random Attack cards to your hand, it costs 0 this turn.
AssaultCommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) moonworks:Piercing Damage. Norma 2: The Pierce effect will be twice as strong.
Beast WitchCommonAttack1Deal 5 damage. Gain 2 (3) temporary Strength. Norma 2: +2 damage.
Blue CrowCommonAttack1(Retain. Retain.)Deal 6 damage. Gain 2 Block. Gains +2 Block for each Attack in your hand.
Cloud of SeagullsCommonAttack1Deal 2 moonworks:Fixed Damage to a random target (enemy) 2 (3) times. Add 1 Jonathan Rush (*Rush+) to your hand. Norma 2: Draw 1 card.
Completion RewardCommonAttack2 (1)Deals damage for every card played this combat. (Deals 0 damage.) Norma 2: +6 damage.
Delta FieldCommonSkill1ALL enemies gain 1 Vulnerable and lose 1 (2) temporary Strength.
Deploy BitsCommonSkill1Gain a total of 10 (14) randomly distributed Block and Vigor. Norma 4: Bit distribution is now moonworks:Optimized.
Desperate ModificationCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. If the enemy intends to attack you, gain 12 (16) Block and Exhaust instead.
Evil Spy Work PreparationCommonSkill1Shuffle 3 (4) Evil Spy Work Execution into your draw pile.
Extraordinary SpecsCommonSkill1 (0)Gain 4 temporary Strength and Dexterity. Draw 1 card. Exhaust. Exhaust.
Golden EggCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Shuffle a random Attack into your draw pile. Norma 2: Add the card to your hand instead.
I'm On Fire!CommonSkill1Gain 10 (14) Vigor and 1 Vulnerable. Norma 4: -10 Vigor, gain double damage this turn.
Indiscriminate FireCommonAttackXDeal 7 (10) damage to ALL enemies X times. Shuffle 2 Dazed into your draw pile. Norma 2: Shuffle 1 less Dazed into your draw pile.
Jonathan RushCommonAttack0Autoplay. Deal 3 damage to a random enemy. Increase the damage of ALL Jonathan Rush cards this combat by 2 (3).
Lulu's Lucky EggCommonSkill1Gain 5 Block. Trigger 1 of 3 effects: Draw 2 (3) cards. Gain Block 2 (3) times instead. Gain 2 (3) temporary Dexterity.
Nice PresentCommonSkill0Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust. Norma 2: Drawn cards will Retain this turn. Exhaust.
Quick RestorationCommonSkill1Gain 3 (5) Block 2 times. Norma 3: -1 Block, but gain Block +1 time.
Rainbow-Colored CircleCommonSkill1 (0)Convert 6 Block into moonworks:Steady. Norma 2: +4 Block Conversion and Optimize.
RbitsCommonSkill0Gain 3 (5) Block. Gain 2 (3) moonworks:Steady.
Saki's CookieCommonSkill0Heal 2 (3) HP. Exhaust. Norma 4: Also draw 1 card. Exhaust.
Unforgiving AvengerCommonAttack2Deal 12 (14) moonworks:Revenge Damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak. Norma 2: +2 damage.
White ChristsmasherCommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage twice. If you are holding Red & Blue, this instead hits ALL enemies.
Angel HandUncommonSkill1Retain. Retain. Gain 10 (14) Block. On retain, this card changes into Devil Hand.
Awakening Of TalentUncommonAttack2Deal 7 (10) damage. Gain 7 (10) Block. Draw 1 card. If this kills an enemy, gain [E]. Norma 4: Gain [E].
Backdoor TradeUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain 1 moonworks:Norma. Exhaust. Norma 5: Don't exhaust, draw 2 cards. Exhaust.
Beyond HellUncommonSkill1Gain 2 (3) Vigor for every 5 missing HP. Exhaust. Norma 5: Gain Vigor for every 3 missing HP instead. Exhaust.
Big Bang BellUncommonSkill1Apply 10 (15) Big Bang Bell. Draw this card whenever you generate a Norma level. Exhaust. Norma 3: +5 base amount. Exhaust.
Big MagnumUncommonSkill1Exhaust 1 card. Gain 4 Vigor. Increase this card's Vigor gain by 4 (6) this combat. Can be upgraded 5 times.
Binding ChainsUncommonSkill1Target loses 6 (8) Strength this turn and gains 1 (2) Vulnerable. moonworks:Splash. Exhaust. Exhaust.
BloodlustUncommonSkillRetain. moonworks:Gift_Uses 4. In Hand: Upon attacking, gain 2 (3) temporary Strength for ALL attacks you make this turn.
Cast OffUncommonSkill1 (0)Lose all Block. Gain Vigor equal to the amount of Block lost. Exhaust. Norma 2: Gain 5 moonworks:Steady. Exhaust.
Cooking TimeUncommonAttack1Everyone heals 3 (5) HP. Deals damage equal to the amount healed. Exhaust. Norma 3: +3 HP healed. Exhaust.
Dash!UncommonSkill0Gain [E] ([E]). Exhaust. Norma 2: Gain 5 Block. Exhaust.
Devil HandUncommonAttack1Retain. Retain. Deal 10 (14) damage. On retain, this card changes into Angel Hand.
DinnerUncommonSkill1Apply 3 (4) Regen to ALL targets. Exhaust. Norma 2: Gain Block equal to the amount of Regen applied. Exhaust.
Extended Photon RifleUncommonAttackXDeal 0 damage X times. Strength is 3 (4) times more effective for this card.
Final BattleUncommonPower1 (0)For the next 10 turns, everyone's attacks deal double damage.
Final SurgeryUncommonAttack2Deal 12 (16) damage. If the enemy has Vulnerable or moonworks:Overheat, deal 12 (16) damage again.
FlamethrowerUncommonSkillRetain. moonworks:Gift_Uses 12. In Hand: Upon playing a card, deal 2 (3) moonworks:Fixed Damage to an enemy.
Forced RevivalUncommonSkill0Heal 4 (6) HP. Gain [E] ([E]). Gain 2 Weak. Exhaust. Norma 3: -1 Weak. Exhaust.
Full Speed AlicianroneUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. Next turn, draw 2 additional cards. Norma 3: Deal damage to ALL enemies instead.
Heat 300%UncommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) moonworks:Overheat. Exhaust. Norma 2: Overheat will apply a 50% bonus instead. Exhaust.
Holy NightUncommonPower1(Innate. Innate.)Once per turn, you may spend [E] to draw 2 cards. Norma 3: Uses per turn becomes unlimited.
Immovable ObjectUncommonSkill1Gain 30 (40) Block. Gain 2 moonworks:Immobile. Exhaust. Exhaust.
Intelligence OfficerUncommonSkill1Scry 3 (5) then For Each... Attack: Gain 3 Vigor. Skill: Gain 3 moonworks:Steady. Other: Draw 1 card.
Lucky CharmUncommonSkillRetain. moonworks:Gift_Uses 3 (4). In Hand: Gain [E] at the beginning of your turn. On Play: Discard and use up to 3 [E] to regain moonworks:Gift_Uses.
Miracle WalkerUncommonSkillmoonworks:Transformative Each time this card transforms, it costs 0 that turn. (Transformed cards will be upgraded.)Norma 5: Transformed Attack and Skill cards will not exhaust.
Mix PhenomenonUncommonSkill1Restore the moonworks:Gift_Uses of 1 random (not random)gift card and shuffle it into your draw pile. Draw 1 card. Exhaust. Exhaust.
Out Of AmmoUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you have either no cards, or only moonworks:Gift and Unplayable Status cards, in your hand during your turn, draw a card.
Poppo The SnatcherUncommonSkillRetain. moonworks:Gift_Uses 3 (4). In Hand: If an enemy attempts to buff, the buff is applied to you instead.
PoppoformationUncommonSkill1The next 2 (3) times each enemy makes an intent, apply Weak, Frail, or Vulnerable based on the intent.
Present For YouUncommonSkill1Choose 1 effect: Shuffle 1 (2) moonworks:Gift card(s) into your draw pile. Shuffle 1 (2) moonworks:Trap card(s) into your draw pile. Exhaust. Exhaust.
Protagonist's PrivilegeUncommonAttack2Deal 16 (20) damage. Draw 2 cards. If both cards drawn are the same type, repeat this effect next turn. Norma 2: Heal 3 (4) HP if unblocked damage was dealt.
Raging MadnessUncommonPower1(Innate. Innate.)Whenever you receive unblocked damage, gain 2 Strength. Norma 3: Gain twice the Strength.
Red & BlueUncommonSkillRetain. moonworks:Gift_Uses 3. In Hand: Gain 4 (6) Vigor and 4 (6) moonworks:Steady at the beginning of your turn.
Red Bean Ice CreamUncommonSkillRetain. moonworks:Gift_Uses 2 (3). In Hand: Gain 2 temporary Strength. On Play: Exhaust. On Exhaust: Heal 5 HP. Exhaust.
Reproduction of RecordsUncommonSkill2(Retain. Retain.)Add a copy of the 3 most recent cards in your discard pile to your hand. Exhaust. Norma 4: Gain [E]. Exhaust.
Scrambled EveUncommonSkill1(Shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile.)Discard any number of cards, then draw that many plus 0. Norma 1: Draw +1 card. Norma 3: Draw +1 card
Sealed MemoriesUncommonSkill1(Retain. Retain.)Convert up to 1 card in your hand into a moonworks:Memory. Retain your hand this turn.
Stiff CrystalUncommonSkill1Gain 1 moonworks:Crystallize. Gain 1 (7) Block. Exhaust. Norma 1: +4 Block. Exhaust.
Sweet BattleUncommonSkillRetain. moonworks:Gift_Uses 3 (4). On Draw/Retain: Heal 2 HP.
Tactical RetreatUncommonSkill2Gain 10 (13) Block. Next turn, gain [E] and 6 (8) Block. Norma 2: +2 Block both turns.
Treasure ThiefUncommonSkill1 (0)Once per turn, when you damage this target, draw 1 card. Exhaust. Norma 3: Effect works twice per turn instead. Exhaust.
Unlucky CharmUncommonSkillRetain. moonworks:Gift_Uses 3 (4). In Hand: Any debuffs applied to you are applied to ALL enemies.
Unpaid WorkUncommonSkill1 (0)The next card you play which does not purge and costs more than 0 will refund it's cost. Exhaust. Exhaust.
Windy EnchantmentUncommonSkillRetain. moonworks:Gift_Uses 3 (4). On Draw: Draw 2 cards. On Retain: Draw 1 card.
x1 Big RocketUncommonAttack2Deal 12 (15) damage. Increase this card's damage by 6 (9) this combat. Can be Upgraded to x16.
Accel HyperRareSkill1This turn, your next Attack and Skill are played twice. Exhaust. Exhaust. (not Exhaust. Exhaust.)
AcceleratorRarePower2Gain 1 (2) Accelerator. Norma 5: Optional: Spend [E] to also Upgrade all newly created cards.
Another Ultimate WeaponRarePowerXGain X (X+1) Strength and 5X (5(X+1)) Block. Norma X: +X Strength and +5X Block.
Blazing!RarePower3At the start of your turn, apply 6 moonworks:Blasting_Light to ALL enemies and increase this amount by 3 (6).
Chef, Please Help Me!RareAttack1Deal 10 (14) moonworks:Revenge Damage. Deals double damage every 3 times HP is lost this combat.
Crystal BarrierRarePower3Block is not removed at the start of your turn. Gain 4 (6) Plated Armor.
Dark Side of BusinessRareSkill2Lose all Norma. Choose 1 of 3 (upgraded) moonworks:Magical cards with charges equal to the amount of Norma lost. Exhaust. Exhaust.
EncoreRarePower3 (2)The last card you play each turn has it's effect repeated at the start of your turn.
Evil MastermindRareSkill2(Innate. Innate.)Trigger the effect of ALL your Trap cards on random enemies, excluding other Evil Masterminds. Exhaust. Exhaust.
Gamble!RareAttack1 (0)(Retain. Retain.)A random target dies.
Go AwayRareSkill3Ethereal. Ethereal. (not Ethereal. Ethereal.) The target is moonworks:Stunned for a turn. Exhaust. Exhaust.
Leap Through SpacetimeRarePower2 (1)Choose one effect: You can borrow Energy from your next turn. You can borrow Cards from your next turn.
Melting MemoriesRarePower2Lose all Norma. The first card you play each turn is Converted into a moonworks:Memory (then upgraded). Regain 1 lost Norma per turn.
Metallic MonocoqueRareSkillRetain. moonworks:Gift_Uses 3 (4). In Hand: Whenever you would lose HP, lose 5 (6) less for all attacks in that turn.
Plushie MasterRareSkill1Apply 4 (6) moonworks:Plushie_Marks to random enemies. Norma 2: +2 Marks.
Reflective ShellRarePower3 (2)Prevent the next time you would lose HP. Gain Vigor equal to the damage you would have taken.
RivalRarePower2 (1)The healthiest enemy becomes your moonworks:Rival.
Rocket CannonRareAttack0Deal 7 (10) damage. Shuffle 1 Big Rocket Cannon (*Cannon+) into your draw pile. Norma 2: Shuffle an additional card.
Shield CounterRareSkill1Gain 15 (20) Block. Gain 1 moonworks:Shield_Counter. Exhaust. Norma 3: moonworks:Shield_Counter will rollover. Exhaust.
Sink Or SwimRarePower1 (0)Gain [E] [E] at the start of every turn. Gain 3 Weak and Frail.
Star Blasting FuseRareSkill2Apply moonworks:Invisible_Bomb. Shuffle this card into your draw pile. When you draw this card, ALL enemies with moonworks:Invisible_Bomb lose 30 (40) HP.
Subspace TunnelRareSkill2 (1)Choose a card in any pile. Move that card to your hand and put this card where it was. The card this swaps with costs 0 this turn.
WantedRareSkill1(Retain. Retain.)Apply 1 moonworks:Wanted. Exhaust. Exhaust.
We Are WarudaRareSkill1 (0)Remove all debuffs from ALL targets. Apply all removed debuffs to one target. Exhaust. Exhaust.
Whimsical WindmillRarePower1(Innate. Innate.)At the beginning of your turn, gain energy for each enemy who attacked you last turn.

100% Spire Juice relics

Broken BombStarterWhite_ice_colorAdd 1StarBlastingLight to your hand each time you generate moonworks:Norma. Note: By default, every 10thSkill you play raises your Norma by 1.This looks dangerous.
HomemarkStarterWhite_ice_colorStart every combat with Norma0. Right click when out of combat to spend 120Gold to permanently raise this effect, up to a maximum of 5.It tastes like orange juice. Strange.
Bonus PanelCommonWhite_ice_colorWhenever you generate moonworks:Norma, gain 1 energy.Tiny, but stars are stars. Part 3 of a series, can you collect them all?
Heal PanelCommonWhite_ice_colorWhenever you generate moonworks:Norma, heal 2 HP.Recommended by 0 out of 1 doctors wearing lab coats. Part 1 of a series, can you collect them all?
Home PanelCommonWhite_ice_colormoonworks:Norma levels require 2 less cards to achieve.If you get homesick, just step on it. Part 2 of a series, can you collect them all?
A Truly Golden EggUncommonWhite_ice_colorUpon pickup, obtain a unique version of Lulu'sLuckyEgg and GoldenEgg that have stronger effects.It's one in a million.
Bottled OrangeUncommonWhite_ice_colorUpon pickup, choose a card. Whenever you generate moonworks:Norma, move this card to your hand.100% Orange. Juicer sold separately.
Damage PanelUncommonWhite_ice_colorWhenever you generate moonworks:Norma, deal 7 damage to ALL enemies."Ouch! What did I just step on?" Part 4 of a series, can you collect them all?
Draw PanelUncommonWhite_ice_colorWhenever you generate moonworks:Norma, draw 1 card.Imagine only being able to hold 3 cards in your hand... Part 5 of a series, can you collect them all?
Fleeting ButterflyUncommonWhite_ice_colorThe first card you play each combat is converted into a moonworks:Memory.Take a picture, it'll last longer.
Little GullUncommonWhite_ice_colorAt the beginning of your turn, and every time you play a JonathanRush or CloudofSeagulls, deal 2 to 7 damage to a random enemy.His favourite number is 7.
Scorching SunUncommonWhite_ice_colorWhenever an attack deals unblocked damage, apply 1moonworks:Blasting_Light.CAUTION: HOT
SearchlightUncommonWhite_ice_colorAt the start of each combat, apply 2moonworks:Overheat to the healthiest enemy.It sees all.
Spare BitUncommonWhite_ice_colorUpon pickup, obtain 2DeployBits. All DeployBits now increase bits by 2 when played each combat.Not to be confused with a Sign Bit.
Strange PresentRareWhite_ice_colorAt the end of turn 5, apply 4Vulnerable and Weak to ALL enemies."I wonder what's inside?"
SB BombBossWhite_ice_colorAdd 1StarBlastingLight to your hand each time you generate moonworks:Norma. Every 12thcard you play raises your Norma by 1 instead.Don't drop this.
Golden DieShopWhite_ice_colorIncrease the Uses of your positive Gift cards by 50%.Sadly, unable to roll zeros or sevens.

100% Spire Juice potions

100% Orange JuiceCommonAchieve Norma 5. Heal 5 HP.
Blasting PotionCommonApply 14BlastingLight.Splash.
LubricantCommonApply 2Vulnerable.Splash.
Steady PotionCommonGain 10Steady.
Vigor PotionCommonGain 10Vigor.
Liquid ChainsUncommonTarget loses 6 temporary Strength.
Norma PotionUncommonGenerate 1 Norma for the next 3 turns.
Refund PotionUncommonThe next 2 cards you play have their cost refunded.
200% Orange JuiceRareAchieve Norma 6. Receive incrediblepower that you cannotsafelycontain.
Crystal PotionRareGain 2Crystallize.
OverloadRareMultiply all your powers by 2.

100% Spire Juice keywords

Auto ConsumeThe card's effect is automatically activated and the card is immediately purged. This does not count as playing the card.
Auto EffectThis effect is automatically activated and does not count as playing the card.
Blast Off!Increases by the amount of damage received. At the start of your next turn, the target loses Blastoff and takes damage equal to it's amount
Blasting LightBlasted creatures lose both HP and Max HP at the start of their turn. Each turn, the blast worsens, but the worse the blast is the more likely it is to wear off.
moonworks:CrystallizeNegates a debuff. Block is retained for a turn when a debuff is negated.
moonworks:DegradedThis card's base damage and block values are reduced by up to 3 each time it is drawn. The base values will not reduce lower than 1.
moonworks:DivergenceDivergence from the main timeline results in things not going back exactly the way you remembered them. Attempting to Leap with high Divergence may result in permanentunwantedeffects.
moonworks:FixedThis card is affected by PlushieMark and Buffer, but unaffected by Strength,Dexterity,Weak,Frail,Vulnerable, and mostother powers.
moonworks:FragileThis card has a 1in3 chance of automaticallyexhausting when drawn.
Free DrawIf you do not draw this card at the start of combat, add it to your hand.
moonworks:GiftThis card's primary effects are active while in your hand. A Gift may also have an additional effects with triggers.
Gift UsesGift cards Retain while they have uses, and immediately Exhaust when they are out. One use is consumed when a Gift card's primary effect triggers.
moonworks:ImmobileBlock is not removed at the start of your turn, but you may only play Attack cards if they are Ranged.
Invisible BombCauses the target to lose HP each time a StarBlastingFuse is drawn.
Life StealHeal HP when dealing unblocked damage.
moonworks:MagicalMagical cards are created by spending NormaLevels and gain charges for each Level spent. One Norma is regained each time a Magical card expends a charge.
moonworks:MemoryA converted Memory is removed from play, but it's effect autoplayed at no cost when other cards of the sametype are played. A turn based cooldown relative to it's original cost is then applied.
moonworks:NormaCards may have listed bonus effects at specific Norma levels.
moonworks:OptimizedThis card gives only as much Block as needed, determined by your current block and the intent of your enemies. The remaining amount will be given as Vigor.
moonworks:OverheatAttacks to this target will Pierce. If this target has no Block, they take 30% more damage from attacks.
moonworks:PiercingIf this Attack damages the enemy's Block, they lose an equal amount of HP.
Plushie MarkIf a target is hit for 7 or less damage, raise the damage to 7 and Pierce. If no Pierce was performed, gain 3 temporary HP. One mark consumed per hit.
moonworks:RangedRanged attacks do not trigger Thorns and can be played while Immobile.
moonworks:ReducedThis card's base values are lowered by 1.
moonworks:ResetThis card resets its conditional effect when played.
moonworks:RevengeThis effect is 50% stronger if used on the last enemy who attacked you.
moonworks:RivalAttacks against your Rival deal 10% additional damage. Increases by 10% if your Rival attacked you last turn.
Shield CounterAny attack you fully block is reflected onto the attacker. If you still have Block at the end of the turn and rollover is applied, you do not lose ShieldCounter.
moonworks:SpecialThis card can not be obtained from normal card-drops.
moonworks:SplashThe primary target takes the full effect. ALL OTHER targets take half the amount.
moonworks:SteadyGain more Block the next time a Block gaining card is played.
moonworks:StunnedA stunned target does nothing this turn.
Temporal AnchorYour TemporalAnchor allows you to rewind your personalstate to when it was created. All other entities are unaffected. A TemporalAnchor will undergo Divergence the longer you take between creating it and rewinding to it.
moonworks:TransformativeThis card Transforms when drawn or retained.
moonworks:TrapThis card's effect ignores Artifact.
moonworks:VoidingLose 1 energy when you draw this card.
moonworks:WantedThis turn, the Wanted enemy becomes the target of all attacks and negative effects. The Wanted enemy will not injure itself by default.
moonworks:WitheringThis card immediately exhausts, regardless of where it is.

100% Spire Juice augments

Evil PreparationCommonReduces damage by 33%. Shuffles an amount of EvilSpyWorkExecution into your draw pile proportional to damage lost.
HeatedUncommonReduces damage by 25%. Applies 1Overheat.
SteadyCommonReduces Block by 20%. Gives Steady equal to Block lost.
BlastingRareReduces damage by 33%. Applies BlastingLight equal to damage lost.
WindyUncommonDraws a card when drawn. Adds Ethereal.
SealedRareConverts the card into a Memory when played.

100% Spire Juice creatures

the Star BreakerPlayer60